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  1. S

    Bobcat T770 doesn't seem to preheat

    Hi all, I have a "new to me" 2015 T770 T4 with 2800-ish hours on it. It has the deluxe panel on it. We are hovering around 30degrees here in MI right now and when I turn the key to the on position it says "wait to start" for maybe a second and then goes away. All my other Bobcat machines (2018...
  2. S

    Hydraulic Post Pounder

    Okay, so I am cheap (and poor). I could not afford to buy a Vector Post Driver. The best price I could come up with was over $5k plus freight, ouch. So, I built one. As you will see by the photos, I modified Vector's loader-mount model. Theirs uses an offset design, which admittedly is better...
  3. S

    Mitsubushi FG140 Hydraulics

    Okay, so this may or may not belong in this Forum, but I was torn between hydraulics and transportation.;) Last fall I bought a 2005 Mitsubushi FG140, which is a 14000GVW (1.5ton) 4X4 truck for use around our farm in northern Idaho. The truck is awesome! It has a 2 speed transfer case and low...