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  1. DLTTrekkers

    JD 20...30...40 series engines

    Old engines new problems. When you can not get parts for your injectorpumps and have to fit another pump to it. Then it is back to school to do the timing. It is 21° BTDC !
  2. DLTTrekkers


    Previous mech stipped it and stop working on it. It has a hidrostatice gearbox in . No one has a book on it. If someone can help with pics on it , it wil help me alote.A parts manual will do.
  3. DLTTrekkers

    Pics not showing

    What can I do to open this pics ?
  4. DLTTrekkers

    IH 454

    Gears not going in gear . Hi...low and reverse is selecting but not 123 and 4 . What can be done to correcet this ? I allready removed all the play on that topshaft .
  5. DLTTrekkers

    IH Hydro 100

    This tractor does not want to move . No forward or reverse. I did check and replace the hydraulic filter. It was cloged up with some cloth. Someone before me left his cleaning cloth inside. I also removed the charge and mainpump and had it checked out. This is the pump on the right side of the...
  6. DLTTrekkers


    Data for pics downloader at an alarming rate . Into a 1000 % . Whats wrong ?
  7. DLTTrekkers

    MF 460

    Can someone send or tell me the dieselflow from the tank to tge injectorpump. And if the fuel must be suced throu the fuelfilters ?
  8. DLTTrekkers

    MF 240 the ones with the shut-off solinoid on the pump

    I have a MF 240 that runs and work great , but when I throttle down to idle and then jusks the throttle to full revs it starts to spatter like a petrol engine with a carburator that gets flooded . If I take the revs up slow it runnes fine . Help to diagnose ?
  9. DLTTrekkers

    Goldoni Quasar 90

    Can someone please help me with the torque specs on this tractor engine ? It is a 44042 Centa VM engine.
  10. DLTTrekkers


    Instrumentcluster not coming on. If I switch the hazards on then the hours worked comes on. If I switch the lights on then the dash lights comes on. No fuelgauge and no temp gauge. No bat light and no oil light. Power at switch. Please help. Only people how experians this .
  11. DLTTrekkers

    JD 5415N

    Engine oil disappeare to the radiator. From the highmark to under minimum in less than 10 min . Where can I look for the problem ? Engine sounds and starts fine .
  12. DLTTrekkers

    Same tractor from George

    Please respond on this thread
  13. DLTTrekkers

    Landini R8000 S

    Can someone help me in locating the dipstick or leverplug to check the gearbox oil/hydraulic oil ? Photo wil help ?
  14. DLTTrekkers

    IH 3434 the yellow one

    The forward reverse shifterfork broke and that sliding gear is worn . Where can I find those parts in South Africa ?
  15. DLTTrekkers

    Kioti cs2610 revcounter

    I am sitting with a Kioti cs2610 with a revcounter not goung to zero when switch off and shut down. I have removed the bat cable but not going back to zero revs. Advise please ?
  16. DLTTrekkers

    B414 glowplugs

    I am sitting with a B414 that blow the no4 glowplug as soon as you want to start it. I have trased the wiring and all looks normal. I did not test the glowresistor bcz I do not know what that value must be.
  17. DLTTrekkers

    Foton 454

    I am looking for the toptorque and valveclearence for this tractor. Please help ?
  18. DLTTrekkers

    Case 4240 No hydraulics

    After removing the MCV I found a lot od gearteeth and my pumpshaft been snaped off.
  19. DLTTrekkers


    Anyone battle with the clutchcable failure ?
  20. DLTTrekkers


    CS 2610 filters to be replaced. Original filters is very expensive. Is their any GUD replacements ?
  21. DLTTrekkers

    434 Oudtshoorn

  22. DLTTrekkers

    Case785 AC PTO not stopping

    I overhauled the PTO pack and tested the oilpressures and it is fine. 11 Bar when engaged and it falls to zero when stopped. My problem is it does not stop compleetly. The PTO lever is free from the fork so no half engaging. What/where can I check for it to stop compleetly ?
  23. DLTTrekkers

    Elect on a JD 5425N

    All electicals is gone...clusterlights will not come on. We replaced the ign switch. Still no electrical. Please help ?
  24. DLTTrekkers

    JD X140 ?

    Whats the service intervals ?
  25. DLTTrekkers

    Foton 454

    Where to get bushes for the starter in W/Cape RSA ?
  26. DLTTrekkers


    Help needed After I repaired the front part of the Gearbox.....I have no reverse. Before opening it again I would like some handsup what went wrong ?
  27. DLTTrekkers

    JD 5425N

    Not starting and blows a fuse when in neutral Found the problem at the neutralswitch. I had to get a new switch , but that switch was to long. Had to cut the plastic off the new switch and solder the old switch s wires to the new switch.
  28. DLTTrekkers

    Case 2090 enginereplacement

    My dad bouht a Case 2090 with the BD504 engine in it . It throw a bigend bearing 4 years ago. We had to replace the crankshaft. Now we stand at that crossroad again ! Will a Cummings engine fit? And witch engine ? What mods will we have to do ? Thanks in advance . It is a white one
  29. DLTTrekkers

    Fiat 350 S

    I am looking for a starter for this tractor. Some idiot lost it about 3 years ago !
  30. DLTTrekkers

    Fiat 350 S

    I am looking for a starter for this tractor and it must be in South Africa
  31. DLTTrekkers

    Hours working with a tractor

    How to change it to km/miles in a car ?
  32. DLTTrekkers

    JD 5083EN 4x4

    How do it works ? I have a solinoid at the dropbox but no wires there .
  33. DLTTrekkers

    Silinderrods bending ?

    Iwould like to know y ?
  34. DLTTrekkers

    SCAF or Per-mix ?

    Whats the diff ?
  35. DLTTrekkers

    IH 674 Hydraulics

    My client wants to lift a 1000 l with the rochshaft . Can this tractor do it ?
  36. DLTTrekkers

    IH 674 Hydraulics

    Hi IH 674 hyaudraulic oil full of air . Lift works for 2 min and then do not whant to lift. When I test the externals oilpressure I do get 16 Mpa/160 Bar but after 2 min it fall to about nothing (air in oil) I did replace the pump , gaskets and o-rings . Also the big o-ring in the groove in the...
  37. DLTTrekkers

    JD 3130 PTO brake

    I have a JD 3130 with a IPTO . The PTO shaft do not stop fully . The PTO brake and clutchpressure is 10 Bar. I have splitted the tractor and replaced the PTO brakeparts witch was badly worn . My problem is ......PTO brake still do not stop the PTO shaft completely .
  38. DLTTrekkers

    IH 454

    My IH454 kick out of 3rd gear . I did replace all the gears on the topshaft aswell the sincros . For lateral play I added an exstra thrustwasher in the middle . Please help !