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  1. B

    PTO Problems JD 5300 Need Repair Manual

    Guys, I have a 5300 MFWD and it seems the PTO brake is not keeping the output shaft from turning when not engaged. As soon as I start the engine, with the PTO control lever disengaged it will start the blades on my Bush Hog 287 to spinning. If I drag it through enough tall grass/weeds...
  2. B

    Ford 1710 Engine Help Needed

    Am trying to help my dad's neighbor figure out where to find some new rocker assembly hold down bolt/studs. As I understand it there are 4 studs holding the rocker arm assembly to the head and 3 of them have broken at the upper end where the threaded portion ends and the smooth part begins...
  3. B

    Help--I'm loosing my mind

    I need some help. Over the weekend I read through or dreamed I read through a thread that presented a very detailed account of installing a 3 port 12 volt selector valve. It was from Surplus Center and was originally a CAT part. The Surplus Center part number appears to be 9-6865 in their...
  4. B

    Attachments allows loader to do this!!!!

    Believe this will get it.
  5. B

    Stick with RM990 or switch to RDTH84

    I have owned a Woods RM990 rear mount finish mower since 1994 and it has served me well, though for mowing a 6+ acre yard it has demonstrated a few weaknesses, in my personal opinion, so I am considering the Bushhog 84" finishing mower. This is augmented by my good experiences with a Bushhog...
  6. B

    5300 Intermittantly Dies

    Out of the blue my 5300 died recently, just as though I had turned the key off. Drained the filter, pumped up the primer, bled the injector pump and all it would do is start, hit 1300-1500 rpm then shut off again as before. It would do this every time. Finally bled the #1 injector and it ran...
  7. B

    Load and Carry Dirt Pans

    I have read through all 9 pages of the thread about the small 3PT dirt pans found here What is the current concensus about the best of these pans? I am looking at the Durabilt brand and am inclined to...