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  1. T

    Truck tires on a UTV?

    I'm planning to tag my Defender for road use (we can do that where I live), so I need to put it on DOT approved tires. I see two options: 1) I can buy DOT approve UTV tires. 2) I can buy larger rims and put light truck tires on it. The UTV tires are more expensive and I suspect they will...
  2. T

    Coming back together.

    The 214 I picked up as a winter project is coming back together. It needed a fuel line and pump, a good cleaning and some jury rigging set right. While I was at it a 10 foot paint job seemed in order. This will be a working machine so no show quality restoration needed. I still have to sort...
  3. T

    FASCO loader parts

    Does anyone know of a source for Ford/FASCO loader parts? I am needing seals for the lift cylinders on my Ford/FASCO 1200 loader and can't seem to find them listed anywhere. This one has single acting cylinders on it. If I figure out what the plunger diameter is can I order universal seals...
  4. T

    Commercial Use?

    Just curious if anyone on the board is using their RK tractor for commercial use? I have a friend who is a residential contractor that is looking at the RK37 for jobsite use. He needs something to move materials around the jobsites, dig the occasional footer or open up foundations for...