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  1. F

    Just had my X1.35 delivered, what should I know?

    I am excited to get to work with my new tractor. I have a 50 year old Massey 135 and it has run its course. I have a 3rd function added so I can get a brush grapple to go with it. Also hoping to buy a Genesis 3 no til drill in the near future. I should be set. Anyone else have one? Whats...
  2. F

    Branson 4720 price

    I am looking to buy a 2018 Branson 4720 with front end loader and hydro trans. I really have no idea what kind of mark up these machines have and its hard to find much info. My closest dealer is offering them at "wholesale" but I am not buying it. It may be a real good price but the msrp of...