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  1. G

    Bushhog Squealer

    I have a chance to buy an old Bushhog Squealer 60" cutter. I'm concerned about whether my 2305 will have enough horses to run it and also whether it will pick it up. I don't know much about the cutter except that it is old (guessing at least 20 -25 years), but I know the seller casually and he...
  2. G

    Weight bar for iMatch

    On my 445, I had a custom built bar to mount on the 3PH on which I could mount suitcase weights. Does anyone know of an attachment that can be used with iMatch to hold suitcase weights? I'd like to be able to add weight for plowing snow, but really don't need the ballast box. It would be nice...
  3. G

    JD 2040

    I have the opportunity to buy a 1978 JD 2040 with a 48 loader. The tractor was built in Mannheim, Germany. The tractor shows 363 hours, but from its age and appearance, I think that the meter has been replaced. I can't ask the owner (since deceased), but I knew him well and he took very good...
  4. G

    Need a way to handle sticks & branches

    Each spring and after windstorms, my lawn is littered with lots of sticks and small branches. It gets real old walking the 2 acres that I mow and picking up this stuff, which is especially heavy under the ash trees. Has anyone tried to use a landscape rake to move this debris into piles...