Saw the NEW LARGER 35 Series Model 4535 and 5035 Mahindra Tractors Today...

   / Saw the NEW LARGER 35 Series Model 4535 and 5035 Mahindra Tractors Today... #1  


Bronze Member
Oct 5, 2009
Farmington MO
Kubota M5040HD 4WD, Ford 8N , White 105, Case 1200 4WD, (1) TO-20 (3) TO-30 Fergusons
Saw the soon to be released latest additions to the Mahindra 35 series tractor line today.

The 45 hp Model 4535 and the 50 hp Model 5035.

Both tractors have a new Canadian made ML130 loader that is quite a bit larger and heavier than the ML120 found on the 3535 and 4035 tractors. Capacity of the new loader is rated at 2700 lbs compared to the 1960 lb capacity of the smaller ML120 loader. The bucket is also larger with a 75.5" measured width.

Also the ML130 loader max height is 111.5" compared to 106" of the ML120. Hydraulic working pressure is 3000PSI.

The new tractors look like a slightly larger 4035 with 4 cyl engines instead of the 3 cyl of the smaller 3535 and 4035.

I did not have access to many specs so I don't know displacement of these larger 4 cyl engines.

Both new tractors retain the 12x12 shuttle three range transmissions.

The weight of the 5035 is 4950 lbs without loader. The ML130 loader adds 1450 lbs.

The 5035 is 129" long and 76" wide ( I measured an actual 75.5")

Tires are industrial versions on both with the 5035 wearing 14x17.5 NHS on front and 19.5 -24 on rear.

The 4535 has smaller 12-16.5 NHS on front and 16.9 -24 on rear.

Both tractors had dual rear remotes installed....however I suspect they were not standard equipment.

Sorry I could not obtain more information but it appears these were early production / evaluation models and little else in the way of specs was available. Both tractors had 26-34 hrs on the clocks.

The dealer indicated that these two models with new loader would be released formally in 60 days.

I thought it was interesting that the ROPS ID plate made reference to it fitting all four 35 Series models. I had not noticed that reference on an earlier 4035 ROPS ID Plate I had seen.

No pricing was available but I have a request for quote in with the dealer.

I plan to take a 4535 home before the end of the year...however they are both very impressive tractors.

Does anyone else have any additional information on these two models or the ML130 loader?

   / Saw the NEW LARGER 35 Series Model 4535 and 5035 Mahindra Tractors Today... #2  
153.9 cu in naturally aspirated. We have had both models in demo status for about 6 months now. Overall comments were "why cant I buy it today" :)
   / Saw the NEW LARGER 35 Series Model 4535 and 5035 Mahindra Tractors Today...
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Have they fixed the PTO pump on these two models with the addition of the "Cushion Valve" upgrade to prevent shock loading and shearing the shear pins? This was an issue with the early 4035 when it first came out. I ask becasue the dealer with the 5035 stated they had sheared a pin the first time they engaged the electric over hydraulic PTO with a bush hog attached....and now it has me wondering.

Also...the two tractors I saw are for sale now.... I was given pricing on both with $1650 difference between them.
   / Saw the NEW LARGER 35 Series Model 4535 and 5035 Mahindra Tractors Today... #4  
Have they fixed the PTO pump on these two models with the addition of the "Cushion Valve" upgrade to prevent shock loading and shearing the shear pins? This was an issue with the early 4035 when it first came out. I ask becasue the dealer with the 5035 stated they had sheared a pin the first time they engaged the electric over hydraulic PTO with a bush hog attached....and now it has me wondering.

Also...the two tractors I saw are for sale now.... I was given pricing on both with $1650 difference between them.

For $1650, I would think that the 5035 would be the tractor of choice. The front tires are bigger than what is on my 7520.:cool:
   / Saw the NEW LARGER 35 Series Model 4535 and 5035 Mahindra Tractors Today... #5  
Have they fixed the PTO pump on these two models with the addition of the "Cushion Valve" upgrade to prevent shock loading and shearing the shear pins? This was an issue with the early 4035 when it first came out. I ask becasue the dealer with the 5035 stated they had sheared a pin the first time they engaged the electric over hydraulic PTO with a bush hog attached....and now it has me wondering.

Also...the two tractors I saw are for sale now.... I was given pricing on both with $1650 difference between them.

Production models will include the PTO accumulator but these early release demo models didn稚 and had to be added by the dealer. My guess is the 4535 will not make it to production and they will also drop the 3535. Too much confusion for the buyer and too much hassle for the dealer to figure out what to stock with what options and with what tires. Dealer supplied crystal balls are not the window to the future they are thought to be.

You won稚 feel a hp difference between the 45 and the 50 but the larger sized tires on the 50 make it feel invincible.

   / Saw the NEW LARGER 35 Series Model 4535 and 5035 Mahindra Tractors Today...
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My guess is the 4535 will not make it to production ...


I'm surprised at your comment as the district rep indicated the 4535 would replace the larger and popular but now discontinued 4530.

   / Saw the NEW LARGER 35 Series Model 4535 and 5035 Mahindra Tractors Today...
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You won't feel a hp difference between the 45 and the 50 but the larger sized tires on the 50 make it feel invincible.


I am curious how they get the extra 5 hp rating as both engines are the same displacement and compression ratio and share common design exhaust and intake systems. If it's just in the injection...makes you wonder if the 45hp could be tuned to 50 hp specs....

   / Saw the NEW LARGER 35 Series Model 4535 and 5035 Mahindra Tractors Today... #8  
I'm surprised at your comment as the district rep indicated the 4535 would replace the larger and popular but now discontinued 4530.


It is just a guess, nothing to back it up except what I have seen from customers on the lot. I have all the models sitting side by side and the only ones that get looked at are the 40 and the 50. That might also be because I have the 45 and the 35 and customers usually want what you dont have (grass is always greener thing). I think the real problem is there just cant be enough price separation in 5 hp increments, they really all cost about the same to build but the lowest hp model in any model run is usually your best seller so you are primarily selling the model that makes you the least amount of money as an MFG. The 4530 was a big seller because it was a 50 or 60 hp size but in a 45 hp consumer price range. Costs to manufacture that tractor though were the same as the 60. Also I expect to see a hydro 35 series coming out, so with four gear models and four hydro models that is 8 models. Four years ago that might have made sense but not now. Like I said just a guess.

   / Saw the NEW LARGER 35 Series Model 4535 and 5035 Mahindra Tractors Today...
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Your comments make perfect sense. I also wondered how so many tractor companies can justify such small HP increases between otherwise identical models. The MF 1600 line is a perfect example with 43, 48, 52, 55 and 60HP in the same size tractor. FIVE models over a 17HP spread...

You also confirmed my choice of the 4535 over the 5035....and save $1650 in the process. Besides...its torque that gets the work done in most conditions...not HP. And the 45 and 50 HP 35 series both share equal displacement 4cyl engines....making the 45 the better value for an end user.

I appreciate your insights and candor. If I was closer to you I'd buy from you....but Missouri is a long way to haul 6500 lbs with loader.

Thanks for your knowledgeable input...
   / Saw the NEW LARGER 35 Series Model 4535 and 5035 Mahindra Tractors Today...
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We have had both models in demo status for about 6 months now. Overall comments were "why cant I buy it today" :)

Paris Equipment in Paris MO recently sold a 5035 demo model.... the first I am aware of locally.

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