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  1. O

    JD4720 Cab No air (heat) r coming from left side cab ports

    Hi: I was just out in my 4720 to clear some snow for the first time this winter. Probably the first time I've used the heat. A/C worked fine in the summer, etc. Odd issue - There are 6 rotatable and open/closable ports on the roof for heat & A/C. All the ones on the right were blowing hard...
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    Possessed 4720 Cab

    Hi: A few months ago I had a weird issue. I went to start my 4720 in my barn (heated - 50 degrees) and the dash lights flashed after I tried to start it, flashed on/off, etc. Then went dead - No start and the overhead light, headlights, everything was dead but sometimes the lights would...
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    SB1184 snowblower issues?

    Hi: At the end of January 2010 I traded in my 3720 for a 4720 and got an SB1184 on the rear. Here in the NorthEast kindom of VT we never really got any significant snow after that. I tried it out for literally 2 minutes on 4 inches of snow - Seemed ok. First time using it this year (I may...
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    Does Lou Ferrigno install the Filters on the 4x20 series?

    At 18hrs I wanted to change my engine oil on my 4720 to get all the crap out (put break in oil back in). I also wanted to change out the hydraulic filter (I figure the Oil is still clean) to get rid of any mfg machining junk the filter caught. Anyway, both filters say 'Hand tight' on the box...
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    Insurance  Physical Damage Insurance - Strange exclusion clause. :)

    Got a copy of my new 4720 contract in the mail. I bought the physical damage insurance since over 5 years it's not a bad deal. In the exclusions the following is mentioned as damage not covered caused by: "Any weapon employing atomic fission or fusion, or nuclear reaction or radiation, or...
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    4720 mystery shaft?

    Hi: I was crawling underneath my 4720 tonight and noticed a right to left keyed shaft that goes through the transmission (Above the driveshaft to the front) - not quite centered under the cab. Not hooked up to anything and it just freely spins. Anyone happen to know what this is for? Maybe...
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    Where are the 4720 backup alarm wires run?

    Hi: I just (last week) traded in my 3720cab for a 4720cab. (I'll try and post some pics soon). One of the two things they didn't make exactly like my 3720 was the backup alarm. I had a cab mounted switch they put in when I got it to turn the alarm on and off. It's very annoying when it's on...
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    Original Cab Softcab on 2305 with BH?

    Hi: I finally got to install the Original Cab Softcab on my 2305. I was embarassed that I got it last year but never had time to put it on. :) :) For the price it seems pretty nice. I put on the mirror, additional front lights and the warning light. Not sure yet if I'll get the safety glass...
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    Anyone used a Liberty Chipper?

    PTO Wood Chippers and Brush Shredders - Liberty Implements I'm curious if anyone has used them. Are they decent? How is operation/maintenance? I have a DR 4" right now and if I upgraded I'd probably get the 10". After not having an auto-feed I don't think I'd buy a unit that wasn't auto-feed.
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    4x20 series vs 3x20 series cab space?

    Hey, does anyone know is the cab on the 4x20 series bigger than the cab on the 3x20 series? (I have a 3720 and am still thinking about trading up to a 4720). I know the tractor is bigger, but is the interior cab dimensions bigger? Does any know the dimensions of the cab (interior) on the 4x20...
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    4720 vs 3720, should I upgrade? :)

    Hi: I currently have a 3720cab loaded to the gills, 3rd scv, electric diverter valves, power to the rear, radio, etc. It's just over 2 years old with about 200hrs on it. The new 60 month 0% financing and 66hp 4720 has got me thinking about upgrading. The specific things I'd like on the 4720...
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    Anyone running Golf R3's on a 4x20 or 3x20? with a loader

    Hi: Deere just announced 0% for 60 months so as always it's got me thinking about upgrading my 3720cab to a 4720 cab (not sure, just thinking). If I do I always think about trying the 'super turf' golf R3's but wouldn't if I couldn't run a loader with them. Does anyone run them with a...
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    Oil & Fuel  Fuel Gauge on 3720 Cab stopped working

    Hi: I was mowing yesterday and all of a sudden (Might have been at the same time I raised/lowered the 3pt hitch with the mower) the fuel gauge just dropped to E (From maybe 1/2) and the 'Low Fuel' warning light went on. I wasn't low on fuel. Just to check, I filled it up to the brim and the...
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    Oil & Fuel  Oil for 2305

    Hi: I'm about to change my Oil in my 2305 and put Synthetic in it. All the grades of Mobil 1 5/30 aren't E4/E5, CI-4/CH-4, or E3 rated. Mobile 1 Truck Diesel 5/40 meets those standards. Since it's synthetic do folks sometimes run a grade heavier? (If it was on the 'cold' grade I wouldn't...
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    3-Point Hitch  3PT Snowblower question

    Hi: Some time ago on one of the many thread regarding snowblowers somebody had a link to a 'convertable' rear mount PTO snowblower that could be used going backwards, or used going forward. Basically, the snowblower shell rotated so that the open part was either in the back or the front. I...
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    Anyone with a 72" MMM and a 59" Snowblower on a 3000 series?

    Hi: I have a 3720 and have been using an 84" RFM since last fall. Due to this I haven't used my 72" 7 iron MMM since early last fall. the dealer installed my front hitch/lift and front PTO for my 59" snowblower. I took the blower and arms off, etc. early last spring. I went to mount my MMM...
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    Stuck 3720 Parking Brake

    All: The crappy parking brake they put on the 3x20 cabs finally stuck on me. (Crappy compared to the open 3x20's) It either doesn't hold or doesn't release. I took off the knob and pushed it in as far as I could after unjoining the brake pedals to put a lot of force on it. It's not letting...
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    Has anyone used the mulch kit for a GM1084R??

    Hi: I'm thinking of getting a mulch kit for my rear discharge mower (GM1084R). (I pull it with a 3720). Has anyone used the kit for this? Is it decent? How bad is it to install and clean? I bought the mulch kit for my 62C on my 2305 and I've been impressed with it so far (Except it's way...
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    Family Pictures :) [3720 & 2305]

    I know I'm off the deep end when it comes to tractors but I know you folks on this forum will understand... ;) When swapping the tractor locations (Bringing the 3720 cab up and the 2305 down) I had them both up North. I took advantage of the opportunity and took some pictures of them both. ;)
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    Tractor Mounted Lawn Sweeper or Vacuum that doesn't require a MMM

    Hi: I'm looking for either a PTO powered Vacuum or a sweeper. The key is that I don't want a vacuum that requires a MMM (I already have a cyclone rake and use it on my 2305 and 3720. I want something I just hook up the tractor and can vacuum or sweep. Ideally I'd love some sort of hydraulic...
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    "Wings" for a 59" snowblower?

    Hi: I know it's something I could/should fabricate, but does anyone know of any companies that sell 'wings' that would extend the side of the 59" snowblower (on a 3720) by maybe 5-6" (or more) per side? I'm not sure I need them yet but might... Thanks,
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    3x20 series Snowblower question

    Hi: The dealer did the initial install fo the 59" snowblower and the front A-Frame mount on my 3720 but didn't have a manual to give me. I did figure out how to take it off and put the loader back on. The mount will lift the SB 15" off the ground which is impressive, and it's dead silent...
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    Towing question

    Question: Does anyone here use a weight distributing hitch when they are towing a flatbed or skidsteer trailer? I never have, but on my particular hitch/vehicle (2002 GMC 2500HD - 9200GVW) they recommend one when towing more than 7500lbs (Hitch is rated 12000lbs). I'll be running maybe...
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    Really stupid PTO Drive Shaft question.. :O)

    Hi: Does anyone happen to know if the U-Joints on most drive shafts are a common size? I was in the process of disconnecting my U-Joint on the implement side of the shaft on my Stump grinder when I lost all the needle bearings out of the cap in the dirt (Hate when that happens). Why was I...
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    Front Mount Sweeper?

    Hi: Don't laugh, but has anyone seen or made a front (loader) mount sweeper for a CUT? I have a 42" pull behind sweeper and I've always thought it would be a great idea if somebody made a front mount one (at least 72" wide) that attached to the loader and you could dump using the loader...
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    3720 6" Wheel extensions

    I finally got my r3's put on my 3720 (Instead of R4's which I had on it and had on my former 3320). I need to remember not to load them next time (I always do this). Yea they get great traction but I forgot how much loading them ruins the ride quality (Not that it was phenominal with the...
  27. O

    Heat on Cab models - Does it work well?

    Hi: I have a 3720 cab (A few months (50hrs) old. I've tried the heat (Certainly don't need it in August but I wanted to try it). It does seem 'warm', but not like a car would be if it was all warmed up (The tractor is). Is it supposed to come out just 'luke warm'? (I'm sure in the winter...
  28. O

    Anyone have/use the Frontier 110" RFM?

    Hi: Does anyone have (or has mowed with) the 110" Frontier RFM? If so do you have/use the fixed or swinging blades? I've been told that now it's only available with the swinging blades. How is the cut quality? It's a heavy mower so I'm sure it's built like a tank. Any other information you...
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    Power Rake (and combined seeder) for leveling ground?

    Hi: I'm looking to level (as flat as possible) some rough ground and plant grass. I have a Box Blade, A grader, and a landscape rake. I was going to get a tiller for 'softening' up the soil and making a nice surface for planting grass. I've heard that tilling in a cross (First left to right...
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    LX5 Vibration?

    Hi: I have an LX5 that I've probably used less than 15 hours in 2 seasons. It's first 'real' use last season was maybe 4 hours hogging snowmobile trails. It does seem to work well but my question is do rotary cutters normally vibrate? Sometimes it's very smooth, but sometimes it shakes a...
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    My 3720 and a 15' Wing mower... :O)

    I'm always looking for ways to finish mow faster. My dealer called me and told me he head a 13' wing mower come in used and if I might be interested he'd drop it off for me to try. It ended up being a 15' (Frontier FM1015R). Had some rust on it and a couple of the tires had cracks but were...
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    3720 Cab got delivered.. ;) First impression vs my 3320

    Well the dealer dropped of my 3720 cab yesterday. They haven't got the turf tires yet so he dropped it off with unloaded R4's. The only thing I am still waiting on is the snowblower. Hopefully I won't need that for a while. I'm also getting either 4" or 6" wheel extensions from Unverferth...
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    Dealer  Dealer took away the 3320 today (sniff sniff.. ;)

    Well, the dealer picked up my 3320 today (Canopy, Cruise, extra front rear lights, Power beyond, etc.). They hopefully will deliver my 3720 cab next weekend so I can mow, etc. I also have a ton of storm cleanup (downed trees, etc. to cleanup. Now I can't wait. My 3720 is actually all ready...
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    Any good explainations of tractor sizes?

    Hi: Does anyone have a link to a good explaination of all tire sizes? For example, on a 3000 series the larger R4's are 43x16x20 in which the 43 makes sense (outside diameter) and the 16 is the width but what is the 20? Now compared to the smaller R4's that just are listed as 15-19.5 what are...
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    Leach fields and Tractors

    Hi: This isn't exactly a tractor question but I figure folks here would know. Does mowing grass that's over a leach field (either flat or raised) with a heavy tractor vs a light lawn mower do any significant damage?
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    Trading in the 3320 :O)

    I have a 2305 (1.5 years old) - BH6000, 200CX loader, 62"MMM, 47" Snowblower and a 3320 (6 months old 300CX loader, 72"MMM), Canopy, PBY,etc. It was a tough decision but I decided to trade in the 3320 for a 3720 Cab. (As opposed to trading in the 2305). Now I can't wait to get the 3720 (R3's...
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    Turfs - To load or not to load

    Hi: I know this topic has been discussed to death here but I figured I'd ask for opinions in my particular case. I'm trading in my 3320 with loaded R4's for a 3720 with turfs. Now I need to figure out if I want to load the tires or not. Normally I'm a 'loaded tire' guy but I'm not sure if...
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    Mowing  Offset rotary mower?

    Hi: Does anyone know of an offset rotary mower (as small as 48") that fits a 3pt hitch? I basically want it sticking out on the right side of the tractor and if it articulates up and down (anglewise) that would be great. I'd be putting it on a 3720 so I'll have 35pto hp. Bushhog makes a 60"...
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    R3 Fine Turf questions?

    Hi: I'm going to trade in either the 3320 or the 2305 for a 3720 Cab (I'd love to get a 43/4520 cab but it's too tall for my garage and no front snowblower is available). Anyway, Currently I have R4's on both but I'm going to go with R3's on the new one (or swap them to the 3320 if I trade in...
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    Stump Grinder Recommendations Wanted

    Hi: I'm looking for a tractor mounted stump grinder. Ideally I'd like one I could use both on my 2305 (18pto HP) and my 3320 (25 pto HP). I'm seriously considering the Shaver Stumpbuster SC-25 rated for 15-35 PTO HP). Does anyone have a pro/con experience with this model or any other models...
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    Strange 3000 20 series Cruise behavior?

    Hi: Today on my 3320 I was using the automotive cruise control. This option is new to me but I have used it once before and it worked fine. Today while using it (it was cool out, in the high 30's) it was fine, then after a while the decellerate key seemed to not work. I'd hit it and...
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    20 series seat question

    Hi: I had a 2305 for a little over a year now and have a 3320 that I've had for maybe 2 months. I think the crux of my problem is too high a seat height but let me ask folks. On the 2305 (non e-Hydro) when going over rough ground it's easy to maintain a speed. The seat is non-suspended...
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    3x20 series Cruise question

    Hi: I do plan on getting the automotive +/- control but I don't have it now. My question is this. I noticed yesterday that the cruise switch has three positions: Off, On, and a momentary position on the ON side. Once I engage it if I press the momentary side the tractor will slow down an...
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    Mowing  Any mowing with a 3320/72"MM with loaded R4's?

    Hi: I got my 3320 but the deck wasn't in yet so the dealer lent me an 84" Woods RFM. I'm running the large R4's unloaded. It actually cuts nice but is pretty heavy. So heavy that it caught me by surprise when I needed to use 4wd to avoid spinning going up a short but steep hill on part of my...
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    Tires  Advice wanted: Swapping Tires

    Hi: My 3320 has the tires on the narrow position and I think I'll gain a little over an inch if I swap them side for side. I'm not worried the front, but I'm worried about swapping the rear. The tires are the larger R4's but are Unloaded. How heavy are these tires? Will trying to swap them...
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    Took delivery of my 3320... ;)

    Hi: On Saturday I took delivery of my 3320. This will be in addition to my 2305 (Have two properties so that's how I could justify two tractors to myself... ;) The 72" MMM won't be in for a while so the dealer lent me an 84" Woods RFM. I got the 61 HD bucket with replacable cutting edge...
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    Rollover angle limits for JD tractors?

    Hi: Does anyone know if JD or anyone else publishes 'safe' operating side angles for different JD tractors? I know they are all ISO xxxx compliant but I can't see the specs for that anywhere. I suspect most of that standard has to do with the rops anyway which I'm looking to avoid needing :)...
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    Mowing  Opinions on mowing on a 3320 with R4's?

    Hi: I ordered a 3320 last week (In addition to my 2305 - Yes, I'm not married so I'm the toy boss ;). The 2305 will be moving to my smaller area so I don't have to haul it back and forth 200 miles a few times a year. Anyway, I was going to try the less agressive (of the two) R4's for mowing...
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    2305 powerflow system vs Cyclone Rake (Powerflow review)

    Here is a short (But still probably too long) of my thoughts on the powerflow system for the 2305. Background: I've had a Cyclone Rake Commercial (300 gallon bag) for about 2 years now. I've used it with the 2305 (62C deck) and also with an older Craftsman GT5000 Garden tractor. Review of...
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    New BH6000 on 2305 in action

    Hi: Just got the BH6000 installed on the 2305. What a workhorse... ;) Took out 4 stumps in maybe 4 hours. 2 were easy , 1 was hard, and 1 was unbelieveable. Very sturdy looking unit. Very powerfull for it's size. I was impressed, now I've just got build up my feathering skills with all...
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    Hydraulic Dump Power Pack Questions?

    Does anybody out there have the hydraulic Dump power pack material collection system? Can you dump it from the tractor Seat without disconnecting anything? Does it have it's own SCV and use power to the rear/power beyond or does it need to be hooked up to the DSCV on the joystick? General...
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    790 60" mmm questions

    I'm looking for opinions on the cut quality from the 790 with the 60" MMM. What speed do people mow at? Has anyone mowed in Hi/4th? Also, is the height adjustment hydraulic (And so you'd have to unplug the hoses from the loader to use the MMM) or is it mechanical off of the 3pt hitch...
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    More Rear Finish mower questions...

    Hi: Questions for those of you that own rear finish mowers: 1. What do you do about the clippings? Do you just mow often enough that it's not a problem? Do you mulch? When you do get clippings how do you get rid of them? Is there a PTO vacuum available somewhere...
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    84" Rear finish mower on a 790?

    84\" Rear finish mower on a 790? Hi: I'm thinking of buying a (2nd tractor and was wondering what the largest finish mower anyone has pulled with a 790 is? I'm thinking an 84" is about all the weight the 3pt will handle on a 790 but maybe I'm wrong? I might have to go up to a 990 Anybody...
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    Flail Mower Info?

    Hi: Can anybody speak about flail mowers for finish mowing? Is the cut quality good? Does it mulch up the clippings? Is there much maintenance. I'm trying to compare them to a rear finish mower. Thanks,
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    Power beyond kit for 2305?

    Hi: Does anybody know any aftermarket kits offered to route 'power beyond' hydraulic couplers to the rear of a 2305 (or a 2210 kit would probably work too). I'm thinking (not sure yet) about a back hoe and maybe a 3pt log splitter and figure it would be silly for me to get both with a PTO...
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    Rear PTO Seat Override

    Hi: I have a chipper that I operate with my 2305 but I have to 'jump' the seat presence harness in order to run it off the machine. I don't mind doing this but it obviously is possible to forget to 'unjump' the harness thereby turning off the presence safety when I hop back on the tractor...