Hydraulic parts needed TX 1504 (G154) Bolens/Iseki

   / Hydraulic parts needed TX 1504 (G154) Bolens/Iseki #1  


Gold Member
Feb 6, 2005
Parkland,Washington State, U.S.A.
Massey Ferguson GC1725M Bolens TX 1504 (G154) 1957 John Deere 420C crawler
I have a Bolens made by Iseki TX 1504 (G154). When I bought it, it did not have hydraulic controls, loader, or anything else that is hydrauliclly controlled. I would like to change that. What will I need to add hydraulics to my baby? What kind of $$$ will I be looking at to add hydraulic controls?
   / Hydraulic parts needed TX 1504 (G154) Bolens/Iseki #2  
It has hydraulics. It has 3 point hitch which is hydraulic. You'll have to cut the hydraulic pressure line & put a control valve in series with the 3 point. Cost depends on if you are pinstalling a 1 or 2 spool valve. $175.00(est) for single.
   / Hydraulic parts needed TX 1504 (G154) Bolens/Iseki
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Got any pictures and hydraulic schematics? I can read schematics. Also, I don't like my work to look like anything but factory or near factory, so if you have pictures of how the factory installed the lines, fittings, and valves, I would greatly appreciate it.

Much thanks!
   / Hydraulic parts needed TX 1504 (G154) Bolens/Iseki #4  
Al, thank you for your service to our country.
Len is right about your hydraulics, he seems have great knowledge and experience on these tractors.
I would also like to suggest you call Koyker the makers of FEL's, I remember seeing a post somewhere saying that they have a kit for a remote hydraulic manifold ,connections, for Isekis for about $100 and were very helpful with instructions and support.
   / Hydraulic parts needed TX 1504 (G154) Bolens/Iseki #5  
The adapter will not work if you have a hydraulic tilt on the three point hitch. been there. If you have a draft control that keeps pressure on the three hitch when it is up cuting the line from the pump is not the best way unless you figuer out how to use the power beond port. you will need to run a return line too the transmision.This is what I have found working on my TL3200........Larry
   / Hydraulic parts needed TX 1504 (G154) Bolens/Iseki #6  
I haven't looked the post up but, if I remember it was about hooking up remote plugs, maybe a valve?, into some kind of angular space I think that was made for that purpose. That's why I suggested he call to be sure he got it straight.
It caught my eye because I was thinking about the possibility of hooking up a log splitter to my tractor. Still haven't made up my mind but am leaning towards a stand alone unit. But like Al I wouldn't mind having a more hydraulically capable tractor.
   / Hydraulic parts needed TX 1504 (G154) Bolens/Iseki #7  
I have a Bolens made by Iseki TX 1504 (G154). When I bought it, it did not have hydraulic controls, loader, or anything else that is hydrauliclly controlled. I would like to change that. What will I need to add hydraulics to my baby? What kind of $$$ will I be looking at to add hydraulic controls?
I have this tractor and am looking to adding hydraulics. How did you get on? I was thinking of cutting the line from pump to run up to control valve then run the the 3pl from the power beyond plug. I was then thinking of just teeing into the return line to the pump for the return from control valve.
Your thoughts on this and how you accomplished yours is greatly appreciated.

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