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Results 1 to 200 of 1321
  1. bindian

    Gooseneck Coupler

    When I bought it 12 years ago, it was the first one I had seen.
  2. bindian

    Gooseneck Coupler

    TMK, You're welcome! If I get another crank one, I will do both.
  3. bindian

    Gooseneck Coupler

    It seems like it froze, as all the flat sides are rounded and expanded. Only freeze we had that was bad was the freeze 3 years ago when Texas was without power for about 7 days. The top crank has a wide shoulder, so it is hard to believe water freezing did it. But it looks that way.
  4. bindian

    Gooseneck Coupler

    I located a new coupler, but my old one's square sides have expanded a little and wedged into the upper tube. The welder that fixed my telehandler is gonna come out and weld it so I can take it to a trailer shop. I will know when the welder gets here if he can unwedge the lower tube. Trouble...
  5. bindian

    Gooseneck Coupler

    Thanks. That is the plan. Are the screw threads easy to start in the new bottom?
  6. bindian

    Gooseneck Coupler

    I found a 14-15 inch crack today on my gooseneck coupler. The scary part is the crack is all rusted. No telling how long it has been cracked. The trailer and coupler was new in 2012. Should I weld it up or replace it. I am leaning on replacing, as it is a Bull dog coupler. Can I remove the...
  7. bindian

    This Old Barn

    That is impressive. I bet them are starting to swag a little, that high up. Glad I have a telehandler and not scaffolding
  8. bindian

    New shop started

    Is it a drum or belt sander? Hard to tell with it wrapped up.
  9. bindian

    grease in a rotary cutter gear box?

    Search numerous different combinations, Italy 3ph auger post hole digger. Be creative. Can you contact the party you bought it from? If all this fails, you will have to take the seal out and try to find a match with other brand of augers. It will be a time consuming search in...
  10. bindian

    grease in a rotary cutter gear box?

    I would do an online search for that name and number
  11. bindian

    New shop started

    Is it a sander or planer? Either way, I'm jealous. My planes is only 20 inches.
  12. bindian

    Crop Dusting share your picture and stories.

    Only ag plane I ever worked on was a Piper Pawnee Brave with a P&W PT6 behind the prop.
  13. bindian

    Life on the farm

    That will keep him saucy!
  14. bindian

    Life on the farm

    He is a strong worker. When he quits, he will be gone soon. Enjoy him every minute you can. I can not stress that enough
  15. bindian

    Dog pics

    How old was Molly? My tractor dog/pal for 15 years, Booger, had to be put down. I laid on the vet's floor to look him in the eyes to say goodbye. It really tugs at your heart strings, feeling like they will break, grieving over a friend that is gone. Rest assured she is in no pain now. GOD...
  16. bindian

    Dog pics

    I am at the bottom of a hill with a gully running through my place. The yellow thing (above the truck's tailgate) on the far side of the water is my CAT excavator. White water, at the right, is going over my pond's spillway.
  17. bindian

    Dog pics

    We got 20.75
  18. bindian

    Dog pics

    Sweet dog! How much rain did Y'all get?
  19. bindian


    I would buy another Mahindra. But really I bought the dealer too. Get acquainted with your service and parts guys. Even the mechanics. My dealer is J5 Tractor and there 5 or 6 branches in the area. I've only taken it to the dealer twice. Once for a head gasket that I didn't have time to do...
  20. bindian

    New shop started

    I find this conflicting, as farmers always try dual tires and tracks to prevent compaction, yet folks roll weights on their lawns. Or are you just grading and packing the gravel? Totally confused!
  21. bindian

    Dog pics

    Talk about a framed picture!
  22. bindian

    My mom passed today.

    I'm praying for you in this time of grief and for you having a good trip and safe return home.
  23. bindian

    Life on the farm

    Awesome! Keep'em comin'.
  24. bindian

    New shop started

    It probably blew apart when the pressure went too high, instead of opening like it suppose to. Sometimes my pressure cutoff switch doesn't cut off the compressor. A couple of times I have came into the barn to hear the relief valve blowing and the compressor running. I try to make a habit...
  25. bindian

    fuel filter

    I have no idea. Buy a manual or call your dealer.
  26. bindian

    Texas Fall/Winter thread!

    It is very hard to fix condensation drips, but time was on my side.
  27. bindian

    Texas Fall/Winter thread!

    Rain gauge was full, so we got more than 6 inches. Tractor in the barn for subframe installation after clutch R&R. Floor under tractor soaking wet, along with the whole tractor dripping condensation. Went out last night and condensation was dripping from a light switch. Today is much better...
  28. bindian

    Texas Fall/Winter thread!

    My bigger pond is going over the spillway now. I know my rain gauge is overflowing also. It just holds 5 inches.
  29. bindian

    sealing a pond

    Just an FYI...this thread is over 10 years old. The original poster may not even be on this forum anymore.
  30. bindian

    7520 beeping randomly

    Aft of the battery box is the neutral safety switch. What did you do that mixed it 10 years ago?
  31. bindian

    Mahindra 7520 beeper mystery

    Two threads for the same problem? Seems like you have had this problem before.
  32. bindian

    Mahindra 7520 beeper mystery

    What video? I don't see a video.
  33. bindian

    Mahindra 7520 beeper mystery

    I have a 2007 Mahindra 6520. I always thought the only differences between the 7520 and the 6520 is a turbo, bigger tires, more hyd. pump gpm and a two speed 500/1000 rpm PTO. That being said, I leave my IPTO lever engaged and the PTO lever OFF. If these two levers are out of sequence, the...
  34. bindian

    fuel filter

    Telling us what tractor would help greatly.
  35. bindian

    New shop started

    I don't ever remember seeing a red fire ant mound.
  36. bindian

    Texas Fall/Winter thread!

    We are wet again. I can't go outside to check the rain gauge because I had foot surgery two weeks ago. Merry Christmas
  37. bindian

    Texas Fall/Winter thread!

    When we would go quail hunting in the snow on Grandpa's farm, we would put dirt in back of the pickup. That is a lot of manual labor for a 11 year old, but warms you up quick.
  38. bindian

    Texas Fall/Winter thread!

    ...........and most welcome to chase the humidity away. TG day reminded me more like January hog hunting weather. 40 degrees and drizzling. Winter comes only in spruts, so we look forward to weather forecasts with a cold front coming.
  39. bindian

    Texas Fall/Winter thread!

    I was surprised also.
  40. bindian

    Texas Fall/Winter thread!

    Happy Thanksgiving. I was in Colmesneil today for turkey dinner. That is East Texas if you have to look. They had drizzling rain today. They just got their burn ban lifted this week. Colmesneil Texas 75938
  41. bindian

    Anyone have a Christian Medshare policy?

    All my doctors have heard of it and was taking it when I got it. Yes, you get a plastic card with your id number and phone numbers. I have had some xrays and a diagnostic mammogram and had no problems, before getting medicare. They paid right fast. They request up to 3 years doctor records on...
  42. bindian

    Anyone have a Christian Medshare policy?

    Medishare ( does not work that way. When I retired 8 years early, I needed to cover my insurance for 3 years, until Medicare. I went with Medishare and paid $199 a month for basically major medical. I had to pay a $99 a month surcharge for taking blood pressure medicine, so I...
  43. bindian

    Pond Build

    Thanks for the clarification. I look forward to more cinematography.
  44. bindian

    Removing boom cylinder from Woods loader

    Put your forks on the loader and jam the forks straight down into the ground to have more access. I have done this also with a wooden fork pallet with a 2x6 added on the pallets center and just put the forks down, kinda overcentered into the 2x6 for changing the water pump and hoses. I leave...
  45. bindian

    Pond Build

    Does that dam have a core trench inside it? Looks like you are piling clay over grass to build it.
  46. bindian

    New shop started

    Texas..........bigger or in this case, heavier. I got a huge chunk of Centerville iron ore that holds my loader forks upright when off the loader.
  47. bindian

    Texas Fall/Winter thread!

    The chickens didn't look?:unsure: hugs, Brandi
  48. bindian

    An Old Goat Ranch in Texas

    Thanks Kyle. So he is alive and left this thread. Sadness Prevails, Brandi
  49. bindian

    An Old Goat Ranch in Texas

    Post 226 confirms the obit I found was his son's. Sadness prevails. I don't know if I should try to contact Terrry's wife or not. hugs, Brandi
  50. bindian

    An Old Goat Ranch in Texas

    How old is that, Kyle? Starting reading the thread. Terry refers to his wife as Precious Bride. hugs, Brandi
  51. bindian

    An Old Goat Ranch in Texas

    I got to run now, but found Terry and Lavonne's son's obit. after searching Bedias, Texas obits. hugs, Brandi
  52. bindian

    An Old Goat Ranch in Texas

    Since I live just a county East of Grimes, I did a property search in Grimes County and found no Terry Dinerman owning land. I did a search for Dinerman and found a Betty Lavonne owning property in Bedias, which is northern Grimes County. I don't have time right now to reread the thread for...
  53. bindian

    Texas Fall/Winter thread!

    Been raining lite and heavy non stop. Both ponds are overflowing. hugs, Brandi
  54. bindian

    Texas Fall/Winter thread!

    It is what Bird uses opened bottle caps for. The pond has came up 6 more inches since I posted #8477above. hugs, Brandi
  55. bindian

    Texas Fall/Winter thread!

    No, It was a cheap Mueller Metal freebie and broke sometime in the 54 days of 100 degree weather here. When I went to Lowes, I couldn't find any, so I ordered on Amazon. hugs, Brandi
  56. bindian

    Texas Fall/Winter thread!

    Rained off and on all day yesterday and last night. Thunderstorm dumped a downpour around 8 this morning. More heavy rain expected this afternoon. Pond is about 1.5 feet from full. Was down a month ago about 5 feet. Oh yeah, new rain gauge ordered. Old one broke. Lowes didn't have any...
  57. bindian

    AZ ranch

    Mr. Bo, It seems to me water will plash off the ground onto bare wood in this photo. Or is that eve trim treated? hugs, Brandi
  58. bindian

    Mahindra 4540 won't start after shutting down

    Sweet. Glad I could help. hugs, Brandi
  59. bindian

    Texas Fall/Winter thread!

    Thus why they are called the Lost Pines of Texas. hugs, Brandi
  60. bindian

    New shop started

    My dog can see his farts. If a clown farts does it smell funny? hugs, Brandi
  61. bindian

    Texas Spring/Summer Thread

    We got enough rain to make the grass grow again. But the pond is still down 2 feet. hugs, Brandi
  62. bindian

    New shop started

    She would probably say you left it in there.:cautious: hugs, Brandi
  63. bindian

    Texas Spring/Summer Thread

    We got rain this morning also. Numerous times in the past, we watch on radar how the stroms go around us too. At least Montgomery County lifted our burn ban. I had two big roaring fires last week. hugs, Brandi
  64. bindian

    Texas Spring/Summer Thread

    We got it two afternoons in a row and last night. hugs, Brandi
  65. bindian

    Importing and modifying a new mini excavator from China

    Dave, Wouldn't a larger hose slow the jerkiness down some? I know it would slow the speed of motion down. hugs, Brandi
  66. bindian

    Mahindra 4540 won't start after shutting down

    My start circuit on my 6520 has a relay and a fuse. Relay went out once. hugs, Brandi
  67. bindian

    Texas Spring/Summer Thread

    44 more rain drops about an hour ago. hugs, Brandi
  68. bindian

    Texas Spring/Summer Thread

    We got 14 drops around 9am. hugs, Brandi
  69. bindian

    Texas Spring/Summer Thread

    You need to purchase a rain gauge like Bird has. A bottle top. hugs, Brandi
  70. bindian

    Texas Spring/Summer Thread

    Brownsboro is around 2.5 hours due north of me. But I will keep an eye out for a smart looking Farmall. Keep an eye out on all online auctions in the area. hugs, Brandi
  71. bindian

    Importing and modifying a new mini excavator from China

    Weigh the trailer before or after you weigh the ex on the trailer. Then subtract to get ex weight. Then you don't have to unload and load the ex at the scales. hugs, Brandi
  72. bindian

    Can anyone identify this hydraulic fitting?

    My Mitsubishi MS 070 excavator (rebadged to Caterpillar E70) only uses BSPP fittings with NO orings. hugs, Brandi
  73. bindian

    Can anyone identify this hydraulic fitting?

    I do believe a Kubota KX040-4 is an excavator. hugs, Brandi
  74. bindian

    Mahindra 3016 HST backhoe 3720 will not work

    So it doesn't use the tractor's rear remotes. The levers for the remotes are on the tractor to the right of the Tractor seat. These levers or lever operates the rear remotes. So the backhoe has never worked, even new from the dealer? Wow, sounds like Power Beyond is not working on the...
  75. bindian

    Mahindra 3016 HST backhoe 3720 will not work

    Do you have a backhoe installation manual? That would explain how to do it. hugs, Brandi
  76. bindian

    Mahindra 3016 HST backhoe 3720 will not work

    Understand 4 points for the backhoe. That is what I have. It is called a sub frame. I mentioned a 3PH, because you mentioned the Gannon working. Please describe the Gannon and how it was working? Where do you hook up the hydraulic hoses that go to the backhoe? What are the 3 hoses, you...
  77. bindian

    Mahindra 3016 HST backhoe 3720 will not work

    3 point hitch. What you attach things on back of your tractor with that move up and down. Rear remote.........Hydraulic fittings on back of your tractor that hydraulic attachments connect to. If you have rear remotes connected to the backhoe, is the remote lever in neutral or up or down? Mine...
  78. bindian

    Can anyone identify this hydraulic fitting?

    BSPP is British Standard Pipe Parallel. BSPT is British Standard Pipe Taper It looks to me to be SAE O-ring Boss to JIC. Just take the fitting, in question, to your local hydraulic shop. They will be able to match it up. hugs, Brandi
  79. bindian

    Mahindra 3016 HST backhoe 3720 will not work

    Are you using a rear remote? Is the Gannon on the 3PH and using the same remote? hugs, Brandi
  80. bindian

    Sprayer Rack for Lawn Tractor

    I welded up a permanent bumper that bolts on and the sprayer mount just hooks on. It's a 26 gallon sprayer that makes the rear end light on the Hustler. The sprayer has inserts on the bottom of the tank and stays mounted on it's mount. hugs, Brandi
  81. bindian

    Sawmills, sawmill buildings, drying sheds, and kilns... show your pictures!

    Oh.............okay. Swap the belt on the follow wheel to the drive wheel and the drive wheel belt to the follow wheel. I do that every so often. Like rotating your tires. You will find that keeping spare belts around is a must if sawing for $$$. That may help, but the kinked belt should be...
  82. bindian

    Sawmills, sawmill buildings, drying sheds, and kilns... show your pictures!

    Change blades and see if that helps. What mill do you have? Does the blade have the correct tension? I don't understand what this follow belt does or location in relation to the mill. Pictures would be a big help. hugs, Brandi
  83. bindian

    Texas Spring/Summer Thread

    I got a lots of droplets. Enough to have water still clinging to fallen leaves when I went out to feed the fish. Really just enough to lower the fire hazard. 60 acres burnt yesterday, around the corner from me. They say a welder caused the fire. hugs, Brandi
  84. bindian

    Briggs opposed twin 20hp Craftsman LT1000 bogging down

    Oh boy. Maybe you will be better if you take it to a small engine repair shop. Having a key means it has an electric starter. Electronic ignition means it does NOT have points and condenser to make a spark, but an electronic module to fire the spark. hugs, Brandi
  85. bindian

    AZ ranch

    Mr. Bo, Please send some of that thunderstorm east to Texas. hugs, Brandi
  86. bindian

    Texas Spring/Summer Thread

    111 degrees in the shade now. Two days ago, I had to start watering a giant White Oak tree near my driveway to the barn. The top of the tree looks like fall colors, with leaves turning orange(ish) brown. An elm and a sweet gum are turning colors at the top also, but I don't care about them...
  87. bindian

    New L4802 Rumble sound when turning steering wheel

    Does it rumble in both 2 and 4 wheel drive? Could be a bad drive joint. Raise that wheel and wiggle it hard. Could be a bad bearing. hugs, brandi
  88. bindian

    Briggs opposed twin 20hp Craftsman LT1000 bogging down

    Still sounds like a small pin hole in the diaphram that expands when the engine is hot. Try the electric fuel pump. Then again, the Briggs could have a worn keyway on the flywheel. I haven't messed with twin B&S engines in years. Is this engine electronic ignition? hugs, Brandi
  89. bindian

    Texas Spring/Summer Thread

    107 degrees in the shade on my back deck. Eye drying HOT. hugs, Brandi
  90. bindian

    Texas Spring/Summer Thread

    Yeppers! When her car broke down, in the Black Hills, well that brought us way closer. hugs, Brandi
  91. bindian

    Pond Build

    My Uncle called them Shredders. He had an old, old version behind his old Farmall. hugs, Brandi
  92. bindian

    Pond Build

    You sure got it awesome looking. Down here my pond is down over 4 feet. hugs, Brandi
  93. bindian

    What spray lube do you like?

    I buy LPS 1 in gallon cans. I put it in my Sure Shoot and then pressurize it with air. Way cheaper than spray cans. I have used Mouses Milk, but prefer Marvel Mystery Oil for pneumatic tools. Boelube (made by Boeing) for drilling. Silicone spray for door locks. I soak froze parts in diesel...
  94. bindian

    Comparison 6500 caught on fire... looking at used 5570 or new 6065.

    How is the 6065 doing? hugs, Brandi
  95. bindian

    Texas Spring/Summer Thread

    The Black Hills are a cooler version of the Texas Hill Country on steroids. hugs, Brandi
  96. bindian

    Texas Spring/Summer Thread

    My daughter talked me into going to the Black Hills to escape the heat. I have been wanting to go for years. So we took 8 days at the end of July and headed for 79 degree days. One day it got up to 87. Numerous times I was asked.....Sure is hot, isn't it? I would say Nope. They would look...
  97. bindian

    My Place: a CAT, Mahindra, and Ducks

    To many big Blue cats. I had liver on my shopping list just to catch some for the freezer. But a day late and a dollar short. The bigger the fish, the more the oxygen they consume. I think, pound for pound, Blue cats consume more o2 than Channel cats. But pound size bass died were I know I...
  98. bindian

    My Place: a CAT, Mahindra, and Ducks

    Lack of O2. I had added a timer to the aerator and gave the aerator too much time off to cool down the aerator because during a 102 degree day, it shut off. Now I know it kicks back on after it cools down. I still got Channel cats left, but think all the over three pound Blue and Channel cats...
  99. bindian

    Texas Spring/Summer Thread

    We got just enough to dampen the dust on the driveway. hugs, Brandi
  100. bindian

    My Place: a CAT, Mahindra, and Ducks

    Buried some (maybe 15-16) Blue and Channel Catfish today. Also about 7 one pound Bass. How did those get in there that big? Also a handful of Bluegill. The Blue's were around 5 pounds each. The Channel Cats were at the most, 3 pounds. I am not gonna stock any Blues anymore. I think all my...
  101. bindian

    Importing and modifying a new mini excavator from China

    My counterweight on my CAT E70 is a 1/4 inch steel box filled with concrete, with a steel lid welded on. hugs, Brandi
  102. bindian

    Building Lake Corona

    Jeremy, Been wondering the last few days. How is Lake Corona doing and how is the firework display business going? hugs, Brandi
  103. bindian

    Texas Spring/Summer Thread

    Happy 4th of July Y'all. Sunday and Monday we got a touch of rain. Just enough to give the grass a taste of water. hugs, Brandi
  104. bindian

    Adding Hydraulic Quick Connectors to Front

    Oops, so sorry! Detailing my installation starts on page 5, post 44. hugs, Brandi
  105. bindian

    My Place: a CAT, Mahindra, and Ducks

    Yeah, Xfaxman should get royalties from Bobcat! hugs, Brandi
  106. bindian

    My Place: a CAT, Mahindra, and Ducks

    OB, I wouldn't do that. He was the smart one in the air conditioning. hugs, Brandi
  107. bindian

    Adding Hydraulic Quick Connectors to Front

    Check my installation out here. Adding Hydraulic Quick Connectors to Front It starts on page 5 in post #44. hugs, Brandi
  108. bindian

    My Place: a CAT, Mahindra, and Ducks

    .........and I wanted to get to my stopping point so I could go to the dentist. So the heat and the dentist made me run over my saw.😭 hugs, Brandi
  109. bindian

    My Place: a CAT, Mahindra, and Ducks

    Speaking of whiskey, how is your John Deere 110 doing? Still like it?(y)(n) hugs, Brandi
  110. bindian

    My Place: a CAT, Mahindra, and Ducks

    I'm gonna blame it on the heat and leave it at that.:rolleyes: hugs, Brandi
  111. bindian

    My Place: a CAT, Mahindra, and Ducks

    Just used. hugs, Brandi
  112. bindian

    My Place: a CAT, Mahindra, and Ducks

    No, it is a 462 now. But for about $200 more there is a 500 with fuel injection! But I'll get the 462. hugs, Brandi
  113. bindian

    My Place: a CAT, Mahindra, and Ducks

    ..............and the White Oak is gone! hugs, Brandi
  114. bindian

    My Place: a CAT, Mahindra, and Ducks

    Ouch is right. At least no one was hurt in the crunching of this saw. hugs, Brandi
  115. bindian

    My Place: a CAT, Mahindra, and Ducks

    Thanks. She was a 461. hugs, Brandi
  116. bindian

    My Place: a CAT, Mahindra, and Ducks

    It is totaled. Crankcase is cracked. Only things worth saving are the bar, chain, and recoil starter. hugs, Brandi
  117. bindian

    My Place: a CAT, Mahindra, and Ducks

    I had a dead White Oak tree. It was huge and a widow maker, so I had the tree topped, as it was leaning 180 degrees from where I wanted it to fall after digging it up. I didn't want a huge limb landing on me as I dug. I got up at daylight this morning to dig in the shade. Got the tree...
  118. bindian

    Comparison 6500 caught on fire... looking at used 5570 or new 6065.

    That is awful. If you can swing it, go with the bigger tractor. hugs, Brandi
  119. bindian

    2008 Tacoma door sprung

    Exactly what I was going to say. A little push at a time is all it takes. hugs, Brandi
  120. bindian

    How we raise baby chickens

    Awesome as usual, Eddie! hugs, Brandi
  121. bindian

    6530 Lost Power, White smoke, Won't Start

    We will never know. He had only posted twice. Both in this thread. hugs, Brandi
  122. bindian

    AZ ranch

    It didn't happen without PHOTOS! hugs, Brandi
  123. bindian

    My Place: a CAT, Mahindra, and Ducks

    I made a pin puller for the Lull's two slave cylinder 4 pins. The cylinders need to be rebuilt. I could have repacked them myself, but I suspect something funny going on inside them and I want the experts to look at them. I got 3 of the pins out Sunday. But one pin didn't want to leave it's...
  124. bindian

    Sears seat for Mahindra Mpower 85 problem

    Big Iron auctions have been auctioning lots of Mahindras and parts. I almost bought a lot of 4 seats. hugs, Brandi
  125. bindian

    My Place: a CAT, Mahindra, and Ducks

    Last week I was busy cutting 20 foot 4x10s. These are for a repeat customer. hugs, Brandi
  126. bindian

    My Place: a CAT, Mahindra, and Ducks

    Got the rabbit hutch, Brady was given, modified for quail. Now 4 pens. hugs, Brandi
  127. bindian

    PICS OF BARNS; Any barns; All barns; My barn; Your barn; Not your barn

    How about a photo tour of the inside? hugs, Brandi
  128. bindian

    Sears seat for Mahindra Mpower 85 problem

    When my Ford 700 dumptruck needed new shock snubbers under the seats, I just took an old basketball and deflated it enough to put under the seat then partially reinflated it. Worked so well, I did that to the passenger seat also. hugs, Brandi
  129. bindian

    My Place: a CAT, Mahindra, and Ducks

    That's more like the Xfaxman I know. hugs, Brandi
  130. bindian

    My Place: a CAT, Mahindra, and Ducks

    Hey Mike Oldballs! LOL, I spelled out Oddballs before editing! How ya doing? hugs, Brandi
  131. bindian

    My Place: a CAT, Mahindra, and Ducks

    Thanks Guys! Xfaxman, you sure are talking alot today! :cool: hugs, Brandi
  132. bindian

    Starting my bridge!!

    ............over the river Kwai. hugs, Brandi
  133. bindian

    Starting my bridge!!

    Just trying to liven the thread up a bit.😉 hugs, Brandi
  134. bindian

    My Place: a CAT, Mahindra, and Ducks

    ERC mantel anyone? hugs, Brandi
  135. bindian

    Starting my bridge!!

    But the deflection tolerance is within margins.:cool: hugs, Brandi
  136. bindian

    Starting my bridge!!

    I think you need to stick to ironwork. Your troll drawing looks like it has moose antlers. hugs, Brandi
  137. bindian

    PICS OF BARNS; Any barns; All barns; My barn; Your barn; Not your barn

    I'm gonna go out in the cementary and say those pictured in #755 and #756 are not barns. hugs, Brandi
  138. bindian

    PICS OF BARNS; Any barns; All barns; My barn; Your barn; Not your barn

    I wouldn't want public roads that close to my barn, much less my house. hugs, Brandi
  139. bindian

    PICS OF BARNS; Any barns; All barns; My barn; Your barn; Not your barn

    How come barns up north are built so close to a public road? I've seen Barnwood Builders taking down barns that are so close to the road, they have to stop traffic to remove debris. hugs, Brandi
  140. bindian

    PICS OF BARNS; Any barns; All barns; My barn; Your barn; Not your barn

    Probably going into a water trough. hugs, Brandi
  141. bindian

    PICS OF BARNS; Any barns; All barns; My barn; Your barn; Not your barn

    What are the little "bumps" on the tin near the lower edge? They are on the barn in post #706 also. hugs, Brandi
  142. bindian

    Mahindra 8560 won’t crank with key switch

    Check for a starter relay near the fuse panel. My 6520 starter wiring circuit also has a 5 and a 15 amp fuse in it. The 15 amp fuse went bad on me once. hugs, Brandi
  143. bindian

    The last Barn. (maybe)

    It's amazing what can get folks panties in a knot over stuff they have no control over. hugs, Brandi
  144. bindian

    Texas Spring/Summer Thread

    Forecast 80 degrees here Wednesday. hugs, Brandi
  145. bindian

    My Place: a CAT, Mahindra, and Ducks

    Fixin' to butcher these TAMUKs. Born Dec. 20th. Hopefully my ERC customer will buy them. Then one less thing I gotta do. hugs, Brandi
  146. bindian

    Texas Spring/Summer Thread

    Fixin' to dust off this thread. hugs, Brandi
  147. bindian

    The last Barn. (maybe)

    Do you have a close up photo of the tractor moving the poles? I am interested how you hooked and unhooked the poles. I am leveling the pad now, for a 40x80 sawmill shed. My last barn, I wrapped a chain around the pole to put it in the hole, but it was slow. Seems lot faster with your guy on...
  148. bindian

    The last Barn. (maybe)

    Cool! Thanks Lynn. hugs, Brandi
  149. bindian

    The last Barn. (maybe)

    Awesome video! The way Y'all installed the trusses blows my mind. hugs, Brandi
  150. bindian

    PICS OF BARNS; Any barns; All barns; My barn; Your barn; Not your barn

    That's awesome. It even has a barn quilt on it. hugs, Brandi
  151. bindian

    Rear Counter Weight

    That doesn't work here. Brandi
  152. bindian

    Rear Counter Weight

    I can only see one drawing with the fulcrum on the rear tires. Thanks for explaining there are two drawings! Bottom line the further from the fulcrum, the less weight it needed. It is all about CG, center of gravity. Couple of times in the past, when picking up complete trees, I felt my butt...
  153. bindian

    Rear Counter Weight

    The OP was asking about counterweight on the rear for loads in the loader bucket. Your drawing shows the fulcrum on the rear axle. I was nicely trying to tell you your fulcrum is on the wrong axle for this discussion. I do know a thing about weight and balance. It was required in my work as...
  154. bindian

    Starting my bridge!!

    The mix will have to be real wet for a chute. You may have to push it down the chute otherwise. hugs, Brandi
  155. bindian

    Starting my bridge!!

    Bu Build a wooden chute out of 2x6 sides and maybe a 2x10 for a bottom. Hire a guy with an excavator or telehandler and a concrete bucket. hugs, Brandi
  156. bindian

    My Place: a CAT, Mahindra, and Ducks

    Oh yeah Kyle. Thanks! hugs, Brandi
  157. bindian

    My Place: a CAT, Mahindra, and Ducks

    I am not a chicken raising fan. Brady is the chicken farmer. But I guess since I raise catfish and rabbits.............................. hugs, Brandi
  158. bindian

    Mahindra mPower 100p "Low transmission oil pressure"

    I was gonna say a wire connector had been popped off by stray brush. It happens to my 6520's neutral safety switch every other time I mow. hugs, Brandi
  159. bindian

    Been on generator for a day !!

    Yep, one thing I made sure of was enough propane for a weeks running time when I had mine installed. That equals to a 1000 gallon tank. It has powered the house 3 times since installation. It is really a good feeling until you think about refilling 1000 gallons of propane with winter rates...
  160. bindian

    Rear Counter Weight

    If your drawing is correct, please tell me why my butt gets lite and my front tires go flat when I try to lift a too heavy load with the loader. The fulcrum would be on the front axle with a loader. hugs, Brandi
  161. bindian

    Rear Counter Weight

    I am gonna guess about half the weight of what your loader is rated to lift. My loader is rated for 3900 pounds. My backhoe weighs around 1800 pounds and my 8 foot land plane with a 900 pound Red Oak cant on it weighs around 1700 pounds. Even these on occasion are still not enough to keep the...
  162. bindian

    My Place: a CAT, Mahindra, and Ducks

    Got the siding almost finished. Just need to add the battens and the "between the rafter" boards on the back side. hugs, Brandi
  163. bindian

    Texas Fall/Winter thread!

    Kyle, Is he still free or dead? I started reading the article, but realized it was a long and gut wrenching story, so I quit reading it. hugs, Brandi
  164. bindian

    Texas Fall/Winter thread!

    What was in Rosebud that had you there 3 times? hugs, Brandi
  165. bindian

    Texas Fall/Winter thread!

    Happy Independence Day Y'all hugs, Brandi
  166. bindian

    My Place: a CAT, Mahindra, and Ducks

    Brady only lets the chickens in the garden under his supervision. hugs, Brandi
  167. bindian

    My Place: a CAT, Mahindra, and Ducks

    Kyle, The chicken yard will be about 10 times bigger than the garden. Brady says he will allow the chickens in the garden, but only a few at a time. The chicken yard fence was going to surround the garden, but now the garden will be part of the chicken yard fence. hugs, Brandi
  168. bindian

    My Place: a CAT, Mahindra, and Ducks

    Yesterday while adding gearbox oil to the tiller, I accidently let the little tube slip off of the syringe I was using to add oil. The tube was just 4 inches long and just long enough to lodge inside the gearbox. I tried small needlenose pliers to retrieve it, but failed. I had to remove the...
  169. bindian

    My Place: a CAT, Mahindra, and Ducks

    Thanks! There are a few boo boos, but I hid them well! hugs, Brandi
  170. bindian

    My Place: a CAT, Mahindra, and Ducks

    Girts on ready for siding. 1/2 inch, 24 inch wide hardware cloth is on. Roof is finished. Sawing White Oak for a semi lowboy now. hugs, Brandi
  171. bindian

    Life on the farm

    Awesome post Ovrszd. There are so many questions I want to ask my parents about their parents. But they were older when I was born and now as they are gone and I slow down, I realize I can never get that back again here on earth. hugs, Brandi
  172. bindian

    Life on the farm

    Oh wow. I have been following your family thread and love it. I would think this day would be a bittersweet memory for your Grandma and all others in your family. My hat is off to you for your family historical documentation here and the bittersweet memories this day brings to Y'all...
  173. bindian

    Off-loading material from a flatbed trailer

    That might just work real well. I tried this unloading some gravel. About half of it came out and had to help gravity with the hoe on the other half. hugs, Brandi
  174. bindian

    Life on the farm

    It would be great if Y'all could restore it. hugs, Brandi
  175. bindian

    Life on the farm

    That photo shows a few things salvage people will pay you for to resell. Pump, wood stove, and Table are just 3. How many more items in that house can be salvaged before log people want to get the logs? hugs, Brandi
  176. bindian

    Life on the farm

    Yep, knew it from studying the siding and trim. Additions always came later, as the family grew. hugs, Brandi
  177. bindian

    Life on the farm

    These photos make me wonder if a log house is under that siding. Absolutely stunning. hugs, Brandi
  178. bindian

    My Place: a CAT, Mahindra, and Ducks

    I got the trusses up and the purlins on ready for tin. I didn't work on the coop Monday, as I was down in the clay pit showing the owner what logs of his were White Oak. He is gonna bring them over for me to saw into more trailer decking along with some large Red Oak logs for me. I asked about...
  179. bindian

    Truck & Trailer ideas to tow 14,000 and be under 26,000 pounds

    .........and like this post............totally uncalled for. Just hit me over the head here and call it mansplaining. nohugs, Brandi
  180. bindian

    Truck & Trailer ideas to tow 14,000 and be under 26,000 pounds

    While studying for my CDL, I learned a lot of things I didn't know that now makes me a safer driver. I never said I was safer than you with 30 years of pulling equipment. I asked in post #378 who is hauling my own stuff or you hauling my stuff and me paying you. I don't care who...
  181. bindian

    Truck & Trailer ideas to tow 14,000 and be under 26,000 pounds

    Yeah the rules changed since I got my CDL. There was no class then. So it was moot to me and Eddie since he isn't getting it. But where in the TBN rules does it state I have to read the whole thread before committing and getting egg on my face? Brandi
  182. bindian

    Truck & Trailer ideas to tow 14,000 and be under 26,000 pounds

    Aczlan in post #366 already told me the CDL requirements have changed. You just echoing Aczlan in a vague, undescribed way? Brandi
  183. bindian

    Truck & Trailer ideas to tow 14,000 and be under 26,000 pounds

    That right there sucks. Just last year that was enacted! hugs, Brandi
  184. bindian

    Truck & Trailer ideas to tow 14,000 and be under 26,000 pounds

    You should have read my post above yours before telling me I should read the whole thread. If you had, you would have seen I replied to Eddie's change of direction. As to changing the rules....who is hauling my own stuff or you hauling my stuff and me paying you. Your getting paid...
  185. bindian

    Truck & Trailer ideas to tow 14,000 and be under 26,000 pounds

    Eddie, Those trailers would work. If you are only hauling round bales and tractors, lowboy trailers work. Triple axles scrub on tight turns. Also make sure more than one axle has brakes on it. Now I read you are just gonna hire it out. That works too. But waiting on a truck can get...
  186. bindian

    Truck & Trailer ideas to tow 14,000 and be under 26,000 pounds

    I didn't read this whole thread. Internet is acting up today. Eddie, Get a one ton dually (mine is a 2003 Cummins with no DEF fluid) and a 10 ton gooseneck. Then go down and take you commerical test (I did that for liability and grey areas and nosy officiers) and then get farm tags for...
  187. bindian

    My Place: a CAT, Mahindra, and Ducks

    I made some metal parts for my daughter's patio umbrellra a few years ago. hugs, Brandi
  188. bindian

    PICS OF BARNS; Any barns; All barns; My barn; Your barn; Not your barn

    What you got to remember is if those tractor eggs don't hatch, the cows claim them and eat the eggs, shell and all. hugs, Brandi
  189. bindian

    My Place: a CAT, Mahindra, and Ducks

    Not likely. The Lull was in the shop. I need to rebuild the two slave cylinders and she will be ready to use again. She can lift 6,000 pounds. hugs, Brandi
  190. bindian

    My Place: a CAT, Mahindra, and Ducks

    The last two, cold, wet days I modified some steel shelves of Brady's. They had plastic adjustable bushings that were flaky and would fall out of the shelf was bumped, so I cut 1 inch galvanized conduit for weldable bushings. I took my time and cut deburred the galvanized bushings. I had the...
  191. bindian

    My Place: a CAT, Mahindra, and Ducks

    I forgot about sawing the Texas toothpick. I had to drag the log with the Mahindra backing up. Each turn, I disconnected from the chain and turned 90 degrees, then connected back up. I could only get one end up a couple of inches before my butt was airborne. The sawmill loader arms counldn't...
  192. bindian

    My Place: a CAT, Mahindra, and Ducks

    On the 23rd, I got the top sill boards up. While it rained a week ago, I made the trusses in the barn. I got 3 trusses up before it got cold and wet. hugs, Brandi
  193. bindian

    Bent SSQA plates/hands - what are my options?

    I read your post and looked up at what thread I was in and I thought...........oh no, I am in the Kubota forum. My KMW ML275 loader has a 2.5 in diameter tube that is 1/4" wall. The hydraulics won't twist that tube. I tried to do that to fix it when my grapple snagged an unseen stump and...
  194. bindian

    Bent SSQA plates/hands - what are my options?

    The video guy stated he will weld on reinforcements. Otherwise you will have to keep "repairing it like Roustabout stated on the first page of this thread............I've fixed that three times a day on occasion hugs, Brandi
  195. bindian

    Bent SSQA plates/hands - what are my options?

    If this is true and you have worn linkages and/or bushings, moving the curl or dump without the attachment on could cause the linkages to bind and could throw the "hands" out of alignment. Maybe that is what is happening to all these wood block or tree fixes. Edit.................if you have...
  196. bindian

    Bent SSQA plates/hands - what are my options?

    From the OP..........One of my employees says she noticed the front bucket wasn't hanging right - no idea how much work had been done with the bucket hanging on the left side of the SSQA only. It bent the plate downwards. I can still muscle attachments on but it is no longer anything resembling...
  197. bindian

    Bent SSQA plates/hands - what are my options?

    I meant to say more permanent compared to pushing it into a tree. hugs, Brandi
  198. bindian

    Bent SSQA plates/hands - what are my options?

    For any permanent fix, you will have to cut the cross tube and reweld it with the locking plates flat on a level surface, like a welding table. hugs, Brandi
  199. bindian

    Steering 7520

    When you say the reservoir is full, do you mean the power steering reservoir under the hood? Could be the steering cylinder is bypassing internally. The 6520 and 7520 have the power steering pump connected directly behind the hyd. pump. Might be a coupling there, that is inop. Are the PTO and...