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Results 1 to 200 of 864
  1. C

    Generator? Dynamo? Not Charging B7800 Battery Check out that thread. There's a "tractorpoint" link that has great pics showing you how the dash / display panel comes out. It's actually the instructions for installing the alternator upgrade. Just to add...
  2. C

    Generator? Dynamo? Not Charging B7800 Battery

    Search the forums for "B7800 Alternator". I just did it and came up with a page full of threads. Likely the info is in there. Other keywords that might be worth searching are B2910, dynamo, charging, regulator, etc. As I recall, my BATTERY light was on continuously when the voltage...
  3. C

    Generator? Dynamo? Not Charging B7800 Battery

    I believe the B7800 is the same as the B2910 as relates to this repair . . . On mine, there are two slots at the top of the dash panel. Very obvious. A straight screwdriver fits perfect and a little twist pops the tabs out so you can wiggle the dash display panel out. There's also a...
  4. C

    Heavy Land Plane... now that EA is out of the picture.

    Woods calls their land planes "Grader Scrapers". I have a Woods GSM84P. It has scarifiers. Very heavy unit from a major brand. Weighs about 750# as I recall. Can't move it around by hand at all and it will bog down a pretty big tractor if you load it up. I've never had the need to drop the...
  5. C

    Generator? Dynamo? Not Charging B7800 Battery

    There are a couple other threads on here where we discuss B7800 / B2910 dynamo and voltage regulator problems. If your battery isn't charging, it's most likely the voltage regulator. There is a test procedure in the workshop manual. My voltage regulator went up in smoke. Literally. You...
  6. C

    The Thievin' Bas*****

    Offer a hefty reward for anyone that turns them in and leads to their conviction. Get their buddies to snitch on them. Unless they do something really stupid, it's about the only way to catch these guys. Best if the sheriff has a way for someone to snitch anonymously. As soon as one of them...
  7. C

    Detached Garage - Ductless MiniSplit

    Why did you use these long beams instead of relatively short trusses running front-to-back? You'd still have the same clear span / open floorspace. Just trying to understand the construction philosophy. Thanks.
  8. C

    Any problem with bulk diesel tank in the barn/shop?

    That's right. Thanks for the correction. I guess they just listened to it whistle the whole time. Been a long time since I watched them fill my tank at the old place.
  9. C

    Any problem with bulk diesel tank in the barn/shop?

    I'm getting off-topic, but . . . The heating oil companies' worst nightmare is when a customer converts to another fuel and has someone remove their tank and DOESN'T remove the fill piping. Also doesn't alert the oil company or else their records don't get updated. It's negligent on the part...
  10. C

    Any problem with bulk diesel tank in the barn/shop?

    Residential fuel oil tanks typically just sit in a corner of the basement along an outside wall so they can be filled from the outside. Getting rare in this part of the country but still very common in the Northeast.
  11. C

    Need propane heater ideas for insulated 42x60 Morton bldg

    I'm doing a similar project right now too. Menards has a 80,000 BTU propane hanging heater for under $500. You can run CSST tubing for your gas line. That should be enough to heat it efficiently.
  12. C

    Tires New R4's

    What's the upgrade? Are these larger/wider than the original R4's? Did you get a good deal? That's a smart way to buy tires -- dealers do a lot of swapping around with new wheels and tires. Takes some time to find them but it's way better to buy a complete rim and tire! Very cool!
  13. C

    Board fence ideas?

    Fuddy, Consider a four-board fence. Looks much better and the spacing is better for animals -- in my opinion. The extra 4th board doesn't really add much to the cost after you have the posts and the rest installed anyway. (The classic horse fences that you see in KY are always at least...
  14. C

    'Leveling box' adjustable link for Kubota M4700 needed

    Don't know where you're located, but I noticed that Rural King stocks a number of adjustable links. Didn't pay a lot of attention because I was shopping for something else, but I saw them yesterday along with their top-links.
  15. C

    What animal is this?

    Looks like a bobcat Too bad you didn't get some better pics.
  16. C

    What Kind of Wood is This?

  17. C

    Aircraft/Tow Adaptor

    I recall a time when a person would just back up to the trailer and hitch it up and then see if the tractor would lift it or not. Just like grabbing hold of a load with your hands to see if you can handle it. Should be pretty easy to determine if the machine will handle the load. On flat...
  18. C

    Deere not so much

    I think this OP just needed a place to throw his tantrum. Pretty silly way to react to an unsatisfactory purchase. If you sign a contract to pay for something, you need to honor that promise. You can complain and protest and grieve but need to do so while meeting your legal obligations. I...
  19. C

    Deere not so much

    It doesn't matter that you're 70. Your credit score still affects a lot of stuff and can cost you money in lots of ways. Handle the problem. There's lots of options besides defaulting on a loan.
  20. C

    The complaint compartment.

    Deleted. Fortunately. Disregard
  21. C

    The complaint compartment.

    If the Good Lord has so much available time and is even directing activity here, maybe he could talk to Lowes about their medicine cabinets and mirror replacement policy.
  22. C

    Buying Advice Kubota B8200

    Oh well, the turf tires would have turned me off anyway. Turf tires are for mowing lawns. No benefit at all for loader work or backhoe work or ground clearing. If you need traction, you don't want turf tires.
  23. C

    Not caught yet but how to remove a skunk from Havahart live trap?

    Don't think so. The same trapping rules apply to coons and possums and skunks. Can't relocate them onto public property and can't dump them on another person's property. This is for several obvious reasons, but one is to prevent spreading disease among the animal population. Check out...
  24. C

    Not caught yet but how to remove a skunk from Havahart live trap?

    Relocating skunks is NOT humane. If it's not good for humans, it can't be "humane".
  25. C

    Not caught yet but how to remove a skunk from Havahart live trap?

    And tie a length of rope to your trap so whatever happens you can drag it to a location where you want to handle it, shoot it, etc. . . ..
  26. C

    Not caught yet but how to remove a skunk from Havahart live trap?

    Ditto on the effectiveness of German Shepherd Dogs. My GSD started snarling and growling and dived into some weeds and immediately tossed some black and white fluffy thing into the air about 6 feet high. He got point-blank plastered with spray and the smell didn't ease up for over a week. He...
  27. C

    The complaint compartment.

    As annoying as this obviously was . . . it's still better than seeing your car sit in their lot for weeks without even getting looked at. There have been a few times when I would have been thrilled to see my car at the local diner -- might even go in and buy his lunch if it's finally fixed! ;)
  28. C

    Not caught yet but how to remove a skunk from Havahart live trap?

    You are correct that it's illegal to relocate them -- even with permission. Not allowed in Ohio. You have to get permission to place a trap on someone else's property, but otherwise, "permission" doesn't enter into this discussion.
  29. C

    Not caught yet but how to remove a skunk from Havahart live trap?

    I'm pretty sure that you're not permitted to relocate trapped racoons or possums. If they're nuisances, you can trap them and kill them, but can't release them on another property. You cannot and should not relocate skunks either. Shoot it. As far as skunks, I once had an exterminating...
  30. C

    The complaint compartment.

    I can't understand how God has time to throw us little challenges like broken-down tractors but can't seem to resolve poverty, famine, war, child-abuse, sickness . . . . If "Politics" is a taboo subject on this site because it's so divisive and idealogical, how can "Religion" be appropriate...
  31. C

    Trailer usage - Storage Concept/Reality Check

    I have a Sure-Trac dump trailer that has square receivers welded on both sides at the rear. There are drop-legs that can be dropped down and pinned in-place to help when using ramps to load equipment. Keeps the front from pulling up on the tow vehicle or can be used without being hitched to a...
  32. C

    Anyone spray Fluid Film under their car or truck with a garden sprayer?

    Am I the only one that has this problem with Fluid Film?? I like it and use it. Problem is, my dogs LOVE it too. They will stand there and lick my mower, hitch, tractor linkage, etc. . . . . until they've licked it all off. Seems like it's kinda irresistable to them and watching them lick...
  33. C

    New farm... Finding livestock water lines across 126ac?

    Actually, NO -- you can't trace a water-filled plastic pipe. We're getting ahead of this problem and the information provided. The OP doesn't seem to even know what the water supply is. Once you know the water supply, you trace for outlets and valves. If that doesn't offer obvious...
  34. C

    New farm... Finding livestock water lines across 126ac?

    You are SO right about the piping maybe NOT being intact. I've seen chisel plows pull up steel water lines when farms convert from livestock to row-crops.
  35. C

    New farm... Finding livestock water lines across 126ac?

    You can run new pipe cheaper than finding old pipe with ground penetrating radar. It shouldn't come to this -- this would be way down the "troubleshooting chart" -- but if you do need to actually LOCATE sections of this pipe you need to just use a pipeline locator. If it's metal pipe, that's...
  36. C

    New farm... Finding livestock water lines across 126ac?

    Where does the current water supply for the house and barn come from? Is it all on city water or on well water or both?? If you don't know, I'd suggest hiring a handy-person to come out there and look around and see if he can tell you what's currently supplying water and where the old waterers...
  37. C

    JD 5310 no low beam headlights.

    I know it doesn't seem likely, but isn't there a chance that the low beam filaments are bad in both bulbs? I think I'd eliminate that before I started trying to go farther. Can you put a voltmeter on the modular plug terminals to verify that there is NO voltage on the LOW BEAM setting? You...
  38. C

    Help with 3-Point Hitch Adjustments [Kubota B3200]

    Good catch! I jumped to conclusions when he said it wouldn't turn. If those Phillips head screws are that short, he just needs to get some wrenches and get both ends of the top link apart in order to assess the situation. It must just be seized up or rusted up.
  39. C

    Help with 3-Point Hitch Adjustments [Kubota B3200]

    Whether they are some kind of packing screws or DIY add-on set-screws, I don't know why anyone would use Phillips head screws or want to "jam" into the threads of a link like this. Just remove them and throw them away. They serve no purpose and will just cause wear on the threads of your link...
  40. C

    MF 1240 Turf tire to R4 conversion

    I'm guessing you'll need new rims. Can't help with the tire size, but either the dealer or the manual should be able to provide the specs for the R4 sizes. Once you determine the size, I would suggest calling dealers and looking online for ads (CL, FB, TractorHouse, etc.). When I was looking...
  41. C

    Anyone mow hay yet?

    This is a little off-topic but someone in this "hay group" likely knows the answer . . . I was looking for baler parts on the JD site. Happened to land on the small square baler overview page and noticed that one of the headline features of the JD 348 baler is "Automatic Lockout". I can't...
  42. C

    After 44+ Years It's Time For A New Tractor

    Based on your questions, it sounds like you are concerned about, and need, AC and Heat. So, is the cab tractor "worth the cost"? Yes! The heat will work "better" than the AC -- generally speaking. It's much easier to take the chill off on a winter day than it is to cool a big glass box in...
  43. C

    Gas cooktop - Where's the heat?

    Thanks! Interesting. Still strange that there were "extra" orifices in the kit, but that fills in some of the gaps. The orifices and regulator setting essentially define the max output of each burner. The adjustments that the tech did on each valve tweaks the low/simmer setting of each...
  44. C

    Gas cooktop - Where's the heat?

    That's interesting. And pretty unusual. Did they say that the appliance regulator on the bottom of the cooktop was set correctly? Can you turn the burners down low enough to simmer or slow cook when needed? Kinda sounds like they put NG orifices back in. OR, you simply had the wrong size...
  45. C

    Reclaiming 5000 feet of 4 board horse farm fence.

    What I normally do is use my battery powered reciprocating saw and just cut the nails between the board and the post. Zips right through them. Like a hacksaw. PS -- You can usually cut them close to the post and this leaves enough nail sticking out of the board that you can tap them out and...
  46. C

    Backhoe Can you help me with questions about Woods BH9000 backhoe frame for Kubota L3710?

    I'm going to guess that it will fit. The frames and mounting points should be the same on both tractors. (Note that this is a "guess".) Do you know if the package includes ALL the parts? It's not unusual to get a subframe that doesn't include the mounting bracket(s) that bolt to the tractor...
  47. C

    What to do with the money?

    It's OK for a "non-profit" to have some revenue now and then. (In fact most of them have LOTS of revenue.) You'll probably still operate in the red, but it helps to cover part of the expenses. You did them a favor and she was grateful. She was able to pay and wanted to. (How many times...
  48. C

    What to do with the money?

    Guilty? If you have that level of guilt, I'm assuming you're reporting this as Misc Income. After you take out your local, state, and federal taxes you'll only have about half left. Feel better? Then you can go buy diesel fuel for $4+ per gallon. Feeling better yet? Or a couple steaks at...
  49. C

    selling a kubota 2001 b 2410 looking for help with pricing

    Where are you located generally? Do you have a subframe for the backhoe or is it 3-point mounted? I assume the backhoe uses the tractor's PTO for self-contained hydraulics -- is that correct? Mid-mount mower? Condition is everything. If you can post a couple pics a lot of us will be able...
  50. C

    What are these??

    I'm really surprised that they removed those and included them with the bagger.
  51. C

    Small farm hay project?!

    My concern with cutting it with a bush-hog, etc. would be trying to gather it loose. It would be hard enough to rake and bale, but gathering up chopped up grass would be painful.
  52. C

    What are these??

    That diagram says it a wiring harness for the Hazard Lamp. Maybe the grasscatcher blocks the factory lamps and this adds lights up higher that can be seen when it's attached. No doubt designed by a lawyer.
  53. C

    Small farm hay project?!

    I totally understand the desire to make hay for yourself and not waste this forage just by mowing it. But the main problem I see with this plan is trying to collect loose hay. If you're going to bite the bullet, I'd suggest that you reconsider and, at a minimum, figure out some way to get it...
  54. C

    What are these??

    Check out parts 10 and 20. Does it look like it's sized to clamp around the ROPS? This is the "wiring harness" detail for that grass catcher.
  55. C

    Solar Eclipse...

    Glad to hear that so many were able to see this very rare event! It was great here, and even the few skeptics that we hosted were in awe and very glad they arranged to see it. It was cloudy the day before and the several days after, so we got lucky!! If you were able to see the total...
  56. C

    Solar Eclipse...

    Deleted. Not worth the response . . . (n)
  57. C

    Small farm hay project?!

    1. Sickle mowers suck. Don't go that route. 2. If you're going to "bale" hay, buy the minimum equipment needed to do it right. OR DON'T DO IT! You can buy a cheap haybine, rake, baler, tedder, etc. You can't scratch around and pile up several acres of first cutting hay and pile it in...
  58. C

    no Questions?

    Ditto on the deck wash systems -- Not an effective way to clean the underside.
  59. C

    no Questions?

    WOW! That's light -- obviously built as light as possible to maximize battery run-time. But that's barely twice the weight of the average operator. My Cub ZT weighs 1424 pounds. Add 200# to that for the operator. BIG difference. (Of course, the Cub has a 60" deck -- so wider.) I'd...
  60. C

    no Questions?

    Gas and diesel powered ZT mowers have a PUMP on each rear wheel. I fail to see the benefit related to mowing hills due to having a MOTOR on each rear wheel. For hills, you can't really beat a Cub Cadet ZT with steering wheel. Essentially gives you 4-wheel steering. I saw a guy looking at...
  61. C

    Why not a small PTO rock crusher?

    Rambo II
  62. C

    Using a box blade

    Just set it so it's level when lowered on a flat surface. Then go out and play with it. Use the 3-point up/down lever to feather out material. For most uses, I don't see any reason to "tilt" a box blade up and down. You'll find that you can push material going backward and you'll probably...
  63. C

    type of tree?

    Looks like it's probably a Bitternut Hickory, to me. We had mainly shagbark hickory trees around us in KY. Dad would target them for firewood. Hottest burning firewood I've ever seen.
  64. C

    Need trailer wood deck recommendation

    White oak is heavy though . . . Ships used to be built from white oak. Super dense and strong and was available in lengths and widths needed without knots. Around here, I'd be inclined to look for some ash at the local sawmills. All the ash trees got wiped out a couple years ago and...
  65. C

    Stolen Tractor - New Holland TC 45

    I would post a generous reward. I think that's about the only hope of recovery with tractors, trailers, etc. Someone around there knows about it. Entice them to snitch on their buddies.
  66. C

    Add another Challenger to the TBN inventory

    "No Joke!!" "Not hyperbole!" Yep. The magic of compounding interest . . . inflation . . . works both ways . . . That's why I think it makes sense to buy now if you find something that seems reasonably priced -- all things considered. This inflation problem isn't over. It's going to...
  67. C

    Add another Challenger to the TBN inventory

    If you need it, and you want it, and you have it -- go for it. They're not getting any cheaper. It's only money! ;)
  68. C

    Add another Challenger to the TBN inventory

    What's the plan for this new tractor? Will this be dedicated to a specific baler or mower or ???
  69. C

    Add another Challenger to the TBN inventory

    Looks like new tires. Did they put new rubber on it?
  70. C

    Add another Challenger to the TBN inventory

    Don't mess up the Armor All on those tires!!!!
  71. C

    Run away or worth a gamble? Kubota B2910

    Just a heads-up. The thread you're replying to hasn't been active for almost 10 years.
  72. C

    The Life of a Custom Mowing contractor

    At least it's real easy to tell where you've cut . . .
  73. C

    Push Mower

  74. C

    L5740 Changing R4 to R14 on front only?

    I think I missed your point in previous post. The tire guy determined that the wheel has a rough spot -- right? That's pretty common. They usually use an air powered brush to buff those areas smooth when mounting or repairing tires. Did he smooth it out? Or was his solution to just...
  75. C

    L5740 Changing R4 to R14 on front only?

    Go for it. I wouldn't be concerned about changing the tread pattern if you're going to replace the tires anyway. And I'd pay the difference for R14 too. Seems like running your tires at 45 PSI when max inflation is supposed to be 20 PSI would cause it to really ride hard and bounce. Also...
  76. C

    Wanting to run grapple hydraulics off rear valve

    Can't help but ask. When/why do you need 4 remotes on the rear? With a similar sized tractor I've never needed more than 2. I can imagine a couple scenarios that would make 3 handy. What implement are you using that needs 4?
  77. C

    Solar Eclipse...

    They're selling them in Kroger stores here.
  78. C

    Solar Eclipse...

    Glasses are way better than a pinhole thing. Get some. Risk it.
  79. C

    Solar Eclipse...

    I thought the Bing Crosby movie was pretty corny and far-fetched really. The Star Trek version was much more realistic . . .
  80. C

    Solar Eclipse...

    Definitely! The ultimate "magic" trick.
  81. C

    Solar Eclipse...

    I think he was referring to how that might "freak out" ancient people who thought a dragon was devouring the sun or something . . . They likely actually were "flat earthers". ;)
  82. C

    Solar Eclipse...

    Good plan!! In 2017 we drove about 6.5 hours to Madisonville, KY to see it. We headed home late afternoon after it was fully over. The Western KY Parkway was bumper-to-bumper at about 3 MPH. (Usually you can see for 3 or 4 miles and there's only a handful of cars in sight.) I watched...
  83. C

    Solar Eclipse...

    It's really fascinating to think about the impact that these events have had throughout history. This is from the NASA site . . . "The oldest recorded eclipse in human history may have been on Nov. 30, 3340 B.C.E. A series of spiral-shaped and...
  84. C

    Solar Eclipse... This page will let you look at prior total eclipses to in the US if you're interested. There have been a couple in the last century that caught slivers of the country. The 2017 and 2024 eclipses will cut a swath...
  85. C

    Solar Eclipse...

    The details vary based on your location. Just referencing Ohio here and just for general context . . . This site is informative. There's plenty of info out there that will let you enter your EXACT location and it will tell you if you're in the path, start, end, duration of totality, time...
  86. C

    Solar Eclipse...

    The one you saw in grade school was probably a PARTIAL eclipse. We always made viewers for them too but there's just no comparison. It does not get darker during a partial eclipse -- the sun is still too bright to look at and still illuminates the Earth. They happen quite often really. The...
  87. C

    Solar Eclipse...

    If it's not cloudy, it's an amazing thing. Maybe you're confusing this with a PARTIAL eclipse. Either way, the temp will immediately drop noticably. The afternoon will suddenly get twilight dark with eerie colorings. Stars will be visible in the afternoon. Quite a cooincidence of nature...
  88. C

    Solar Eclipse...

    Let's just hope it's not cloudy!!! The eclipse will happen regardless. The only thing that can get in our way is clouds!!!
  89. C

    Solar Eclipse...

    Don't miss it! If you're in the path of totality, you'll want to use proper glasses or a viewer to watch the shadow of the moon slowly cover, and then uncover the sun. This takes over an hour on both ends of the eclipse and this is what the special glasses are for. BUT . . . when it goes...
  90. C

    2024 garden season

    I've got one of those little planters too. Super neat little machine for the garden! You can plant beans, peas, corn, etc as fast as you can walk through the tilled soil. It's one of those super simple tools I can't imagine doing without. Opens the ground, drops seed, backdrags to close...
  91. C

    Wanting to run grapple hydraulics off rear valve

    When you ask about getting the hoses "custom made" . . . Any hydraulic shop or tractor dealer or equipment dealer can make a hose. You just tell them what size hose you want, how many feet long, and what kind of fittings you want crimped on the end. They'll make it while you wait at the...
  92. C

    Wanting to run grapple hydraulics off rear valve

    If you're intent on running tubing, might as well just use stainless and buy yourself a bender and do it yourself. It's not hard to bend if you have the right tool and pay attention. You might be able to just buy Swagelock straight couplings and 90 degree compression fittings and put it all...
  93. C

    Wanting to run grapple hydraulics off rear valve

    I ran hoses from the rear to the front on a L5740 that I used for a snowplow and a hay grapple. I had the hoses tucked up and secured and left them on year round. Used it that way for several years before I finally installed a 3rd function. All this took was a trip to a shop to have them...
  94. C

    Hydro fun…. NOT!

    Got it. Also saw your description above. Very helpful. Thanks!
  95. C

    Carry low

    I called around and found vastly different pricing for beet juice / RimGuard. Ended up going to a regular tire shop in a rural town about 50 miles from me. They quoted the price per gallon at less than half what the local tractor dealers quoted. Loaded it up, just pulled the truck and trailer...
  96. C

    Need a new(er) truck.... Maybe?

    Buy what you want and what you can afford. You can't take it with you and they're not getting any cheaper. Try NOT to trade your truck to the dealer no matter how hard they work that angle.
  97. C

    Need a new(er) truck.... Maybe?

    deleted duplicate
  98. C

    Need a new(er) truck.... Maybe?

    I've been involved with a bunch of fleet auctions and disposals. I'd say it's probably worse than buying a surplus rental vehicle. If it looks bad in the pics, it will be worse in person. Usually Ritchie Brothers / BigIron and similar will offer an opportunity to see it and start it prior to...
  99. C

    Hydro fun…. NOT!

    While you're explaining, what keeps the tool holder slid into the tube and "closed" when not needed? I don't see how it latches or fastens closed. Thanks.
  100. C

    L5740 Changing R4 to R14 on front only?

    I'd actually like to have R14 tires on my tractor. They're supposed to be the compromise tire that offers better performance and traction and ride. I wouldn't hesitate to install them on the front only. However, I'd only do that if I had to replace my front tires and I could buy them for a...
  101. C

    Hydro fun…. NOT!

    Do you think your problem is that you're shutting it down with the cylinder fully extended or retracted? It could just be that simple. If you put 3000 PSI against the end of the cylinder with a hose that's fully expanded and stressed, there's LOTS of pressure on one end and NO pressure on the...
  102. C

    Hydro fun…. NOT!

    If you really want to use a "handtool" to solve the problem, why not just carry a couple open-end wrenches and break a flare fitting loose at the hose-end at the cylinder? A couple drips there is all you need and it's a nice solid access point. And you already have the wrenches . . .
  103. C

    Hydro fun…. NOT!

    That's a really cool solution. But . . . I'm pretty sure I wouldn't be able to find it when I needed it. I'm not organized enough . . . or else I'm just too scattered out . . .
  104. C

    Hydro fun…. NOT!

    Have you guys tried NOT disconnecting your implements with the cylinders in the FULL open or closed position? When I set an implement down with the intent to drop it, I make it a point to bump the cylinder(s) back toward the "center" position an inch or so. For example, instead of opening or...
  105. C

    Carry low

    RimGuard is a brand of beet juice. Anytime I'm carrying something that feels like I'm pushing the stability envelope, I keep my hand on the joystick. If I need to hit the panic button, I can slam the joystick up into the float position in a hurry. Regardless of what happens next, getting...
  106. C

    School me on PTO tiller use and depth adjustment

    I'm assuming you already did this, but will check anyway. Tractor in 4WD. Wide open throttle. Low range. Just crawl along using lowest gear or Hydro. What you tilled up looks good. As soon as you break the top crust all the way across, your tractor tires will be sinking into that fluffy...
  107. C

    School me on PTO tiller use and depth adjustment

    You don't need to remove the shoes. You had it right in your post above when you observed that the shoes were riding on the unbroken ground. Your tiller was riding on the shoes on the untilled ground on both sides ON THE FIRST PASS. Now move over about 4' and make another pass. The shoe on...
  108. C

    Leaving MMM pinned up in winter and plowing.

    Not sure about the OP's B3030, but on my B2910 the 72" deck has big casters on all 4 corners. Once you unhook it, it rolls pretty smoothly in any direction as long as you're on pavement.
  109. C

    Leaving MMM pinned up in winter and plowing.

    I have a B2910 with 72" MMM. It takes me 5 minutes to remove it. One lever up front, pull a pin on either side, reach under and slide the PTO shaft off, lower bucket to raise front wheels off ground, rolls right out the right side. Goes on just as easy except I do have to lay on my back to...
  110. C

    Turning a cat 2 box blade into a cat 1 box blade

    I really only use FB for Marketplace. For a box blade, I'd look there and on CL. I did a quick search, out of curiosity, on Marketplace for "box blade 7'" and then filtered it down to "SOLD" items. There were lots of mixed results but several examples of 7' and 8' footers that had sold for...
  111. C

    Turning a cat 2 box blade into a cat 1 box blade

    I'd sell the big one and find a good used one on CL or MarketPlace or . . . Hard to see how you wouldn't come out ahead. Should be easy to break even. With all due respect, if you've tried to sell it, you should at least know if it's 7' or 8' wide? If it's almost new and a known brand...
  112. C

    Ballast box opinions

    I bought one of these boxes from Amazon a few weeks ago. $210. Shipped free from California via FedEx. (If I wanted to ship 90 pounds across the country it would cost nearly the price of the ballast box . . .) I haven't really used it yet, but I'm happy with it so far. Looks good and...
  113. C

    Mahindra 3550 throttle slowly lets off

    Follow the throttle linkage. On my Kubota B the friction nut was down near the floorboard under the plastic dash housing. Just a matter of snugging the nut up a bit. 40 minutes to remove and reinstall parts to gain access -- 20 seconds to tweak the nut torque...
  114. C

    Another tractor manufacturer out of business?

    Interesting that their mission statement uses the word "driving". ". . . focused on DRIVING the adoption of" EVs and "associated sustainable energy consumption". Their mission was to PUSH people to use something they wouldn't otherwise use. And to embrace the much more expensive energy...
  115. C

    How to back up a pivoting axle trailer

    I know some of you guys have driven a team of horses hitched to a wagon. Imagine several wagons hitched together in a train and then imagine trying to back them up . . . Never gonna happen. I used to love those old 20 Mule Team Borax commercials. Those were huge wagons hitched together in...
  116. C

    How to back up a pivoting axle trailer

    Wrong! A hay wagon is never a "trailer". It doesn't matter that you "pull it". I really don't understand how this part of the conversation has survived. A buckboard wagon was never a buckboard "trailer". A conestoga wagon was never a Conestoga "trailer". I don't recall John Wayne ever...
  117. C

    How to back up a pivoting axle trailer

    Hate to be the one to say it, but . . . Stories about anyone backing 3 hay wagons in anything except a very short straight line strike me as fantasy. As soon as one of them starts to turn, the tongue on the one behind it will go the other way and they're all jack-knifed within a very short...
  118. C

    How to back up a pivoting axle trailer

    If it has a tongue, it's a wagon. The only way to back one up is to be able to watch the tongue and front wheels so you can tell which direction you're going. Get situated so you can see the tongue and it should be pretty obvious what you need to do.
  119. C

    VW To Resurrect the IH Scout as an Electric Vehicle.

    Would have inspired more confidence if they could have hauled the bricks with electric vehicles. But that would have probably delayed the groundbreaking ceremony for a few days . . .
  120. C

    Gas cooktop - Where's the heat?

    Our last propane delivery in December was $2.70 per gallon. Based on that unit cost and the cost of NG ($1.27 per CCF) from the nearest utility company, we'd save a little more than 50% if we were hooked up to a gas main. It would cut our bill in half. To me, that's a lot. And a lot of...
  121. C

    Gas cooktop - Where's the heat?

    LP is NOT 2 times more efficient. If you have a 94% efficient natural gas furnace and convert it to propane, it's still 94% efficient. But, to your point, if you compare the cost per BTU or THERM, etc., propane is certainly more expensive. True that propane is more energy dense -- has 2500...
  122. C

    Gas cooktop - Where's the heat?

    I'm on propane too. That pic I posted is the front burner on our propane cooktop.
  123. C

    Gas cooktop - Where's the heat?

    OK -- I'm bored. Actually . . . I'm still curious about your appliance regulator. Your flame looks "soft". Here's a pic of one of our medium burners on high. This is often described as a "hard blue flame". At the same time, you should be realistic about how fast water will boil. You...
  124. C

    Gas cooktop - Where's the heat?

    It's kinda hard to tell from a picture, but I think it looks like a pretty good flame. Put that much fire under a pot and something is going to happen. Could it be that we're trying to fix something that ain't broke? On page one of the owner's manual for that range it plainly says "A...
  125. C

    Gas cooktop - Where's the heat?

    Depends on the distance and layout, but I really doubt that's the problem. If it's sized even close to right, using one burner wouldn't max it out. It would have to be several sizes too small before one burner could cause a pressure drop beyond what's expected. You do raise a good question...
  126. C

    Gas cooktop - Where's the heat?

    The regulator is way easier than changing the orifices on 5 burners. But it's new -- let them check it. The regulator has a cap that let's you access the pressure set screw. Under that cap is a little plastic spacer that gets inserted one direction for NG and the other direction for propane...
  127. C

    Looking to pull the trigger on a 4820H but...

    For the kind of work that you're describing, R4 or R14 would be my first choice of tires.
  128. C

    Gas cooktop - Where's the heat?

    It sounds like you might not be that familiar with converting a cooktop. Since it's a new house, I'd suggest that you ask the installer to make a service call and have someone verify that the it was converted properly and checks out ok.
  129. C

    Gas cooktop - Where's the heat? You can go to that link and download the spec sheet. It gives you the BTU output for each burner, but not the orifice size. To convert the...
  130. C

    Gas cooktop - Where's the heat?

    As long as we're exploring here . . . Is it a new house? Are you sure that the appliance regulator was converted to propane in addition to the burner orifices being changed? If not, the appliance regulator set pressure would be way too low. Edit . . . Sorry. I see above where you say it...
  131. C

    Gas cooktop - Where's the heat?

    OK. Well that scratches the gas meter idea . . .
  132. C

    Gas cooktop - Where's the heat?

    You want the flames to hit the BOTTOM of the pot and not run up the sides of the pot. If you have the heat under the pot, I would expect it to heat as well as the electric stove you're used to. I almost never have my gas cooktop burners on HIGH. Simply too hot for anything except trying to...
  133. C

    3pt question

    Generally you just want to center it and then insert pins so that it can't move far enough in either direction to catch the rubber of your tires and start chewing them up. Pin it so it's centered and adjust the angle-of-attack with the top link.
  134. C

    Cracked plastic on cab top on T474.

    Very cool. I'd never seen one of these stitching tools for plastic. How did you actually seal or fill the length of the crack after you placed the staples / stitches to hold it together. Very neat -- I have several items that I might be able to stabilize by stitching them back together...
  135. C

    Adding a loader to a B2650

    If you want a loader on your tractor, just buy one with a loader already installed. MUCH simpler and cheaper.
  136. C

    Kubota B7300 for snow

    Doesn't seem like an "upgrade" from your current equipment to me.
  137. C

    Looking to pull the trigger on a 4820H but...

    Personally, I would never want to remove enough rubber on my tires to add "deep wide grooves". I'd try them as they are (intact) and if they don't suit you, switch them out for something else. I find that R4s get plenty of traction as long as you have 4WD. If it's so muddy that you're going...
  138. C

    2024 garden season

    I got tired of all the weeds in the sweet corn. And I admit that I'm not overly energetic about weeding beyond running a tiller between the rows when it's getting started. So two years ago I tried some round-up ready sweet corn. WOW! Sure was neat driving the tractor through it and spraying...
  139. C

    How to back up a pivoting axle trailer

    We are really over-thinking this. Go borrow some kid's little red wagon and have them show you how they have to turn the tongue to back it up when it's tied to their tricycle. It's a pain in the butt to do. BUT, it's not this complicated to understand. Forget all this talk about backing...
  140. C

    How to back up a pivoting axle trailer

    If you somehow "pin the axle", especially on a LOADED wagon, you're going to bend the tongue or break something else. It would have to be a very robust wagon with no load to let you scoot the front wheels around without them turning.
  141. C

    Replacement metal method

    That custom roof over the machine is very cool too!!
  142. C

    Replacement metal method

    We replaced our roof in November. Talked to a half dozen contractors and got prices for both metal and asphalt. The approach was the same by all of them. Tear off the existing shingles, put down underlayment with ice barrier being used in the valleys and at the bottoms, and then metal or...
  143. C

    Ballast box opinions

    I knew there was some reason that I was hanging on to all those old brake rotors . . . Great idea! Thanks!!
  144. C

    How to back up a pivoting axle trailer

    It's just like the Little Red Wagon you had when you were a kid. And those sucked to back up too. Used to have competition events at the county fairs where kids would see who could back one through a couple obstacles in the best time. (These would be your standard 16' hay wagons.) When we're...
  145. C

    2022 KiotiCK2610SE AC not working - light doesnt come on

    Low on refrigerant will keep your compressor from running.
  146. C

    Purchased a Kubota M9960 looking for a loader

    Is this a 2WD, 4WD, Cab tractor, . . . ??? Do you have any use for it WITHOUT a loader? Since you're asking about adding a loader on an Internet forum, my advice would be to sell it and buy a tractor that already has a factory loader on it -- if that's what you want.
  147. C

    Brand new Kioti rx7320 Dead in the water

    I hate to say I told you so, but remember this from the other day?? "You can gripe all you want and we can hypothesize till the end of time (believe me, we can),. . . ." Well it's that latter part that you're now observing and this could go on for quite a while . . . You might as well go...
  148. C

    Ballast box opinions

    You can get solid blocks. They're half as thick but solid -- no holes. Very heavy. 16"x8"x4". Sometimes called cap blocks. Readily available. Weighs almost the same as the 8" thick block in half the size. Check out Home Depot "Solid Concrete Block" ... Can get them anyplace that sells...
  149. C

    John Deere 5103 02-04 no start

    Did you check the fuel filter? Does fuel flow through the fuel line to the fuel filter free and clear? What you're describing makes me think you might have "gunk" (technical term) in the fuel line. Have you taken the fuel line loose upstream of the fuel filter? Have you changed the fuel...
  150. C

    Ballast box opinions

    Sorry. "Thread drift" kicked in . . . Should have focused on your question . . . If I were you I'd dump some gravel in it and see how it works. Then decide if you want to change things. Also would drill drain holes in the bottom. If you decide to fill it with concrete, I would...
  151. C

    Ballast box opinions

    Very coincidental cause I've been looking at MarketPlace and Craigslist today for a ballast box -- maybe something about 800#. Amazon will deliver one for free for about $220. There are several out there right at $200 delivered that look identical to the one that Titan Attachments sells. As...
  152. C

    John Deere 5103 02-04 no start

    To elaborate . . . I shut mine off in the hayfield one nice sunny day and a few minutes later it wouldn't start. Would crank just fine but acted like it wasn't getting any fuel. I fooled around with the fuel pump and fuel line and fuel rail . . . Broke the flared end off the fuel line and...
  153. C

    John Deere 5103 02-04 no start

    There's a high temp sensor / switch on top of the engine near the front. It screws into the water jacket and has a short pigtail with 2-wire modular plug. Try unplugging that to see if it makes any difference. I seem to recall that mine would run with that unplugged, but you might want to...
  154. C

    RK37 vs TYM/Branson 3515

    What kind of continuous flow implements would you use on a tractor that size? Just curious.
  155. C

    Brand new Kioti rx7320 Dead in the water

    You’re welcome.
  156. C

    Geico, and/orOnline insurance quotes

    All of the companies that I've dealt with in the last 20 years let you do an online quote that provides all the details regarding limits, deductible, etc. Otherwise they can't quote it. Don't know if you're eligible to join or already an AARP member, but they have a relationship with The...
  157. C

    Brand new Kioti rx7320 Dead in the water

    My Kubota has a 3-position switch for the overhead light that is similar to a car. On all the time, On when the door is open, and OFF all the time. Is it possible that you have a similar switch and left it on? Everyone plays with EVERY switch on a new tractor. Frankly, it's just silly not to...
  158. C

    Brand new Kioti rx7320 Dead in the water

    Good news. You know exactly why it won't start and why it's dead!! Charge the battery if it will charge and go from there.
  159. C

    Home incinerator project

    An actual "incinerator" is an appliance that uses fuel to reduce waste to ash. Gas-fired incinerators used to be common. Rarely seen now. Seems like you're looking for suggestions on a how to build a better "burn container contraption".
  160. C

    Need Advice on Front Mount Snow Blowers

    See above comment about "CAB" If your neck bothers you from using a blade, wait till the wind catches that powder and turns you into an instant snowman. I would really recommend that your upgrade plan include a cab -- whether its on a tractor or a truck or an SUV. And a cheap plow on a...
  161. C

    Home incinerator project

    Do these new and improved burn barrels use DEF or do they go into a REGEN cycle every few hours? I just ventilate a 55 gallon drum with .38 specials so it can get some air and then light a match. Need a few holes in the bottom for drainage and the rest around the circumference. Low tech...
  162. C

    Adding intermittent wipers to a CK4020SE (or any cab model)

    I just go inside until it quits raining or rains harder . . . :cool: Let us know if it works! Might be an interesting upgrade if it's cheap and easy.
  163. C

    Just got a 1739E, what are these two symbols?

    Sheesh! I didn't realize that any tractors went into regen for 30 minutes every 4 hours. We've really gone overboard with these emission systems. The regen cycle probably burns more fuel than the net carbon savings from the particulate filter. More inefficiency injected into simple systems.
  164. C

    Got asked to bid a very unusual project

    Perfect. You should go ahead and bid on the demolition of that downstream bridge too. :cool:
  165. C

    Got asked to bid a very unusual project

    If the riverbank will support the crane, your idea seems the simplest.
  166. C

    Got asked to bid a very unusual project

    Whatever price you come up with, better double it just to cover contingencies!!
  167. C

    Got asked to bid a very unusual project

    I always thought the Corps of Engineers managed that stuff. But I guess they’d hire contractors wouldn’t they? Duh. Can you drag stuff out and untangle it and let it float downstream? Or does it all have to be pulled out of the water?
  168. C

    Something's eating my birds

    Is there woods or farmland around where the coyotes are holed up? That’s where you need to go to start thinning them out. Scary when they’re active around houses. I worry about kids being safe. At least it’s only at night.
  169. C

    Something's eating my birds

    Damn coyotes. We ended up building a lot of fence to keep our dogs in and coyotes out. They wouldn't stand a chance against a few hungry coyotes that kill for a living. At least we didn't want to risk it. Sure is spooky when a bunch of them start yodeling at night. Nothing to do but...
  170. C

    Something's eating my birds

    Definitely need to get a camera set up so you can identify the enemy.
  171. C

    Something's eating my birds

    I didn't realize Amazon sold parrots . . . They're into everything now, aren't they?
  172. C


    It won't bend the tines. But if it bothers you, put some blocks under the skids on both ends. I bet it sat on the tines at the dealer's place before you got it.
  173. C

    First time plowing with SSQA plow, float mode just digs into the driveway

    I get the feeling that we're spinning our wheels on this one. The OP hasn't posted here for a couple weeks . . .
  174. C

    Narrowing 3ph arm angle and/or wheel spacers

    Can you turn the pins inward on your implement instead of having them point outward? Most can be installed either way and that makes a big difference on where your 3PH arms are in relation to the tire.
  175. C

    Student Loan Debt?

    The government takes tax dollars and pays any other entity that has money coming. As usual, the taxpayer gets stuck with the bill. I wish I hadn't paid off the house and cars, etc. Programs to forgive those loans must be next . . .
  176. C

    Geothermal related to cooling in Michigan.

    Good point! Have to consider the options where you're at. There's no natural gas where I'm at so using less propane and avoiding the seasonal cost fluctuations would be huge. On the other hand, the OP seems to be mainly concerned with AC summer use. It's hard to say how much more a...
  177. C

    Geothermal related to cooling in Michigan.

    The free hot water during the summer is a benefit that you don't want to overlook. As your water-source heatpump extracts heat from your house to cool it, a desuperheater unit transfers that heat into a hot water storage tank and heats your water (or supplements your water heater's operation)...
  178. C

    Geothermal related to cooling in Michigan.

    Also, take advantage of the tax credits for installation. Lower electric use will only get more valuable as these "green" initiatives continue to hike electric rates.
  179. C

    Geothermal related to cooling in Michigan.

    Kinda surprised by the responses so far. I would expect operating costs would by MUCH lower with geothermal. You're using a fairly constant ground temperature as your heat sink which should help a LOT with the cold up there. AC is much more efficient than ambient air exchange. Plus you get...
  180. C

    Couldn't find that, an error occurred

    We're going to need to start up a separate TBN's Anonymous site on a separate server for those times when the TBN site is broken. Don't want anyone going off the deep end due to lack of access . . . :cool:
  181. C

    Found a really nice 9’ tractor snowplow

    Strike a deal and get it while you can!
  182. C

    Found a really nice 9’ tractor snowplow

    Curious what your plan is. You're looking for a truck to plow with. Will you also have both of these tractors set up to plow snow too? You'll be able to keep the whole county clear!
  183. C

    Found a really nice 9’ tractor snowplow

    It's a rigid design though. Right? No way to lower it and let it "float" on its own weight. You'd have the weight of your loader on it too. If it was suspended by a chain and able to pivot on the SSQA plate, it would be much more like a truck mounted plow. Nice plow that looks new and...
  184. C

    Best Snowblower?

    Agree! Affordability! Another reason to consider the cheapest, simplest, most accessible and available configuration — the simple 3PH rear-facing snowblower.
  185. C

    Best Snowblower?

    As long as we’re opining, I’ll also add …. To me, simpler is better. I don’t think there’s anything more foolproof than a solid, short PTO shaft connected to a rear-facing snowblower. No hydraulic motors or belts or elaborate geometry to get power to the blower. For a few hours use on a few...
  186. C

    Best Snowblower?

    Agree. I use a Meyer snowplow on the FEL for most snow removal. When it's too deep or heavy to handle, I have a 7' blower on the rear. I get almost sideways in the seat and use my left foot on the hydro-pedal. I can watch what's going on out back and front both, and still sip my coffee...
  187. C

    Solis SV24 Electric tractor - Here is what we know so far...

    This is the main fallacy with the whole "green deal" push . . . The premise that electricity just magically comes out of the wall at no cost. Electric motors are, in fact, very efficient as measured at the point of use. But how efficient is the battery? We also can't neglect the efficiency...
  188. C

    Looking again for a 3,500 GVWR utility trailer

    I don't "care". You started this conversation. I'm just trying to understand what we're talking about or trying to do.
  189. C

    Looking again for a 3,500 GVWR utility trailer

    Are you going to load your Escape to the max inside as well? That is, are you planning to lay the seats down and load the interior too? The last time we had to move stuff state-to-state, we loaded the interior of the SUV to the headliner. I had a cargo carrier on the roof but those don't...
  190. C

    Repairing rotten OSB subfloor

    I was thinking you were going to block it up perpendicular to the joists. I see what you mean now. My bad. The spots that might sag or feel "weak" over time would be directly over the existing joists. Do you think the floor might feel like a washboard over time? In your repair option...
  191. C

    Repairing rotten OSB subfloor

    Also, just thinking about the day when you have to fill out an information sheet about the property for potential buyers -- listing any concerns or condition issues. This would be a red flag. Even more concerning would be questions from people looking at all that additional patching, framing...
  192. C

    Repairing rotten OSB subfloor

    Isn't the OSB delaminated, falling apart, cupped, crumbling, etc.??? The laminate floor might be strong enough to span the gaps and still leave a fairly level surface, but over time I think that old flooring will just continue to disintegrate and work its way out of every crack. Need to pull...
  193. C

    Well… that was stupid…

    Another classic workplace safety lesson ………. This brick mason was involved in a on site accident and had to fill out this report for the accident. Dear Sir: I am writing in response to your request for additional information in Block 3 of the Accident form. I put "poor planning" as the cause...
  194. C

    Searching for a truck I may never find?

    Right. I wouldn't buy a beater either if I was planning to "work" it. Just agreeing that it's a hard occupation for a truck. I used to love to head out and plow snow. Now I just do mine and some cleanup around the neighbors here and there. And I do that with a tractor now so I'm very...
  195. C

    Searching for a truck I may never find?

    Definitely -- the hardest thing you can do to a truck is plow snow with it. Especially large parking lots where it's all back and forth and shifting. I've had plows on 3 vehicles and all 3 were well-perforated by the time I hauled them to the scrapyard.
  196. C

    Searching for a truck I may never find?

    Just realized, I can't even look at a REGULAR cab anymore without cringing. I've had extended cabs starting in 1993 and then full 4-door models since 2014. I've always got tools and coats and junk back there. Can't imagine going back to a standard cab without room to throw a coat in the back...
  197. C

    Oil level on a Lamborghini 550DT

    Might have to watch Jeremy Clarkson's Farm series in order to get pointers on this. There's a funny episode about him and his team not knowing how to drive their new/used Lambo tractor . . .
  198. C

    Outdoor dog house heater?

    A dog house only has a hole in it for a door. Even if you hang a flap on it, it's just a hole. You wouldn't have a moisture problem . . .
  199. C

    Outdoor dog house heater?

    Good news! She'll have a good life. Don't visit. Leave her to the new owners. You should go celebrate -- good luck all around!
  200. C

    oil furnace sooting extensively

    Nozzles were always the first thing to check on my previous boilers. Good fuel oil technicians are getting very rare! Still lots in use residentially in New England, but here and further south, good luck.