5145 and a ditch bank flail mower

   / 5145 and a ditch bank flail mower #1  


Silver Member
Mar 30, 2009
I have a 5145 with one set of factory installed rear hydraulic ports. The dealer connected the hydraulic hoses for the Grapple to these ports. It works great.
I now have a ditch bank flail mower. It came with a two lever control valve. One lever has a float function.
My question is; where should I connect to the tractor hydraulic system to get hydraulic fluid to and from the control valve?
I don't want to loose the grapple or loader function while I am operating the flail mower.

Thanks for any help
   / 5145 and a ditch bank flail mower #2  
What kind of ditch mower did you get? I can look at my 5145 later and see what I can find to help with your question
   / 5145 and a ditch bank flail mower #3  
Wondering if you could T into lines for rear remote?
   / 5145 and a ditch bank flail mower
  • Thread Starter
What kind of ditch mower did you get? I can look at my 5145 later and see what I can find to help with your question
I got a FH-AGF140 Ditch Bank Flail Mower from Betstco. The hydraulic control valve that came with the mower is a Wolverine by Prince MFG. CORP. model MB21GB5C1.
   / 5145 and a ditch bank flail mower #6  
I have a 5145 with one set of factory installed rear hydraulic ports. The dealer connected the hydraulic hoses for the Grapple to these ports. It works great.
I now have a ditch bank flail mower. It came with a two lever control valve. One lever has a float function.
My question is; where should I connect to the tractor hydraulic system to get hydraulic fluid to and from the control valve?
I don't want to loose the grapple or loader function while I am operating the flail mower.

Thanks for any help
You have no choice but to use those ports unless you pony up the money for another valve or use a splitter

You can not simply T into the lines on an open center tractor. If you T into the remote connection lines both the grapple and mower will function at the same time unless you buy a splitter but they come with their own set of issues
   / 5145 and a ditch bank flail mower #7  
there are two options that i know of:
1. the factory 2nd remote kit.
2. a diverter block where you can have as many outlets as you have space for but only use 1 at a time. the stock control lever controls the remote and you have a switch to select which remote outlet you want to use.
you can also install a W.R. Long 3rd function kit and release the rear remote from operating the 3rd function.
   / 5145 and a ditch bank flail mower #8  
With just one remote you are not going to be able to use the loader/grapple and ditch bank mower at the same time. Even with multiple remotes you will not be able to use them at the same time.
With just a bit over 8 gpm on an open center system with very carefull modulation of your loader valve you may be able to lift and curl at the same time. But if you try and do something with your rear remote at the same time nothing will happen as all your flow is going to the loader till it's maxed out or you release the valves for it.
One option would be adding a diverter valve to your rear remote, run one pair of the outlets to the grapple and on the other pair select one port to supply the valve on your flail mower, take the return from that valve directly to the tractor reservoir. Plug the other diverter port.
Depending on how you plumb and wire the diverter when the remote valve is operated and the diverter is not energized it could run your grapple as it does now. With the diverter energized and the remote locked/tied on the flow would pass through the mowers valve waiting for your valve operations on that valve.
Another thing to be aware of is that with the flow going out to the "new" remote valves your 3 point would not work.
On my Branson with 3 rear remotes none of them have a float position so my ditch bank flail will not float on the pivot I have to watch it carefully to maintain a level cut especially when offset and down in a ditch.
   / 5145 and a ditch bank flail mower #9  
With just one remote you are not going to be able to use the loader/grapple and ditch bank mower at the same time. Even with multiple remotes you will not be able to use them at the same time.
With just a bit over 8 gpm on an open center system with very carefull modulation of your loader valve you may be able to lift and curl at the same time. But if you try and do something with your rear remote at the same time nothing will happen as all your flow is going to the loader till it's maxed out or you release the valves for it.
One option would be adding a diverter valve to your rear remote, run one pair of the outlets to the grapple and on the other pair select one port to supply the valve on your flail mower, take the return from that valve directly to the tractor reservoir. Plug the other diverter port.
Depending on how you plumb and wire the diverter when the remote valve is operated and the diverter is not energized it could run your grapple as it does now. With the diverter energized and the remote locked/tied on the flow would pass through the mowers valve waiting for your valve operations on that valve.
Another thing to be aware of is that with the flow going out to the "new" remote valves your 3 point would not work.
On my Branson with 3 rear remotes none of them have a float position so my ditch bank flail will not float on the pivot I have to watch it carefully to maintain a level cut especially when offset and down in a ditch.
I do not believe you are correct (if i understand your post) with the open center all of the fluid is bypassing all of the time until a valve diverts the fluid to a use. as to the 8gpm max flow i have a hard time using more than 2 functions at a time because of dexterity and attention span not limited by the GPM
   / 5145 and a ditch bank flail mower #10  
I do not believe you are correct (if i understand your post) with the open center all of the fluid is bypassing all of the time until a valve diverts the fluid to a use. as to the 8gpm max flow i have a hard time using more than 2 functions at a time because of dexterity and attention span not limited by the GPM
Depending on the valve and how fine the notching is in the valve, decides how easy it is to modulate. So yes if you can smoothly and gently modulate those valves on a moving tractor you can do more then one function at a time. Of course as you operate the functions it also changes the back pressure on the other operators. More flow rating makes it easier to modulate multiple valves.

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