Do You Have a Tractor Shed/Barn?

   / Do You Have a Tractor Shed/Barn? #1  


Gold Member
Nov 11, 2015
South Texas
New Holland Powerstar 120, Powerstar 75, New Holland c245
I do have a drive through tractor shed for my tractors, and a more closed barn for my welding trailer and CTL.

Have to admit that if everything is dusty, I'm prone to pull them all out to get washed off by an impending rain though. :LOL:


I've not built anything to house my implements yet... That would take quite a bit of cover to put a roof over harrows, discs, batwing cutters, and on and on...

What do you guys use? (If anything)
   / Do You Have a Tractor Shed/Barn? #2  
Back in 2020 or 2021 (time flies), I decided to get some closed storage on the remote propriety so I didn't have to haul my machines back and forth all the time.

The plan was to set up two 20 ft containers. I would spread them out and then build a roof joining both. Well, this was peak COVID price craziness, I was asked 1750€ for a single 20 ft container. This was more than double the price of a container in the year before and I needed two of them.

I abandoned that plan. Then I started searching for some used materials. Ended up scoring some thick 4" C channel and metal shingles for the roof and sides for a very good price. I had to but new metal girts and purlins but that was ok.

All in all, I put a much better building up, with much more usable space, for less than 3000€.

It's about 36 ft by 20 ft. Of course, as with any building, it's already full and I'm working on some shelves along the side to give so I can fill it even more.

I actually build this building at home, then took it all apart and hauled it to the remote propriety. I would like to paint it too, eventually.

   / Do You Have a Tractor Shed/Barn? #3  
My tractor is small so it sits in the garage at our house. There is a single car garage separate from our house that holds most of my implements.
   / Do You Have a Tractor Shed/Barn? #4  


Built it out at the property. We leave the equipment out there most of the year.

Got a warm room for the winter time. Small 12x12 insulated room with a wood burner and concrete floor.
   / Do You Have a Tractor Shed/Barn? #5  
Old quonsen hut, used to be used for drying and sorting tobacco, added a loft for hay storage, cut some of it out for a ladder to feed I cut it up for her bed