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  1. 6dog

    New-To-Me JD 4110

    Well, after 9 months of tractor shopping and lots of test driving of new machines, I found my tractor (by pure chance) for sale on the side of the road last Sunday and picked it up on Friday. It's a '03 4110 with 800 hours. It came with a Curtis Cab, 60" MMM, FEL with 53" bucket, 46 backhoe, 54"...
  2. 6dog

    HST Fan on GC

    Has anyone had a problem with the hydro fan on their GC (busted blades)? I have seen quite a few examples on the Kubota forum, but haven't seen much on here about it.
  3. 6dog

    MMM With Backhoe on 2520?

    Does anyone know if you can run a MMM with the 46 backhoe subframe mounted on a 2520? I found a nice deal on a used 2520 TLB, but the BH subframe looks like it would be in the way if I added the 62" deck to it. :confused: Thanks, Erik