Grading Greasing steering box on 2500 Series....clarified version

   / Greasing steering box on 2500 Series....clarified version #1  


Gold Member
Mar 22, 2006
~'88 1872(sold); '08 GT2554
Below shows where the fittings are and how to get to them.

Accessing the area. Remove the wing nut (arrow) and bolt. This is in front of and below the left floor board and to the rear of the fuel filter:


Remove left-half of cover(the one with the label on it) COMPLETELY. Just pull it from the top and turn and angle it out.


Here is the grease fitting to be lubed(red arrow on left). It will most likely be covered with old grass clippings.

There is another fitting to be accessed from below tractor. It is just above and in front of the mower deck. Also see picture above of right red arrow. The fitting is below this area.:

Reinstall cover(watch the tabs. see cover pic above and look at green and red arrows), put in bolt and wing nut.

Easy as can be(the second time around :) )
   / Greasing steering box on 2500 Series....clarified version #2  
Yup. Longer answer at MTF.
   / Greasing steering box on 2500 Series....clarified version #3  
Good info. I can't get my bearings in regards to orientation with those photos, but the plastic hood 2K steering is definitely different from the sheet metal hood 2K series. It almost looks like the "gear box" is cast iron here. It's cast aluminum on the metal hood models. I broke mine due to my own stupidity & split the aluminum case open. These might fare better as long as you lube them.

   / Greasing steering box on 2500 Series....clarified version
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All of that is just behind the engine.
   / Greasing steering box on 2500 Series....clarified version #5  
FYI, some of the early '06 models didn't have the lower zerk. Mine was one of those but there was a recall to install it.
   / Greasing steering box on 2500 Series....clarified version #6  
Huh...diesel I thought you left your inspection cover off and was going to report back?

Well I did leave it off since it made sense and after looking over the compartment I saw nothing to be gained by keeping it far.

Well the area did pack up with dandelion blow seeds but I took an air hose to it a couple of times between servicing.

The only advice I'd add to this it that sometimes its helpful to jack the front end of the tractor up to make the grease go in easier.

With the wheels off the ground a tad the steering zerks take on greese with little effort.
   / Greasing steering box on 2500 Series....clarified version #7  
A pneumatic grease gun is a big help.
   / Greasing steering box on 2500 Series....clarified version #8  
A little grease goes a long way here. Too much and it winds-up everywhere. It also makes a nice grinding paste when mixed with dirt on the pinion/sector gear. You'll notice wear at fairly low hours on the little pinion gear. The stamped steel sector gear is a thick, heat-treated assy that seems really tough. Nice thing about the pinion is you can slide it off the steering rod and flip it around the 'unused' end for a nice like new gear mesh.


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