Good morning!!!!

   / Good morning!!!! #185,173  
31° now, high around 42° cloudy, wind N 5-10 mph may see a few showers this am.

Yesterdays temps never got above 35° but I did manage pick up sticks and get a small brush pile burned, still have a couple of bigger piles left to do.

Nothing much for today, maybe a Wally world visit and then take the Mrs to lunch.

Kilroy - Happy Birthday

Enjoy your day everyone
Prayers for those in need
   / Good morning!!!! #185,174  
31° now, high around 42° cloudy, wind N 5-10 mph may see a few showers this am.

Yesterdays temps never got above 35° but I did manage pick up sticks and get a small brush pile burned, still have a couple of bigger piles left to do.

Nothing much for today, maybe a Wally world visit and then take the Mrs to lunch.

Kilroy - Happy Birthday

Enjoy your day everyone
Prayers for those in need
Thank you!
   / Good morning!!!! #185,175  
Morning all, 38 going to 43 and light rain/cloudy
had to work late last night, luckily only have to do that every now and then.

Happy birthday Kilroy!

Be well,
   / Good morning!!!! #185,176  
Good morning, the low is 20 and going to a high of 28°F. Wind N 5 mph. 30% chance of flurries.

I missed my 'window of opportunity' to get the Journey washed. The car wash in Sundridge is only open on days where the temperatures are above freezing.
Tractor electrics were more important anyway.

Dump run today and some more shopping in Sundridge. For sure IF the car wash is open I WILL hose it off.

We got about an inch of snow overnight.

It doesn't matter whether or not the earth pig sees his shadow, we are going to get 6 more weeks of winter anyway.

Happy Birthday Kilroy!

Have a safe day all
   / Good morning!!!! #185,177  
Good Morning Guys,
Deerfield Beach, 56 to start going to 75 !
Partly sunny today !

Happy Birthday Kilroy ! Have a Great Day ! 🙏

Drew, are you talking about me or Scootr ?
I do see some large ships going by out on the horizon! I can try and load that AP, to see what is going by here ! But I do see the tankers or cargo ships every day !

Looks like we have some rain coming in on Sunday or Monday , so will try and get more beach time in before that happens !

Phil, curious on what mill you went to ! Central Massachusetts? In Vermont I go over to Adirondack Hard Woods in Lake George ! In Connecticut I go to a local mill in Woodbury, Ct !

Hope all have a blessed and safe day ! 🙏
   / Good morning!!!! #185,178  
Scott, if you are at the beach in FL you will see a constant parade of ships going by

productive morning, got two more flats of flowers planted, primarily because they sent me 6000 forget me not seeds and 120k phlox all for
three or four bucks a package. So....way too many seeds, plant extras with them. That way I can give a whole flat to someone if they want it.

2-2-24 first zinnias to arrive


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   / Good morning!!!! #185,179  
good morning

41 going to 45 no rain or snow in the Fc for the next week or so

Overflow over the berm on the pond finally stopped

Looked into the pond issues some more. Triggering permit enforcement will cost the neighbor 10's of thousands so decided to hold off hoping he will come to his senses.

He inside sleeved the overflow stand pipe and raised the elevation to close to overflow condition so now it flows much less

The easy fix lower the standpipe but he wants to raise the elevation of the berm instead to compensate for cattails and sediments in the pond. An approach that will likely fail and involve enforcement actions. Hope for the best

D's Latvia trip continues to evolve. Hope she can still find time to meet Helo
   / Good morning!!!! #185,180  
Good morning! 61˚F and will remain in the 60s all day with cloudy skies and a good chance of so rain with the southerly wind.

Ron We did go over kneeling in PT and that is one unpleasant feeling. He told me to practice on a pad like they have so I ordered one from Amazon. I will be working on it later this week when it come in, but without the thick dense foam pad I will not be kneeling.

Our card club started a new game last night that I attended. The card game is called 500. It is a fun game but not really one to play in a large rotating group the way it was set up last night. I'll give it a few months before going back to see if they can work the kinks out and settle one one set of rules. It is not as well organized as the Hand and Foot card game. If they would not use points as the criteria for moving to the next table it could work. It took our table the entire evening to get to 500 points.

The straightening and cleaning of the garage is going slower than I anticipated so that project is back on the agenda today. It has a nice epoxy floor so it is easy to clean with a mop.