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  1. W

    New kind of seat time for the UTV yesterday.

    I was out at the farm yesterday. Mowed both sides of the fence line with the tractor and then hopped into the Teryx to go along the fence and replace a few insulators. UTV's were made for that kind of work. ;o} After finishing that up and putting the Teryx back in the barn I noticed that there...
  2. W

    Saw the second snake of the year today.

    About a 3 foot long rattler in the field that I was broadcast seeding and cultipacking. It did not survive the encounter......
  3. W

    I have a 25 acre field......

    And a Kioti DK45SE HST tractor and a 7.5 ft wide disc. Is it crazy to try and row crop that amount of acreage with with the Kioti and some kind of old seed drill? I do not have the seed drill yet. Any recomendations on what size and/or model? I would not mind having to refurbish the drill...
  4. W

    OK... now what?

  5. W

    Anyone know of a roller pump.........

    That is good quality and does not cost an arm and a leg. Not having good luck with the $100 pump from TSC and really do not want to lay out $309 for a "silver" pump if I do not have to.
  6. W

    Utility water is too expensive to put in at the farm

    So I am thinking of buying a 1500 gallon water tank at TSC to put by the barn like this one: Water Storage Tank, 1,500 gal. - 2126917 | Tractor Supply Company I will also purchase a pickup truck style 250-300 gallon tank to tote water from my house which is about 40 minutes away. Since I go to...
  7. W

    I bought an old cultipacker.....

    I made a pass over the acreage I disced to break up the large clods and firm up the seedbed before seeding Bermuda. Seems like there is too much side to side play for the wheels and they clatter a fair bit pulling even at very low speed. There are three bushing/shims on the end of each side of...
  8. W

    Advice needed.

    I am in the process of trying to convert 9 acres from unused land to pasture. I have cleared the brush and dead trees, sent soil out for a analysis, subsoiled to break up the hardpan and disced at different angles over several passes. Below is a pic of one of the fields. Does this need to be...
  9. W

    Saw the first snake of the year today.....

    It was sunning itself on the road near my farm. Not sure what kind it was as it turned and scooted off the road faster than I have ever seen a snake move as I drove by. I don't even like snakes driving by at 30 mph. ;o{
  10. W

    sizing implements

    What are the right sizes for a seed drill, cultipacker and chain harrow for a 45HP HST tractor that is a bit less than 6 feet wide?
  11. W

    Need to buy a disc

    Anyone have a Tractor Supply 6.5 foot disc harrow? If so is it a good unit? I need to buy a disc and am considering picking up one of the square tube frame models from TSC(link below). CountyLine Heavy-Duty Disc Harrow - 2128278 | Tractor Supply Company Warhammer
  12. W

    What can you use to firm up a seedbed..........

    and cover grass seed in a new pasture if you don't have a culitpacker?
  13. W

    How big of a chain harrow can a mule pull?

    When the chain harrow is aggressive side up?
  14. W


    First time using a disc today. Pics are of one pass over the ground. It is recently cleared and I am looking to make it into pasture. It does not dig in deep enough. More passes at an angle and more weight on the disc? How much weight would be in the ballpark? Warhammer
  15. W

    Last question today....

    I just had some acreage cleared to convert to pasture. Is there any type of hay you can broadcast seed that will grow fast enough to allow the introduction of a low density of cattle within 9 months or a year? Attached is a pic of the cleared area. Besides wanting to make a pasture out of...
  16. W

    Need to control some water flowing.....

    I had a large deep gully filled when I had some terraced acres cleared in preparation of becoming pasture. With all the rain we have had the erosion has already started again aand I would like to manage or minimize it if possible. The first aerial shows the acreage before clearing and filling...
  17. W

    What size trailer for a DK45SE with FEL?

    What's the smallest trailer that could safely be used for occasional towing a DK45SE? Would trailer brakes be mandated?
  18. W

    Fence Questions

    I am fencing 15 acres to use for cow pasture. Question 1. I am using 12 ga. high tensile smooth wire that I will electrify. I have 9 inch treated corner/brace posts and T-posts with plastic standoffs. Everything I have read on high tensile elctric fence has wildly varying line post spacing with...
  19. W

    I bought a sprayer several months back....

    Its a Fimco type 55 gallon, runs off a roller pump on the PTO. It only sprays with a good pattern for about the first half to two thirds of the tank. The last third or so the pressure goes to a bit above zero and the contents dribble out the nozzle instead of spraying. I have tried adjusting...
  20. W

    Got the Teryx last weekend.

    It's an unsold 2008. Only drove it around the farm for 20-30 minutes as it was cold and windy. This thing is going to be really useful for fence and chores! Pics attached - it only looked this clean for about 10 minutes after arriving atthe farm. ;o{
  21. W

    Anybody have a Kawasaki Teryx?

    I have about settled on one and am trying to figure out how to transport it. I have a 5x8 Tractor Supply trailer with flip up rear gate/ramp that I have added wood floorboards to but I am not sure if: 1. a Teryx would fit on it and 2. if the weight is not too much to use it to trailer out to my...
  22. W

    Will a splice on high tensile wire hold up?

    I pulled three 1250 foot strands of high tensile wire for a fence today and came up 35 feet short on the last strand. I guess 4000 foot spools of wire are kind of arbitrary in how much wire you actually get. Each wire goes from an end post 240 feet to a braced corner makes a 90 deg turn and...
  23. W

    4x4 mules good in mud?

    Are 4x4 Mules pretty good in mud? Comparable to an ATV? I have gotten stuck a few times in my 2wd truck recently at the farm and it is getting old. While my tractor with ag tires will get stuck occasionally if I turn on 4WD and it pulls right out of the mud.
  24. W

    What next?

    My wife and I purchased our farm two years ago. There was 9 acres that was terraced and not level enough to be row cropped. That portion was left vacant with no brush management for the last 20 years or so. Shortly after we took posession I bush hogged everything I could. The result can be...
  25. W

    I hate snakes.

    There is a rattlesnake den that sits several feet off of a part of my fence that I need to spend some time working on. One of the residents was sitting out today catching some sun when I passed by to look at what I need to work on. I was lucky I saw it as it really blended in to the...
  26. W

    Looking at getting a UTV.....

    Really don't know what to buy though. Primary usage would be as a utility vehicle on the farm for chores, fence work etc. I have a tractor so I do not anticipate using it with any ground engaging implements. My lifelong hobby has been dirtbikes so something with some performance would be a...
  27. W

    What weed is this and how do I get rid of it?

    I had a 5 acre field sprigged in coastal earlier this year. Considering the extreme drought in Central Texas I got a pretty good stand. I also got many vines that grow along the ground and produce a bunch of pods that look like smallish limes that turn lemon yellow. How do I get rid of these...
  28. W

    Anyone know about this plow?

    This plow is being sold near where I live. The owner says it is a Ford IO-156 2bottom plow. These good plows? Will my Kioti 45HP HST pull this thing ok? I would be using it on a small farm that has been rowcropped yearly for decades. Warhammer
  29. W

    I hope theres a way to fix this.....

    I am building a fence(first attempt) to start turning some vacant overgrown acreage into pasture. On one side is a row cropped field that I want to encroach on as little as possible and on the other a curving dirt entrance road. In order to do that I made two braced corners that were not 90...
  30. W

    Got things really tippy today on the tractor....

    My stock tanks have been dry for a month or two now. I have been getting quotes to get them cleaned out and have been unpleasantly surprised at the prices being given. I drove the tractor down into the tank today to try a little cleaning with the FEL. I was surprised at how soft the dirt was -...
  31. W

    Rotary Cutter  Got the Bush Hog fixed after the mshap with the stump.

    Now to find some paint that matches.......
  32. W

    Tires  Tractor tires

    I have flats on both my front tires. So I inflated the tires, jacked the front end up and spun the wheels around looking for the problem. I found a dozen or so thorns in each tire. I marked the location of each thorn and put soapy water on each one and there was no bubbling. I removed each...
  33. W

    Rotary Cutter  I really jacked up my Bush Hog this time.

    Wasn't paying close enough attention and backed into a stump. I have tried to bend it back out to a usable shape with no luck and am thinking I am going to have to cut the mangled metal out and put a new piece in. ;o{ Warhammer
  34. W

    FEL fittings leak hydraulic fluid a bit

    I noticed a couple of days back that two of the fittings on my DK45SE's FEL are leaking a bit. It would drip every 5-10 minutes during constant loader usage. When I was done I wiped it down and put a wrench to the fittings. They were tight. Whats the next step in trying to fix this? Warhammer
  35. W

    Tractor creeps with foot off HST pedal

    My DK45SE HST has started creeping with no pressure on the HST pedal and the shifting has gotten to take some effort when moving between ranges. Is there a fix for this that I can do or does it need to go back to the dealer? Warhammer
  36. W

    Sprayer  Anyone know of a good deal on a 3 point sprayer?

    I need to buy one pretty soon. I have been looking at the boomless 55-60 gallon one at TSC. Looks like it will do the job but is quite a few dollars at about $1100 by the time you buy the sprayer and the 6 roller pump. Warhammer
  37. W

    What's the timeframe for spraying weed killer on a newly sprigged field?

    Fertilized and sprigged three weeks or so ago. There are broadleaf weeds coming up all over with one large approx 1/4 acre spot having a pretty good patch. I was reading the 2-4,D label and it says not to spray until the hay has been cut a time or two. Should I spot spray the weeds with...
  38. W

    I am building a fence....

    .... with high tensile wire. Do I need any spcific type of wood to use as twitch sticks for tensioning the corner braces? Warhammer
  39. W

    I got 5 acres sprigged in Coastal about 2 weeks ago.....

    Its been from mid 70's to high 80's since and we have had at least one REALLY good rain. Here are pics of what has sprouted so far. Looking pretty sparse and weed like so far. ;o{ Warhammer
  40. W

    Anyone know where I can buy ........

    Anyone know where I can buy bagged 25-25-0 fertilizer in the Austin area in Texas? All I can find is bulk and it would be much easier if I could put it out with a 3 point spreader. Warhammer
  41. W

    Does Kioti sell touchup paint?

    Or is there a common color that is close? I am noticing there are spots of little spots rust in various places on the grey parts of the tractor that I'd like to get rid of. Warhammer
  42. W

    Got my soil test back....

    I want to put a 5 acre field that has been row cropped for decades into Coastal and then run some cows on it and some adjacent vacant land that can't be farmed. The vacant land I will leave as unimproved pasture. I sent soil samples off for test and the results are back. For establishment I...
  43. W

    I should have had this done before delivery....

    I think I need to get the rear tires filled as I frequently spin the rear tires while doing work. I do not have a tractor hauler. Would it be crazy to take just the wheels to a dealer and have it done? Can two people move a filled wheel without mayhem? On my lower field the only access is down...
  44. W

    I bought a toothbar .......

    I bought a toothbar and one of the mounting brackets got bent in shipping. There is an inch or so gap from the mounting point on the toothbar to the side of the bucket. This is a pretty substantial bracket. Can I straighten it out without weakening the bracket? If so big hammer time or...
  45. W

    Want to put a field in Coastal....

    About 5 acres in size. It was plowed last fall and has been harrowed a few times since. I have not had the soil amended and it was planted with grain sorghum last year. We are in an extreme drought area. Any workable timeframe to get this field sprigged with Coastal this year? Warhammer
  46. W

    Saw the first rattlesnake of the year at the farm today.

    I had cleared some brush and trimmed a tree last weekend to allow access to the spot I need to sink a line post for the fence I am building. Today I pulled the tractor up to the spot and got off to drop the auger in just the right place to drop the post. Out of the corner of my eye I saw some...
  47. W

    Any tips for getting a PHD to dig thru hardpan?

    I'm using a Rhino PHD with 9" auger. I am having a problem getting it to dig thru some hardpan. I have spent a few hours at it and am down to about 16-18". I have tried taking a tamping bar and sledging it in a bit, breaking the dirt up and then going at it again with the PHD. It works but is...
  48. W

    Its time for the 50 hour service....

    The manual says either 90w gear oil or hydraulic transmission fluid for the front axle. And that they ship it from the factory with the hydraulic fluid in there. One better than the other in this application? Does Tractor Supply sell any hydraulic fluid that meets the spec that Kioti calls for...
  49. W

    Shut tractor down or let it idle?

    I am working on building a fence and am doing wood corner and line reinforcing posts. The tractor is idling a large percentage of the time when not running the post hole digger. How long will you let a tractor idle before shutting it down while working on the between tractor parts of jobs...
  50. W

    Some guy doing a stoppie with a 15ton loader

    This pretty graphically demonstrates weight transfer ..... Warhammer Skills With A 15 Ton Front LoaderVideo
  51. W

    Oil & Fuel  Does a new tractor use oil?

    Does a new tractor use oil? I have a DK45SE that is my first tractor and first diesel engine of any kind. I purchased the tractor new in June and it has 42 hours on it now. I check the fluid levels each time I use the tractor. Today when I went to fire it up I noticed the oil level was down...
  52. W

    Havn't fired up my DK45 for a month or so ....

    And when I started it up this weekend it sounded like it clattered more than normal. Not like it was going to blow any minute but louder than I remember it being. The tractor has 28 hours on it, oil level is good and clean, no smoke. The tractor stays in a barn when not in use.It has a bit...
  53. W

    Any dealers on here selling a toothbar for a Kioti DK45SE ?

    What you got and how much for it shipped to 78681? Warhammer
  54. W

    Oil & Fuel  Will a Kioti DK45SE run on Bio Diesel?

    Not all gas stations around here sell diesel. Of the stations that do some sell bio diesel. Can this be run in my tractor? If so any issues if it mixes in the tank with non bio diesel? Warhammer
  55. W

    Size of implements for a DK45SE

    What size boxblade? Want to use for scraping some dirt off some high spots in a field and for work on a gravel driveway. The dirt is not very hard and has almost no rocks. What size box frame disc? I want to use this to break up crop residue in a field. Who makes a good toothbar for the...
  56. W

    Newb question about the farm

    There are two fields on my land that have been row cropped yearly for decades. Field sizes are 5 and 24 acres. For the last 7-8 years crops have rotated mostly between corn and cotton with maize being grown this year. The farmer who leased it for at least the last 10 years just let me know he...
  57. W

    The seat belt mechanism on my DK45SE exploded...

    .... and of course parts flew into the tall weeds I was brush hogging at the time never to be found again. I am curious as to how a warranty request is going to work. I don't have the broken part AND the dealer is 78 miles away. Keeping my fingers crossed. Warhammer
  58. W

    Waiting to buy a DK45SE HST .....

    Agreed to the deal today and am waiting for the tractor to arrive at the dealer, hopefully later this week. Ordered tractor, loader and sunshade, HST with R1 AG tires. Now I just need to figure out what kind/size of brush hawg to get. WarHammer
  59. W

    Does a Kioti DK45SE FEL really lift 800lbs. more than a Kubota L4400 FEL?

    If so am I likely to miss that extra capacity moving mostly dry soil?
  60. W

    Price Check  Is this a good price?

    New 2008 DK45SE Hst Kioti KL 401 loader w/ quick attach R1 Ag tires Canopy $22300 - Non Kioti finance.
  61. W

    Price check - Kubota L4400 HST

    Is this a good price on a new L4400? Kubota L4400HST-F Tractor - $16500 Kubota LA703A Loader - 4255 Quick Attach 72" Bucket Draft Control - 395 Sunshade - 350 Total - $21500
  62. W

    Kubota L4400 HST or Kioti DK45SE HST

    Trying to make up my mind here. I think I have things narrowed down to these two models. They both look like really nice machines. I have 38 acres I need to fence on two sides, 1800ft. gravel driveway to maintain, 8-9 acres to brush hog, a bunch of FEL work etc. Looks like the Kubota is a bit...
  63. W

    How big to size the pipe ....

    For a gravel driveway that has to cross a wet weather creek. Other than clearing the brush to see whats there, the creekbed is as it was carved by decades of water flow. Water gets going through there pretty good when it rains. Any thoughts? WarHammer
  64. W

    It would be great if Tractor dealers were open on Saturday.....

    Since that is when I can run around looking to purchase one. WarHammer
  65. W

    I emailed Kioti

    To ask what the suggested list price of DK45SE HST, DK45S Cab and CK35HST was. They replied back there is no MSRP dealers set the prices. Seems kind of odd to not have a published MSRP for a large ticket item. Warhammer
  66. W

    Can anyone recomend ....

    Someone in the Central Texas area that can rebuild a pair of barn doors and their track. I have been looking for a couple of weeks, have talked to a couple dozen contractors and not found anyone able or willing to do the work. Any help appreciated. Warhammer
  67. W

    Price Check  Price check DK45S Cab - DK45SE HST

    Getting close to a purchase. Anyone have any purchase price or price quote info on these models with an FEL? Warhammer
  68. W

    What is the going rate....

    For clearing acreage. I have 8-9 acres that need to be cleaned up. I have mowed about half of it or so. On the remainder there is 50-75 small trees with less than 6" trunk diameter to be removed and lots of clumps of heavy vegetation that can't be brushhogged. I have a quote of a flat rate of...
  69. W

    Anyone here ever painted a galvinized metal building?

    I have a 1950 vintage quonset type building on my property that has sat unused for quite a few years. Many of the panels have rusted. The roof panels in particular look to be in an advanced rusty state on the outside but show no corrosion on the inside. The dirt on the floor looks undisturbed...
  70. W

    Anyone have a 4510 Cab model?

    If so how do you like it? Warhammer
  71. W

    Kioti should make

    A DK45S cab with HST. I think I'd have to buy one of those.
  72. W

    Dealer  Any TYM dealers in Central Texas?

    I am in the Round Rock/Austin area. Jeff
  73. W

    Reskin old barn or replace with new building?

    The metal barn on my property was put up in 1950 and is looking pretty rough. I have posted a pic. I am trying to figure out if it is worth trying to reskin it or whether I should bite the bullet and replace it. It seems to still be sturdy and relatively weather tight and has stood unused for...
  74. W

    Confused about which tractor to buy.

    I am trying to figure out what the right tractor for me would be. I am a complete tractor newb but am mechanically inclined. I have been reading these forums and some other sites daily for a couple of months and have purchased and read Muhammed's Compact Tractor Buying Basics. I recently...