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  1. G

    New Welding/Shop Table Ideas

    a table idea. with removable pieces for clamping odd shapes and setup made with c-channel laying on top. and a smaller c-channel bolted under so it cant move side to side. this way any top piece can be removed for the things that might need to drop past the top of the tables for better...
  2. G

    has anyone ever seen a left hand turning 2 man post hole digger?

    has anyone ever seen a left hand turning 2 man post hole digger? (its turning the rong way) it ant got anyway to change the direction on the outside or the inside of the gearbox . it runs great but i dont have a left handed auger for it nor can i find one or anyone that makes um any ideas...
  3. G

    Dump Trailer - start to finish

    thank you larry for the welcome i had been looking around here for some time now but when i saw your trailer i just had to say something i made it about a year ago now as for the tailgate, i made it so it can be opened and locked to the side of the trailer using a gate latch on the side and...
  4. G

    Dump Trailer - start to finish

    wow thats so cool i made one that looks alot like that one heres some pics of mine