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  1. jakenh

    Had a bit of easter luck with a rabbit hunt

    Got to have some Easter Bunny stew last Sunday!
  2. jakenh

    Squirrels and Turnips

    Had some turnips and radishes growing out at the back of the property we pulled out of the ground. My daughter and I went on a little squirrel hunt in order to have a little bit of meat to eat with them. My wife made a delicious squirrel/turnip/radish soup. I unfortunately don't have the...
  3. jakenh

    Any roughstock riders here?

    I've had 5 total rides on bareback broncs and let's just say.. good thing I'm not a rodeo cowboy for a living, because I'd be BROKE :LOL: Share photos and videos of your rides!
  4. jakenh

    Boggy Muddy Lawn

    I have a portion of my lawn that turns into thick nasty mud when it rains. I'm wondering if throwing some pelletized lime on it to try to firm up the soil is a good solution or not. Anybody have any opinions?