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Results 1 to 200 of 1863
  1. E

    FX24D Won't Start

    I think the spark you saw is telling. As careyo63 suggested I think it is a ground to frame connection. Eric
  2. E

    Flux Core vs MIG - best YouTube comparison I've seen

    I use flux core when welding in windy conditions and welding on dirty metal. I use gas when welding inside and when I want less spatter and a better looking weld. Fortunately for me I have 2 small Lincoln wire feed welders and a beast of a machine Miller that welds better than I do. I keep flux...
  3. E

    Tool Cat UW50 Dead as a Door Nail!

    Sounds like a bad connection from the battery, probably the ground cable. Check the connection by removing the cable from the frame and examining the area under the connection. I wouldn't be surprised at all if there is rust there. I have been there and done that. If my suggestion doesn't pan...
  4. E

    Are CUT Manufacturers pricing themselves out of the market?

    My neighbor bought a new Kioti CUT a few years ago. It sure looks like a nice machine and he came over to my place to move some dirt for me because he wanted to and my Yanmar had a little problem which has been fixed. It did a great job. I asked him what he paid and he hemmed and hawed so I let...
  5. E

    New glasses really help with welding

    I paid 1800 bucks extra to get the astigmatism in my right eye corrected. The lens was supposed to keep my vision the same as my left eye. It didn't. I am now near sighted in my right eye and far sighted in my left. I paid extra so that I could keep on using cheap readers and now I need...
  6. E

    New glasses really help with welding

    Yeah, me too. I'm retired and only weld stuff for myself, but I'm good at it, enjoy it, and I have lots of stuff just waiting to be welded. My eye doctor didn't seem to understand why I wanted to weld stuff. I guess he doesn't build stuff. Eric
  7. E

    New glasses really help with welding

    Several months ago I had a cataract replaced in my right eye. The new lens was supposed to be the same focal length as my left eye. Well, for whatever reason it turned out to be only useful for close vision while my left eye remained focused for distance. I'm still arguing about this with my eye...
  8. E

    Bent valve cover

    Thanks for the update and good for you! I know everybody here truly appreciates the update. And the fact that you fixed it yourself not only adds to your confidence but also helps other folks who may be considering a similar repair. The repair doesn't need to be a valve cover, just an aluminum...
  9. E

    Exceptional wound care

    Several nights ago I was slicing potatoes 1/8" thick on a mandolin slicer. Because of my inattention I managed to slice a 1/8" thick section from my little finger. It was pretty bad, I saw the fat bubbling out through the blood. I managed to remove not only the epidermis but also the dermis. I...
  10. E

    Going to try my hand at gathering sap

  11. E

    Going to try my hand at gathering sap

    What happens when the syrup goes bad? Does it taste sour or just plain spoiled? Does it make you sick? I have been thinking about trying to make alder syrup and maybe tapping a couple maple trees we have. Living north of Seattle we of course don't have the trees for syrup like the northeast...
  12. E

    Cleaning carb on MS 280

    My little Stihl became hard to start and ran bad. I tried Seafoam. I didn't want to take the carb apart if I didn't need to. Anyway, the Seafoam did the trick and it now starts easily again and runs well. I did need to add Seafoam to two tank fulls because even though the first use seemed to fix...
  13. E

    Semi-DIY ROPS

    Isn't that interesting. I have been wearing seat belts in cars for over 60 years. I have heard and read all the arguments about how wearing seat belts are less safe than not wearing them. Same deal with motorcycle helmets. But I know these arguments are hogwash. I for sure avoided a head injury...
  14. E


    If you were to repair that shaft today, if it was removed from the motor, the cost would be less than $600.00. I would think it that the price in Georgia would be less. Eric
  15. E

    Have you ever had a hard time starting a fire on a pit or a file of wood debris?

    I burn green wood every year after cleaning up the small branches from trees that fall or are felled. My method is to make a pile, squish it down with the FEL on my YM2310, then apply the weed burner. After the center starts to burn I turn on a small squirrel cage fan and point it into the...
  16. E


    I don't know the exact cost because I don't live where you do and I have been retired for a while, plus it depends on how thick the chrome plating would need to be. There are also other plating methods for building up worn shafts that don't involve chrome. But if it was my shaft I would lean...
  17. E


    The reason the coupling was hard to remove and didn't have much side to side play is because the coupling spun on the shaft and both the shaft and coupling have raised portions as well as depressed portions and the raised portions coincided, making removal difficult. Considering how much one of...
  18. E

    Are CUT Manufacturers pricing themselves out of the market?

    Mine still runs very well. A 1980 or '81 YM2310. Eric
  19. E

    Decorating: latex paint over stain grade hardwood?

    It's a shame they want to paint over the hardwood. When we had our house built our goal was to have high quality throughout. The hope being that the house would survive for at least 100 years. So besides the skeleton of the house we had maple floors put in, all doors are solid, no hollow core...
  20. E


    Generally a key is not supposed to take all the load. You can, and should, cut a new keyway. Or weld up and re-cut the original keyway. But the shaft looks like the coupling spun on it. This means that any coupling is not going to fit properly on that chewed up surface. The shaft needs to be...
  21. E

    Should I just buy a new starter?

    This one: Gear Reduction Starter for Yanmar Tractor YM2210, YM2210D, YM2500, YM2610 YM3000 | eBay Eric
  22. E

    Banjo bolts

    I sure hope you find the other one! All along I figured they would end up being in your pants pocket :) Eric
  23. E

    Should I just buy a new starter?

    I found one on eBay, a gear reduction one, I hope it lasts. Eric
  24. E

    Should I just buy a new starter?

    I went back and looked at my post from about 6 months ago that I had forgot about. Looked at the part numbers to see if they matched my tractor part number and none do. I did find some gear reduction starters online but they are all close to 200 bucks. Careyo63 posted an eBay link that he says...
  25. E

    Should I just buy a new starter?

    Great idea! Eric
  26. E

    Should I just buy a new starter?

    The solenoid is the type that mounts to the starter and does double duty. It throws the gear into the flywheel and also energizes the starter motor. And no need to apologize, you weren't shading my solenoid. I think it is junk and was so when new. Eric
  27. E

    Bent valve cover

    Then it should be soldered too. Grind or wire brush the crack area about 3/8" on either side of the crack. Then solder. The solder should tend to flatten out at the edges. If it does then you know it is wetting the aluminum well. Eric
  28. E

    Should I just buy a new starter?

    Unfortunately The solenoids that I have are not meant to be taken apart. The cases have the ends rolled over so the only way to take one apart is to grind off or pry open the rolled over case. GRRR. Eric
  29. E

    Should I just buy a new starter?

    I dunno. I guess I could check Fredricks and see what their part number is and then compare to what you posted above. Thanks, Eric
  30. E

    Should I just buy a new starter?

    My YM2310 wouldn't turn over. The solenoid would pull in, I could hear it, but the starter motor wouldn't spin. Suspecting the contacts in the solenoid were bad, and the solenoid being the type that doesn't come apart, I bought a new solenoid. Problem solved. Now, less than a year later, I'm...
  31. E

    Bent valve cover

    I'm sorry to say but the solder didn't wet the metal very well, at least outside of the crack. Also, it looks like the crack appeared on the outside of the cover. Eric
  32. E

    Advice for replacing chain with belts

    You know, along with listing your tractor you can also list your location. Nobody is gonna hold it against you if you are in Europe or anywhere else. Eric
  33. E

    Bent valve cover

    I like that idea, the cross rods, wish I'd thought of it. It would be fairly easy to seal where the all thread penetrates the valve cover. Good hardware stores sell rubber and fiber washers that could be used as seals along with some silicone or thread sealant. I think I would use thread...
  34. E

    Bent valve cover

    The 250 degree temp is just so the valve cover doesn't suck all the heat away when soldering. I realize the crack isn't leaking, it just needs fixing so that the cover doesn't flex. Remember that the aluminum must get hot enough to melt the solder. Apply the flame to the valve cover, not the...
  35. E

    Bent valve cover

    I'm gonna repeat myself and suggest aluminum solder again. Really. If you have a decent propane torch you can do it. Vee out the crack some, clean the area real well with brake cleaner, let it dry, and solder away. And also apply solder to the outside of the valve cover along the line of the...
  36. E

    4100 Cold Starting Issues

    It's all relative. I think 30 degrees F is cold. Some folks probably find it balmy. At least it starts when I want. Eric
  37. E

    4100 Cold Starting Issues

    Really? I have never heard that. My 45 year old YM2310 starts quickly at 40 degrees without using the thermostart. Below 40 I use the thermostart and it might make a little difference. But then I have been through 3 thermostarts that I bought new. The first 2 didn't work after the first use. The...
  38. E

    Something you want but can’t get or afford.

    At the end of the day you are right. Even though I love the paintings I really love where I live and sometimes cannot believe I get to live here. My wife feels the same. We were looking at pictures the other day taken of our place that were about 15 years old. And it showed all the work we put...
  39. E


    It kinda sounds like you're not a trans fan fan. Sorry. Eric
  40. E

    Something you want but can’t get or afford.

    Yeah, I get it. I go to museums and look at the art and I just don't get it. Then I see something that affects me deeply. Can't explain it. I hafta be satisfied with prints. Not just paintings either, but all kinds of art. It's weird how something can just grab you. Eric
  41. E

    Oil & Fuel John Deere 790 will not crank or start

    Your problem sounds like the typical bad connection. One thing that can happen with a bad connection is when a large load is put on the connection it fails open or almost open, a very high resistance connection. So the voltage drops to zero or close to zero. Corrosion at the connection is the...
  42. E

    I hope this is the right forum for this

    My son has an old boom truck, maybe 1960s something vintage. Telsta brand. It uses a generator to power the boom hydraulics, extension and positioning motors. In the generator manual it has directions for converting from gasoline to propane operation. The manual says to put a tee in the gasoline...
  43. E

    Something you want but can’t get or afford.

    Several paintings by Claude Monet. Really. I love 'em and have so since I first saw pictures of them over 50 years ago. Eric
  44. E

    Loader slowly lowers itself when under a load.

    I don't understand how leaky piston seals can cause the cylinder to to leak down. If we take it to the extreme just imagine a cylinder without a piston. Pushing on the rod will try to compress the oil and since the oil is almost incompressible the rod won't move. And pulling on the rod will...
  45. E

    Buying Advice 30 acres and plans to build a new house - Equipment to get?

    Nope, I just got used to it, became more experienced, and I always keep people away. Eric
  46. E

    Buying Advice 30 acres and plans to build a new house - Equipment to get?

    Nice machine. I think you will be amazed by how much work it will do. And how much fun you will have doing it. If you ever need to install an infiltrator type septic system I can give you some pointers. I don't know how your hoe controls are configured. On my machine the swing control is from...
  47. E

    Chamber vacuum sealer

    Over the years I have struggled with vacuum sealers. Some sort of liquid gets into the sealing area and no seal results. Or the gasket old and failed seals happen. Or the vacuum pump starts to fail and the result is low vacuum. Or the wrong bag is used and the result is, again, a failed seal. So...
  48. E

    bent bucket repair

    The bend is pretty severe. Metal has stretched at the bends. If this was my bucket I would use a bottle jack, a thick piece of steel plate, and a torch. Place the steel plate, maybe 1/2 inch thick, or thicker, between the jack and the bucket side. Apply pressure, enough to get the metal to move...
  49. E

    Computer problem.

    Years ago I had a similar problem, albeit on an older machine. The computer got real slow and my C drive was shown as full, though I knew it wasn't nearly full. After backing everything up I formatted the C drive. After the format it showed virtually empty, as it should. After saving one text...
  50. E

    Intro into Brazing

    I dunno which machine you have but with my Lincoln SP125+ and SP100 machines I can weld sheet metal easily. Normally when you switch from flux core to MIG you also need to switch polarity. But Lincoln says for sheet metal the polarity should be the same as for flux core welding. Of course the...
  51. E

    Banjo bolts

    You will probably find the bolts when they make a racket in the dryer. I'm glad it worked out and that I could help. Yay for TBN! Eric
  52. E

    Semi-DIY ROPS

    Or you could wear your seat belt which obviates the need to jump. Eric
  53. E

    Semi-DIY ROPS

    Yeah, that's not the way they work. Even if it slowed down the tractor rolling over by the time it starts the slowing down the tractor is already on its side. If you jump off then you are most likely to end up in the path of the tractor. Jumping off in time is kind of a myth, some folks manage...
  54. E

    Canned Air options.....

    There are airbrush kits all over Amazon. Some as cheap as 62 bucks US, but who knows what you would have to pay. But if you did get one there is a bonus, you could use it to paint small stuff too :). I have used an airbrush in the past and they do give you pinpoint control, which may be a good...
  55. E

    YM 1600

    From your description it sounds like the previous owner cooked the starter windings, which means that you cannot rebuild the starter. It would need to be rewound and this can really only be done by a shop that rewinds starter and other motors. However, if the rest of the tractor is in good shape...
  56. E

    Help Me Find A Pulley

    I think the problem is what folks are calling the clutch. I always think of the clutch as the weights that grab the clutch drum, but the instructions are saying the clutch drum is the clutch. In any case you need the weights to remain so that they can grab the clutch drum. Hopefully you can find...
  57. E

    Help Me Find A Pulley

    All of the debarkers I found online use the clutch. I'm mystified. Can you provide a link to the exact brand and model so that maybe I can find the manual online to satisfy my curiosity? Thanks, Eric
  58. E

    Help Me Find A Pulley

    Yes, but the pulley has a drum attached. Why include the drum if it isn't to be driven by a clutch? Eric
  59. E

    Help Me Find A Pulley

    That pulley must be driven somehow and retained somehow. Usually the drum is retained around the clutch with a retaining ring. However, I have seen setups where the drum is retained by the clutch, which is threaded onto the shaft. But I think those were on weedeaters. And why, if the drum isn't...
  60. E

    Help Me Find A Pulley

    Speaking as a machinist those pulleys are not simple, though they look so. They are a pulley and clutch drum combo, and you need both. To use them they must fit the chainsaw shaft properly, both in diameter and length. Since one pulley has no bearing you may be in luck but you will need a...
  61. E

    Bulldozer comes off of trailer, kills 2

    I've posted about this before but I think it repeating is is a good idea. Years ago I needed to move a lathe that weighed about 5000 pounds. The flatbed truck I rented had a bed about 4 feet above the ground. The guy I bought the lathe from placed it on the truck and I chained it down. I drove a...
  62. E

    Welding and OxyAcet gas... where and how to get it, Lexington KY.

    It seems like every state is different. When I lived in CA, back in the 60s and 70s I could only lease gas bottles. Here in WA there are owner bottle sizes and lease/rent bottle sizes. Except for the 250 cubic foot and larger sizes. And then I think the lease bottles are marked. Anyway, when you...
  63. E

    Buying Advice 30 acres and plans to build a new house - Equipment to get?

    My 580CK has a shuttle shift and this feature is very handy, especially if you are moving a lot of dirt. The way my tractor is set up there is a torque converter (I think) that feeds a regular geared transmission. To go from forward to reverse and then back to forward only requires moving a...
  64. E

    Buying Advice 30 acres and plans to build a new house - Equipment to get?

    Here is my limited experience opinion. About 18 years ago I needed to put in my own septic system if I wanted to occupy my newly built house in less than 6 months. Even though I had never even sat on a backhoe I bought a 1970s Case 580CK backhoe. My only tractor experience previous was a Ford 9N...
  65. E

    Banjo bolts

    I think it does. If the threads do turn out to be 3/8 BSPP then hooray for another problem solved on TBN. I love this site. Eric
  66. E

    welding on the tractor

    Also place the ground clamp as close as possible to the weld and make darn sure the welding current cannot go through any bearings. I probably didn't need to say so but folks do sometimes make the mistake of having welding current passing through stuff that rotates. Eric
  67. E

    Banjo bolts

    If it is 3/8 BSPP then you are in luck, it seems like they are available cheap from more than one vendor. Maybe your local hydraulics place will have them. Considering that they can be had for as little as 2 bucks maybe a couple spares would be a good idea. I sure hope they are 3/8 BSPP, it will...
  68. E

    Investments strategy with new administration?

    Yeah, when we bought the land in 1996 there was no way we could afford 10 acres near Redmond which was where we lived. We looked further east but still no dice. In fact we looked all over western Washington for a place we could afford but was still close enough to Puget Sound business so that I...
  69. E

    Banjo bolts

    If a 16x1.25 wouldn't thread in then a 3/8 BSPP wouldn't either, being .032" larger. Since the pitch difference of a 16x1.25 is less than .001" and the pitch dia. being only .004" larger I suspect you have a 5/8-18 thread because I would expect the metric bolt to go in more than just 2 turns...
  70. E

    Banjo bolts

    The threads could also be 3/8 BSPP. 3/8 BSPP thread is .656 O.D. and 19 TPI. So the thread is just slightly 1/32" over 5/8". And 19 TPI is awfully close to 20 TPI. Still, you may indeed have 5/8-20 banjo bolts. Have you contacted the manufacturer of the TNT? If you were close to me I would be...
  71. E

    Investments strategy with new administration?

    If you wanted to buy my house on 10 acres on south Whidbey Island you would need to come up with more than a million. I find this shocking. Eric
  72. E

    Banjo bolts

    Yes, very close. Only .004" larger in diameter and the pitch is off by only .0008". I did find one M16x1.25 banjo bolt online so maybe it could be used if it's steel. The description didn't say. Link: Banjo Bolt - 16x1.25mm Eric
  73. E

    Banjo bolts

    Are you sure they are 5/8-20? 5/8-18 is the standard fine thread 5/8 size. What you call SAE should be 5/8-18 TPI. Looking online I found lots of 5/8-18 banjo bolts. Eric
  74. E

    Cannon Gun Safe Door

    I personally think, after looking at gun safes, that they really only deter curious teenagers if nobody is around. Determined thieves can get through them swiftly with battery operated angle grinders. That said, I think they are a great thing to have around to keep kids from getting access to...
  75. E

    My Satoh ohh Satoh

    I wonder if you know what flooding is. Flooding is when there is too much gasoline. It can be caused by leaving the choke on or by a stuck open float valve. It cannot be caused by a bad coil. If the spark plug is wet it could be that there is a weak or non-existent spark. Changing the coil and...
  76. E

    Bench Grinder to Belt Conversion

    Just buy belt sander/grinder, way cheaper. Years ago, about 20, I bought a 2 inch belt sander grinder sander combo. Left side sander. I'm sure this machine is still available, for less than 300 bucks. I looked online and most have the sander on the right, but Rockler sells one with the sander...
  77. E

    Stump Bucket vs Mini-Ex for Shallow Digging

    Where I live I have all sorts of rocks to deal with. I wanted to dig a ditch for water and power to my greenhouse, about 60 feet of ditch. I didn't want to use my backhoe because it has a 2 foot bucket and I wanted a much narrower ditch. I instead rented a small excavator, it was at least 2 tons...
  78. E

    Cool Or Creepy Things Found In The Bush Or On Your Property

    Can you imagine just how excited she must have been to uncover that specimen in perfect condition? What a find! I'm really happy for her. Eric
  79. E

    My Satoh ohh Satoh

  80. E

    My Satoh ohh Satoh

    The flooding sounds like a stuck float valve or a flooded float or mis-adjusted float. Remove the float valve and look for a tiny particle of dirt. Check the float to see if it is full of gasoline. Check the float level. As to the coolant loss, check the radiator hoses. Recently my Yanmar YM2310...
  81. E

    Entry level California home costs up 88% since 2020.

    I think it should be illegal for sports stadiums to be funded with taxpayer dollars. As near as I can tell it never works to the benefit of the taxpayer. And think of all the people who never watch sports and couldn't care less? Why should they have to pay for a privately owned sports complex? Eric
  82. E

    Hose Fitting Sealents

    Yeah, I feel the same way. While tapered threads have their place I hate to see them used in places where disassembly is likely. Tapered threads tend to gall and are often not made well so folks tend to over tighten them to attain a good seal. Straight threads, or parallel threads as the Brits...
  83. E

    Hose Fitting Sealents

    Loctite makes at least 2 thread sealants for hydraulic fittings using tapered threads, 545 and 5452. Look them up. Eric
  84. E

    Entry level California home costs up 88% since 2020.

    Why not just look up intersex people? Here, I'll even provide a link: Intersex: What Is Intersex, Gender Identity, Intersex Surgery). Please educate yourself. Eric
  85. E

    Entry level California home costs up 88% since 2020.

    If he didn't move to CA his son wouldn't want to be a girl now? That's what you are implying. Are you saying his son would not want to be a girl now if he had stayed in TN? Eric
  86. E

    Entry level California home costs up 88% since 2020.

    What does his son wanting to be a girl have to do with living in or moving to California? Really, I want to know. Eric
  87. E

    This guy made me feel a little better

    I have a Yanmar YM2310 and it came with a 4 foot wide box blade. My skill level using the box blade would be best described as Un or Barely. But today I feel a little better after watching a county employee operating a Deere tractor similar in size to my YM2310 with a 4 foot box blade. The guy...
  88. E

    RTVX1100C Cold Start Issues

    I had never come across the saying "The juice isn't worth the squeeze." until I read your post. Totally appropriate for someone posting from Florida. Welcome to TBN, the best tractor forum on the web. Eric
  89. E

    What cellphone carrier do you use ?

    Lotsa providers "give" you a new cell phone every year or so but you pay for it with higher plan costs. Everybody knows this of course and some folks just gotta have the latest and greatest. I really don't care. Before I got the Mint service I needed to get a newer cell phone to work with my...
  90. E

    Internet Options for my Mom

    I like XP too. I still have one XP machine that I use for two programs that won't run on newer versions of Windows. One is a Cad/Cam program I have used for over 20 years that I really like because it is so intuitive and easy to use and the other program is used to send and receive programs to a...
  91. E

    What cellphone carrier do you use ?

    I have Mint Mobile. 200 bucks for a year. 15 bucks a month plus tax and fees. 5 gb data, which is more than enough for my use. Where I live there is no cell service. I use wifi calling in the house. I'm going to be setting up a new wifi system so that I will have wifi outdoors. The system I...
  92. E

    Head gasket sealer on John Deere 750

    It looks like the corner screw was indeed over tightened. By 4 times no less. I am surprised that the main cap screws have such a high torque, but then, like I said previously, I am not a diesel mechanic. As to welding, bmaverick's post is excellent. Stainless steel is often used to repair cast...
  93. E

    Cool Or Creepy Things Found In The Bush Or On Your Property

    I just remembered another thing I found. On our property lots of trash from previous owners has been buried over the years. I was putting a new road through and had to remove a huge old alder. Using my backhoe I had to dig about 5 feet to get to the bottom of the root ball. At the bottom of the...
  94. E


    Driving home this evening I pulled out too close for comfort in front of an SUV that was going about 50 MPH. The driver honked at me. I didn't see the SUV until I was already pulling out onto the road. It was late dusk, almost night time dark, the SUV was black, and had no lights on. Not even...
  95. E

    Head gasket sealer on John Deere 750

    If it was my block I would try to determine if the hole could be drilled deeper and then bottom tapped. There might be enough meat. I would also want to braze the crack. That is certainly something that could be done with the block in place and wouldn't be very expensive. But really, if there is...
  96. E

    Battery Info

    I believe what you say about what they claim but I wonder if it really makes a difference. Are the people recycling lead from batteries really that much less careful to get only pure lead than the people who smelt lead from ore? Now I'm curious and am gonna try to find out. Eric
  97. E

    Solar Water Well ?

    I just assumed it was steel. One more example of how assumptions can lead one astray. I have no idea if even schedule 80 plastic pipe could support solar panels in perpetuity. Eric
  98. E

    Auto insurance dilemma for a minor

    I dunno. I'll ask. Thanks. Eric
  99. E

    Battery Info

    Lead ore is primarily lead sulfide AKA Galena. Seems to me that there is a lot of lead sulfide in old batteries. So I'm pretty sure "virgin lead" is the same as rode hard and put away wet lead once that lead has been through the refining process. I wonder if batteries from Virginia are any...
  100. E

    Auto insurance dilemma for a minor

    The thing with the insurance is it must pay off if the kid gets in an accident. If the kid tries some scheme to get around a higher cost, such as saying they are living with one parent when it can be proved they are not, then the victim in an accident doesn't get paid. Never mind that the kid...
  101. E

    Solar Water Well ?

    I looked online and found several examples of band and other types of clamps that could be used on a 6 inch well casing to hold a post or posts for a solar panel. This would obviate some sort of scheme where a hole is drilled into the clay for a post or posts. And then, as another poster...
  102. E

    Vicsec VC13 mini-excavator

    It's a good thing to stay within your cash only budget, especially with the way things are today. Eric
  103. E

    Auto insurance dilemma for a minor

    I'm gonna try to keep this as anonymous as possible just because of a minor being involved. So here goes. First of all, this is in Washington State. I know a minor, 16 years old, who just bought their first car. They worked hard and saved up, got good grades, bought the car, and now faces an...
  104. E

    Buying Advice Homeowner Forklift

    I understand the desire to park the forklift in the garage. But I think the OP may end up looking a long time for what they want at the price they want. I know it's not ideal but I park my fork lift outside year round. The machine is about 60 years old and doesn't seem to care. It is an old US...
  105. E

    Cool Or Creepy Things Found In The Bush Or On Your Property

    More than 50 years ago I was digging in an old can and bottle dump that an Odd Fellows home had used and then abandoned decades before myself and some friends found it. In a rusted out Prince Charles tobacco can I found a leather coin purse with pennies, nickles, dimes, and quarters in it. It...
  106. E

    Help - Extreme Nubie Flux Core

    I goofed in my first reply to your post. I did not notice that you had bought a Miller machine. I thought, from the model number, that you had bought a Lincoln machine. And besides the two wirefeed welders I have I also have a 200 amp Lincoln square wave TIG welder, which I love. So anyway I...
  107. E

    Coffee in brown gravy

    I'm I'm glad you tried it and it made then gravy taste better. I have never had gravy from a jar that I know of, is it any good? Gravy is just so easy to make I never thought of buying gravy in a jar or instant in a packet. Eric
  108. E

    Help - Extreme Nubie Flux Core

    I have a couple 120 volt Lincoln MIG welders. They are both easily 30 years old and still work like new. Lincoln makes good machines. For practice if I was you I would buy some 1/8 and 3/16 material just start laying down beads. You will notice as the metal heats up it starts to weld...
  109. E

    Buying Advice Homeowner Forklift

    My forklift is is at least 50 years old. I got it for 300 bucks. Propane. I needed a forklift to replace the one I had that failed catastrophically because it was ancient. Anyway, it is a solid tire machine and has a three section mast with an eighteen foot lift. It weighs 8,000 pounds and is...
  110. E

    Welding on excavator track idler roller

    There is spray welding and spray transfer welding. Spray transfer welding can happen when MIG welding. When MIG welding the weld can be short circuit or spray. With short circuit the wire touches the work, melts back, feeds forward to touch again, melts back, and so on. With spray transfer the...
  111. E

    Pizza oven, I guess I'm on a cooking jag tonight.

    No, I expect the pellets are just a gimmick. It's electric and the temp can be set to whatever you want from about 70 degrees to 700 degrees. Eric
  112. E

    Is it too soon to talk about Crypto yet?

    Not middle class black farmers? Or brown farmers? Why only white? Eric
  113. E

    Pizza oven, I guess I'm on a cooking jag tonight.

    My wife was looking at an estate auction and there was a Woodfire Pizza Oven new in the box up for auction. She though it would be great for outdoor get togethers. The price started to get pretty high and I looked online to see just how much the things cost. The auction price rose to the point...
  114. E

    Coffee in brown gravy

    After I made the post about instant coffee it made me think about adding coffee to brown gravy. I learned to do this from my Grandmother. When she made brown gravy she would either brew some strong coffee or cook down some weak coffee and then add it to the gravy. Not a bunch, maybe 1/4 cup at...
  115. E

    Best instant espresso, especially for cooking

    I am fussy when it comes to cooking, I just don't use crummy ingredients. I can taste the difference. So I buy high quality stuff. Anyway, sometimes a recipe calls for instant coffee, like a coffee glaze on nuts for example. So when I need instant coffee I use MEDAGLIA D'ORO instant espresso...
  116. E

    A really good flashlight

    Well you're certainly never gonna use the Wuben for anything except light but for lotsa light in a small size it certainly excels. Eric
  117. E

    A really good flashlight

    I have bought a few LED flashlights and they have all had their good and bad points. But the latest purchase has turned out to be most useful. It is a WUBEN E7. First the only drawback: the LEDs are on the side, not the end. However, this was necessary because it has two LEDs. Now the positives...
  118. E

    Found some cheap, for me, weights!

    Yeah, 455 plus 560 equals 1015. But the 55 gallon drum isn't quite full because it sits at an angle, so maybe 50 gallons. On the other hand the box blade weighs probably 300 or 400 pounds. And there is also the weight of the plastic drum itself. And I have some chains hanging from the box blade...
  119. E

    For those who have a wood burner in the front room, Best accessory?

    For cleaning ash from our wood burner I bought a Snow Joe vacuum cleaner made just for this purpose. It works great, doesn't fill the room with dust. It has very good filtration which makes it kinda slow sucking everything up. Still faster than any other method though. And clean. Really clean. I...
  120. E

    For those who have a wood burner in the front room, Best accessory?

    Well, if you suck up a geoduck and it ends up on your burning house it oughta be done by the time the fire is out. I think though that you would need a darn big hose to suck the shell up. Actually, by the time the clam made it through the pump it would be hard to identify. Eric
  121. E

    Found some cheap, for me, weights!

    Several years ago I had a job cancelled after I bought the material. 4 ea. 24" diameter 1" thick silicon bronze discs. Anyway, they have been leaning against a wall for about 15 years. At just shy of 140 pounds each I'm gonna stack 'em on my back blade for extra weight along with the 55 gallon...
  122. E

    Excellent job of rebuilding gear teeth

    I saw that weld repair and the reason behind it and thought that it was just fine. I'm a retired self employed machinist and I did emergency jobs similar to that gear repair. Nobody was fooled into thinking the repair was permanent. And I was truly impressed with the shaping of the teeth after...
  123. E

    Ideas for lighting on a ROPS tractor

    I know it's been almost two months since your post but if you haven't bought lights yet you may want to try what my neighbor did for his new Kioti tractor. He bought lights from Amazon that were about 20 bucks. Very bright LED lights with magnetic mounts. He stuck 'em on his ROPS in various...
  124. E

    Colorado wolf reintroduction

    You're correct, I don't need to understand it. Eric
  125. E

    Colorado wolf reintroduction

    Why would you kill something just to mount it? I don't get it. Eric
  126. E

    YT359c Dealer states insurance from Yanmar will be $10,000.

    Boy, your new Yanmar sure looks a lot different from my 1981 YM2310! Good looking machine though. Probably still be running in 2065. Eric
  127. E

    Anybody cook with Washington black truffles?

    My wife brought a black winter truffle in from a walk in our woods. I'm gonna cook with it. But boy, the smell. From this website: Fresh Washington Black Truffle (Leucangium carthusianum) | Truffle Dog Company I visited today is this quote: "They are prized for their sweet pineapple, floral...
  128. E

    Gauge Wheels

    After getting sick of flats on a trailer and a wheelbarrow I bought the flat free solid tires. They are not really solid, the interior is full of air bubbles, which makes the tire lighter and does give it some give. The tires came with the rims too. I like 'em. A lot. Eric
  129. E

    Auctions, what have you found/bought/what are you watching for

    At a recent local auction were a bunch of those Chinese excavators. Lotsa tiny ones and only 3 that had Kubota diesel engines, and even they weren't that big. Anyway, I decided not to bid and boy was I glad. My son won an auction for a bunch of lumber so we drove to the site with a big trailer...
  130. E

    Winds again

    Just a few days ago we had the entire island without power due to winds. Now it looks like Whidbey Island is gonna get hit again starting tonight. I sure hope we don't lose power again. I hate running the generator. I am looking at buying a bunch of lead acid batteries for a good deal and a...
  131. E

    Annoying Adds

    Happened to me again today on my Android tablet. Nike ads taking up the whole page. At the bottom of the ad it says to scroll for content. Doesn't work, ad just stays there. I don't know why anybody would buy from some company that has ads like that. In any case very frustrating. Eric
  132. E

    For building small sheds - What are good siding materials compared to Hardie Panels?

    I don't know anything about Hardie panels but I do know about Hardie Plank siding and problems with LP cement siding. I chose Hardie Plank siding for my house 18 years ago because of the excellent reviews and because LP siding problems and recalls. Present day and my siding is in like new...
  133. E

    Semi Emergency

    When I was a teenager I explored with friends a lot of the woods outside of Saratoga CA. One place we explored was the site and grounds of the Congress Springs Hotel which burned to the ground in 1906. There were springs still running when we went there. The water was bottled at the site and...
  134. E

    Easy Hollandaise sauce

    Cube is a misnomer. Though called cubes they are actually sticks. Maybe this is a West Coast thing. I never really thought about how they are not actually cubes. And this is odd for me because I like to be accurate. Well, for all my 68 years on this planet I have heard 1/4 pound sticks of butter...
  135. E

    Easy Hollandaise sauce

    4 ounces of butter. 4 cubes to a pound. So 1/4 pound butter. Eric
  136. E

    Easy Hollandaise sauce

    There must be 51 different ways to make Hollandaise sauce. My wife really likes it and I tried several different ways to make a no fuss real Hollandaise sauce. About 40 years ago I figured it out. So simple I would make it camping. People were jealous. Eggs Benedict while camping. So here goes...
  137. E

    Generator carb problem

    I guess it can't hurt to remove the bowl and squirt some moose pee, er, carb cleaner through the passages before I do anything drastic like buying a new carb. I guess I'm just plain tired of fixing things because I have to. Eric
  138. E

    Generator carb problem

    I have a Generac generator with a Kohler engine. I maintain it properly, always use ethanol free gas, and always run the carb dry. Well today, with the whole of Whidbey Island out of power, the darn thing wouldn't start. I replaced the spark plug and that was no help. I finally got it to start...
  139. E

    Colorado wolf reintroduction

    I wonder sometimes about animals being afraid of humans due to hunting. But with wolves I can understand it. Wolves are smart. At the University of Washington a study was done with crows. People put on masks that were unique and trapped crows while wearing the masks. While in captivity the crows...
  140. E

    Hot water recirculation question

    I guess this is the correct forum considering I will be doing the installation. So here goes: I am going to be installing a new water heater and it looks like I will be buying a Rinnai tankless water heater with a pump for recirculating hot water. I will be purchasing from Rinnai a thermostatic...
  141. E

    Colorado wolf reintroduction

    If you "harvest" one would you eat it? Eric
  142. E

    Welding backer inside house

    If you really need to weld this safe in place then get some Hardi backer board, wet the studs, put the Hardi backer board in place, wet it, then start welding away. You will have no problems with charred studs. Eric
  143. E

    Fuel line bleeding

    Thanks for posting the problem. Eric
  144. E


    Loctite 554 and 5770 are two good choices. I have had extremely good luck with Loctite products over the years. They have performed better than any other thread sealant or thread locker product. I am a retired machinist and used Loctite stuff regularly. Never had a comeback, the stuff never...
  145. E

    1985 ym26 won't move

    When I replaced the brakes on my YM2310 I had to grind on the shoes a bit because the friction material was too thick. I did have everything correct as far as the cam that expands the shoes. Anyway, if I had put the drums on without removing any of the friction material the tractor wouldn't have...
  146. E

    Tell me about your induction stove!

    Though I love my Wolf gas cooktop I am considering a change. My wife bought a single "burner" 120 volt induction cooker for outside use and I really love it. It is used similar to a hot plate but it cooks stuff faster and is easy to set at a very low temperature to just keep stuff warm. We use...
  147. E

    “Terror” Chinese excavator

    The OP said it has a Kabota motor. I haven't seen one of them but it is a Chinese machine. Eric
  148. E

    Car - what if engine suddenly quits

    I looked for and couldn't find the report I read several years ago about steer by wire vs mechanical. It was an industry insider publication. So not published for the general public. It my have been a NASA publication but like I said I couldn't find it. Anyway, it started with aircraft systems...
  149. E

    Car - what if engine suddenly quits

    Some cars do indeed have steer by wire, Mercedes comes to mind, and there is no direct connection of the steering wheel to the front wheels. This means that if the electronic steering fails there will be no way to steer the vehicle. Apparently this steer by wire is more reliable than any...
  150. E

    Fuel line bleeding

    I have a YM2310 but the valve you have looks similar to the one on my tractor. Anyway, my son changed the filter, bled everything, and couldn't get the thing to start. I went out and looked at it and the valve handle was UP. So I told him it must be down. He insisted it was UP before he changed...
  151. E

    Repairing Drilled Engine Block

    Your post is why interaction is great. High temperature resistance is probably most important rather than the highest strength. Especially since I suggested swaging the rod in the block. Belt and suspenders and all that. If I had that block I would be sorely tempted to repair it and then use it...
  152. E

    Repairing Drilled Engine Block

    So the drilled hole goes through solid cast iron all the way to the cylinder? If this is the case then this old machinist thinks it could for sure be tapped and plugged. If it was mine I would tap the hole for a tapered pipe plug from inside the cylinder. Use a steel or cast pipe plug so that it...
  153. E

    They're Ba-a-ack!

    Me too. Nike is the latest offender with full page ads. Before it was Kitchen Aid. Eric
  154. E

    Tractors and (upcoming) tariffs?

    So because you disagree with someone you insult them? In an especially juvenile way too. You should be ashamed. There is no call here for what you posted, and really no call anywhere. Eric
  155. E

    Propane tankless water heater

    So I have been looking at the Rinnai heaters and they have a model that comes with a pump for recirculation. A simple temperature operated valve is then used at the farthest fixture. Rinnai also offers flushing valves for sale so that the heater can be easily flushed. I called the propane folks...
  156. E

    Any good books about welding?

    I second your opinion. Welding is a great book for beginning welders. Welding Tips and Tricks on YouTube is also a great resource. But the book Welding is a must read. Eric
  157. E


    The Boardwalk in Santa Cruz CA still has a carousel with the brass rings. It was built in 1911 and is, along with the Giant Dipper wooden roller coaster, is a National Historic Landmark. In all the years I rode the carousel I only got a brass ring twice. All the rest were steel. Eric
  158. E

    Need some assistance got myself into a situation with JD2840

    I dunno anything about your tractor except the pictures you sent. That said it looks to me like you could try one of 3 things. First, just stick a rod down the hole and push the ball out of the set screw hole and back into the shaft, then turn the shaft so the ball stays in place. Second, you...
  159. E

    Bridge Ideas for multiple creek crossings

    I said cubed, not squared, so 2x2x2, which is 8. It is not intuitive. Twice as tall is 8 times stiffer. Not twice as stiff. Eric
  160. E

    Propane tankless water heater

    I live in a big house and already wait for hot water. So waiting for a tankless heater won't bug me. I already looked into a recirc. system and nixed the idea. Too much energy wasted. Eric
  161. E

    Bridge Ideas for multiple creek crossings

    Beam stiffness changes by the cube of the change. So a beam twice as tall is 8 times stiffer. Eric
  162. E

    Propane tankless water heater

    Lotsa good info folks, I really appreciate it. I have dissolved minerals of course, though no alot. But I do have solid minerals, tiny particles that collect on the bottom of the toilet tanks and sometimes collect in the kitchen sink faucet screen. I will for sure need to talk to my propane...
  163. E

    Propane tankless water heater

    Yeah, I thought about that, but I think it's fine for size. I can enlarge it if need be. Thanks, Eric
  164. E

    Propane tankless water heater

    What do you mean, the water pipes? That's no problem. I have plenty of room to adjust pipe locations. Eric
  165. E

    Propane tankless water heater

    Over the holidays I spent a couple days at my sister in law's place. She has a propane fired tankless water heater and I really like it. Since I need to replace my water heater I am gonna go tankless. Her's works great, has done so for over 7 years, temperature control is just like my tanked...
  166. E

    New to me ( my first ! ) tractor - 1969? Massey Ferguson 3165

    Congratulations on getting that machine! When my house was built about 20 years ago I bought an old Case 580CK backhoe to put in the septic system. Even though I knew nothing about either. My Case resembles your machine in size and function and age. I am sure you will find it to be very useful...
  167. E

    Question on Lake Tahoe

    I grew up in the Bay Area and went to Tahoe many times as well as Nevada. I remember driving over Donner Pass with my folks and the snow plows had cut a tunnel through the snow. The snow overhung the road and there was a thin slice of daylight coming through. Scary. When I was 18 myself and 3...
  168. E

    Cooling Issue

    Just buy a set of feeler gages. The thinnest will be .001". Start with that. But you will either need to find out online or here or from your machine shop how flat the block needs to be. I'm pretty sure it will be fine though. You still need to find out why the engine overheated. I suspect it...
  169. E

    Cooling Issue

    Somehow my reply to the OP has become truncated. So I will try to recreate it. The straight edges need to be long enough to span the engine block diagonally. The block must be checked lengthwise, crosswise, and diagonally. After the block has been scrupulously cleaned lay the straight edges on...
  170. E

    Cooling Issue

    Are those straight edges long enough to span the block diagonally? To check for flatness you must go across lengthwise, crosswise, and diagonally. You lay the straight edge on the surface being checked and then attempt to slip feeler gages between the straight edge and the surface being checked...
  171. E

    Pinhole leak in hydraulic line on backhoe. There a clamp or sleeve fix?

    I can see this working very well. You wouldn't need to wrap wire two inches on either side of the leak, just clean it that far. If you attempt this I suggest wrapping wire perhaps only a 1/4 inch or so from the leak. Maybe 3/8. Flux the tube and wire very well and wrap tightly. Then do the...
  172. E

    Pinhole leak in hydraulic line on backhoe. There a clamp or sleeve fix?

    Hacksaw or angle grinder. Clean the inside of the hose very well. The angle grinder is way easier than a hacksaw. Eric
  173. E

    Pinhole leak in hydraulic line on backhoe. There a clamp or sleeve fix?

    The splices thread in to the hose. They are kinda tough to turn but work great. And are a permanent fix. Down the road if you replace the hose just unscrew the splices and save them for another repair. Eric
  174. E

    Pinhole leak in hydraulic line on backhoe. There a clamp or sleeve fix?

    Yep. I also assumed hose. Like Harry said braze it if steel. I too have repaired steel lines on my backhoe by brazing. TIG brazing but still brazing. Worked great. Eric
  175. E


    I remember reading several years ago about a guy who was sitting under his car doing work on it. The car was not on stable supports and it fell on the guy. He was folded in half and died. I can just see this guy suffering a similar fate. He seems to be stubborn though so maybe he will continue...
  176. E

    How far is too far for driving tractor on the road?

    Where I live folks generally give wide berth to tractors, joggers, walkers, bicycles, etc. It's apparently just a thing here. At the same time some folks don't. But what does the state say about driving that far? I called the Washington State Patrol about driving my tractor on the road. I was...
  177. E

    Cooling Issue

    Before you remove the sleeves maybe determine if you need to do so. Your original complaint was overheating and a pressurized coolant system. Now it looks like a blown head gasket is the culprit. Find out first why the engine overheated and then determine which components need replacing. Find...
  178. E

    Can a mini do the ground work to build home - slab or piers?

    When our house was built about 18 years ago I had to put in my septic system myself if I wanted to move in in less than 6 months. So I bought a Case 580CK backhoe even though I had zero experience with backhoes or even tractors. To excavate the ditches for the infiltrator type system I had to...
  179. E

    What's Your Opinion on Duct Cleaning?

    Regarding the metal duct tape, the stuff is remarkable. All the stuff I have seen is aluminum tape with what I think is acrylic adhesive. The adhesive is key, it seems to last forever. I have duct work that is about 18 years old and the aluminum tape is still sticking and the adhesive has not...
  180. E

    Tilt Meter

    The statement above is important. People tend to become complacent. I know I do and have the scar as a witness. You get more and more comfortable with a certain situation, push the limit one time, and have an accident. Hooray for the people who have that excellent common sense that most folks...
  181. E

    What kind of mushroom is it and whether it is edible or not?

    We have lots of mushrooms growing wild around our place. My wife was super skeptical until I cooked up a bunch of morels I found growing. They were so good. Now she wants to eat every mushroom we find. So we eat oyster mushrooms and lobster mushrooms, except the lobster mushrooms give me the...
  182. E

    Cooling Issue

    You will need to replace the head gasket anyway but it looks to me, from the pictures, like a blown head gasket, especially the center cylinder. I dunno what the part is you are showing but it should be pretty easy to find out where it goes as there are probably two more of the same part. In any...
  183. E

    Tractor Insurance: am I being ripped off

    Three times I had a vehicle that was considered a total by the insurance company. Two times not my fault and one time my fault. All three times the insurance company lo-balled me. So all three times I found local comparables and got the money I though I should get, considering what a replacement...
  184. E

    Protecting your well head from fire, impact, sun, and freezing

    I don't know about buried trees from an earthquake here but I do know about trees in Lake Washington that are about 300 years old. They are still in great shape and are owned by the state. Years ago a person was convicted of pulling some of the trees up and milling them into lumber. The trees...
  185. E

    Protecting your well head from fire, impact, sun, and freezing

    The geology of Whidbey Island is all messed up. On the south end, where I live, the island is a 3000 foot thick glacial till formation. You never know where you will hit water. A friend of mine had to drill 400 feet to get water and his well ended in a tree. So the water is brown from all the...
  186. E

    Torque Value? (wheel bearing)

    On YouTube are videos from Timken explaining how to adjust tapered wheel bearings. For example: Eric
  187. E

    Cooling Issue

    The coolant in the reservoir started bubbling pretty violently as soon as the tractor started. I have never seen that except when a head gasket was blown. Or a cracked block. Eric
  188. E

    Yanmar 2610 won't start and I believe all the air has been bled out of the injection system why

    My Yanmar YM2310 has buttons you press on the filter housing to bleed the air out. Super simple. My son changed the fuel filter and could not get the thing to run for more than a few seconds. I went to check it out and after looking at the tractor I asked him if the fuel shut off was in the...
  189. E

    Protecting your well head from fire, impact, sun, and freezing

    I find it interesting that concrete is used on your well for the sanitary seal. Where I live in western Washington bentonite is used. I wonder if this is because we have plenty of rain so the bentonite can never dry out. I tried using one of those DeepRock type well drilling machines. It worked...
  190. E

    What are these hydraulic fittings called

    How much was that crimper? And where did you buy it from? Thanks, Eric
  191. E

    Colorado wolf reintroduction

    I had to quit watching Joe Rogan. He just spouted too much BS that was easily checked and proved false. He thinks his opinion is fact in too many cases. Eric
  192. E

    Converting vinyl to digital

    25 watts class A! That's a lot for a class A. Tubes are cool. First Watt stuff is cool too. Eric
  193. E

    Converting vinyl to digital

    All this talk about vinyl made me think of my little tube amp. I have had more than one person comment on how my tube amp must add "warmth" to my music. It does not add "warmth" One guy sneeringly said all I had was a 4 watt per channel tone control. Not true. For the frequencies I can hear the...
  194. E

    Heating 12 by 20 Insulated Shed

    Even though the oil filled electric radiator heaters are convenient and provide a nice soft heat everyone should be aware that they are no more or less efficient than any other electric heater. All electric heaters are 100% efficient, meaning all the electricity they consume is turned into heat...
  195. E

    Backhoe project anyone?

    I sure wished you lived near me. I'd be on that thing in an instant! But I'm in Western Washington. Eric
  196. E

    What are your guys thoughts on a small TLB?

    Almost 20 years ago I bought a well used 1970 something Case 580CK TLB. When I bought it I had never even sat on a backhoe and the only tractor I had experience with was a Ford 9N that I bought together with my neighbor. Anyway, I needed to put in a septic system so we could move into our newly...
  197. E

    Pulling stuck vehicles out of the ditch with a tractor

    Every modern car I have seen has a towing point on the front and rear. Sometimes the towing point is hidden, like on my 2006 Scion Xb. There is a little hatch that must be removed and then the towing bar must be screwed into the hole revealed by the hatch removal. The towing bar is kept with the...
  198. E

    Looking for recommendations for household frig

    We bought a Bosch French Door fridge a few months ago and my wife and I both really like it. The ice maker dumps the ice into a tray and there is a scoop provided to scoop the ice out. There is a water dispense inside the fridge on the left wall. It does no stick out but instead is just a sloped...
  199. E

    Water in the hydraulics in my Siromer 204E remedy please.

    Just so you know Jonny, no politics allowed on this site. Eric