Dealer PDI....

   / Dealer PDI.... #11  
I'm still trying to figure out what that means. Torque on the wheels affects the rear remotes. Or it only affects the installation of the remotes. Neither the wheels nor remotes work. I'm confused.
They did at least 2 things wrong. 1. did not torque wheel lugs. 2. hosed up the rear remote install. 3. I forgot... All Separate issues.
   / Dealer PDI....
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Both housings are going to have iron dust/chips made up of gears and bearings. Just filling them up with oil is not enough to fix the damage. I wouldn't settle for anything less than complete new assemblies or a new tractor.
Complete new front differential minimum.
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   / Dealer PDI....
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Do you think it will take legal action?
No, the mechanic came today and confirmed there was never any oil in the diff. I gave the option of a replacement or refund, he offered a new in box diff. installed with oil🤣 they will give me a time frame Monday.
   / Dealer PDI.... #15  
No, the mechanic came today and confirmed there was never any oil in the diff. I gave the option of a replacement or refund, he offered a new in box diff. installed with oil🤣 they will give me a time frame Monday.
   / Dealer PDI....
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Front differential replaced today, new, or should I say it looked like it was removed from one on the FS line.....wonder where my noisy one is going...!?

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